Beginning Farmers and Ranchers

We also offer disaster assistance to help your farm recover.

Agriculture is an inherently risky business. It’s important to plan for everyday business risks and those brought on by natural disasters. Federal crop insurance and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program are good options for managing risk.

Conservation programs can help you take care of natural resources while improving the efficiencies on your operation.

See more information on other USDA funding for your operation or learn specifically about Farm Service Agency’s Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans .

Access to capital enables you to buy or lease land, buy equipment, and help with other operating costs. Learn more about resources for access to land and capital .

You might want to learn about the Score Mentorship Program to learn from a fellow farmer.

We can also provide free technical assistance and help you develop a conservation plan for your land.

We can guide you to resources for your business plan .

Learn how to sign up for a account. You can view loan information and manage conservation business online here.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coordinators are USDA team members that can help you understand the USDA process and find the right assistance for your operation. We have coordinators across the country.

If you need information in a language other than English, we can offer free translation services .

Your first step should be to contact your USDA Service Center and make an appointment. Be sure to ask what documents you’ll need. Also consider — what is your vision for your land and farm? What are your challenges?

Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers


We offer help for the unique concerns of producers who meet the USDA definition of “historically underserved” — beginning, socially disadvantaged, limited resource, and military veterans. In addition, women in agriculture are helping to pave the way for a better future. Use this self-determination tool to determine if you’re a limited resource producer.

If you inherited land without a clear title or documented legal ownership, learn more about how USDA can help Heirs’ Property Landowners establish a farm number to gain access to a variety of programs and services.

If you are a producer with disabilities, organizations like Agrability offer services that can help adapt and modify farm equipment to be more accessible.

Organic Farmers



If you are an organic farmer, you can apply for the same loans and programs as conventional farmers. You may also apply for USDA to pay a portion of your certification through the FSA Organic Certification Cost Share Program.

For specific conservation assistance that may interest you, check out NRCS Assistance for Organics.

The USDA National Organic Program has resources from a comprehensive list of organic farms to certification information. 

Learn more about USDA programs, services, and resources available for organic farmers.