Basic Parts of a Business Letter

The business world of the 21st century is way more casual than the 20th. Even so, Mars Translation advises business owners still need to send out business letters for multiple reasons. A professional business letter is more formal and carries more weight than an email or a text message. Mastering the format is a valuable business skill.


The basic parts of a business letter are your name and address at the top, then the date, then the recipient’s name, business and address. Next comes the salutation, the body of the letter, a closing line, and your name typed at the bottom.

Basic Parts of a Business Letter

The Northern Michigan University Writing Center says when you incorporate the basic parts of a business letter in your communication, it creates an instantly recognizable format. It tells your recipient that you’re in business mode, not casually chatting them up. It starts at the top of the page with your name, business and address. Below that, you put the current date.

After that comes the recipient’s name and address. Even if you know them, use their full name and title – Professor April Carver, Dr. Ryan Jenkins, Reverend Harold McAlister, for example. Then comes the salutation, such as “Dear Professor Carver” or “Dear Mr. Wong.” Never use Mr. or Ms. if you aren’t sure of the recipient’s gender. Better to leave it off than get it wrong.

Then comes the body of the letter in which you get down to business. Like the other basic parts of a business letter, all the paragraphs should be flush left. Usually, you leave a space between paragraphs in the body. It’s much more comfortable for the eyes than gazing at a solid block of text.

You wrap up with a closing line such as “Thank you for your time” or “I look forward to your reply.” Then you skip four lines and type your name and title. Sign in the four-line blank space if you’re printing out the letter to send as a hard copy. Even if you’re not, the space is one of the basic parts of a business letter so keep it in there.

Beyond the Basics

Sending business letters serves multiple purposes. They lay out proposals, provide information, and create a documentary record of what you and the recipient have been negotiating. It’s usually a good idea to write it, then rewrite it. Make sure the letter says exactly what you want it to, particularly when you’re discussing business proposals. You never want to write another letter saying, “No, that’s not what I meant!”

Business letters aren’t social. The Hartford website explains you should use the first paragraph to spell out the purpose of the letter quickly and clearly. The second paragraph and possibly the third include either evidence or persuasive arguments to back up the first paragraph. You then reemphasize the first-paragraph purpose and finish with a call to action, such as “If we get a go-ahead by close of business Friday, I can have the contract drawn up Monday.”

Following the rules shows you’re a professional who can be trusted. If you’re sending the letter as a hard copy, do it on quality paper, reinforcing the image that you’re taking things seriously. If you’re corresponding with someone overseas, talk to a translator or someone who understands the culture to confirm you haven’t committed an unintentional faux pas.