Báo giá, bán buôn, bán lẻ các giống cỏ nuôi trâu, bò, dê, cừu, cá
* Broader and darker green leaf
* More robust root system
* Ability to grow longer into the season
1. Scientific name: Panicum maximum cv.Mombasa
2. Description and key features: Mombasa guinea is one of the most palatable tropical species. It is better suited to higher rainfall regions and fertile well drained soils, but needs to be managed well. It is very palatable and is regarded as being more vigorous, drought tolerant and tougher than green panic. Suited to sub-tropical areas with fertile, well-drained soils, it also has good shade tolerance. It is similar to Green Panic except it has broader greener leaves. Species Origin: Africa. Growth habit: roots readily at nodes and can remain green for longer period into the growing season. The Plant is persistent and re-establishes quickly after trampling or long dry periods due to its robust root system.
3. Sowing time Mombasa could be sowed year round. Sowing time should be at time of moisturized soil and soil temperate 16oC above and best for Spring and Summer crops.
4. Sowing: It performs best in hot and humid conditions. However, it is susceptible to water-logging and flooded conditions. It is recommended for frost-free areas with 750 mm-1750mm rainfall. Seeds are very small and fine – up to 1.5million seeds/kg. Shallow seeding is recommended for better establishment. Due to its small seeds, it requires shallow seeding and can prove to be slower to establish.
Sow the seed on to the rows of 30-50 cm or broadcast sow, and bury the seed no more than 1-2 cm under the soil. Insuring enough moisture soil. Use a bloom or tree with branch to bury seeds.
Recommended seeding rate is 8-10 kg/ha.
5. Fertilizer: Well soil preparation and fertilizer for 1 ha as follows:
+ Basal: Manure of 10 tons, Urea 110 kg, Super Phosphate 450 kg and 90 kg of Kali Clorua.
+ Top dressing 7-10 days after each cut: Urea 110 kg.
Note: Weeding control at young plant stages.
6. Harvest and use: Management systems such as rotational grazing, set stocking or cut-and-carry are all suitable. Most farmers in South East Asia prefer cut-and-carry, whilst farmers in the South Pacific set stock for periods up to three months. For cut-and-carry, cut every 40-45 days in the wet season and 60-70 days in the cool season (depending on moisture and temperature).
Note: Cutting 5-7 cm above the soil level or at your leg ankle level and harvesting before booting stage.