Bamboo-Based Best Business Ideas. Eco-Friendly Bamboo Products Manufacturing Business

Bamboo-Based Best Business Ideas. Eco-Friendly Bamboo Products Manufacturing Business

Bamboo-Based Best Business Ideas. Eco-Friendly Bamboo Products Manufacturing Business

Considering the naturally renewing properties, Bamboo is one of the eco-friendly plants and sustainable alternatives. Belonging to the subfamily, ‘Bambusoideae’ comprises more than 115 genera and 1400 species. Bamboos are scattered across the tropical and sub-tropical areas to mildly temperate regions. It is a multipurpose forest product that plays a significant role in the domestic and industrial economies across the globe. Bamboo and products derived from bamboo have a wide range of indoor and outdoor applicability due to abundant availability.

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Apart from its use as a consumer product, it tends to have immense potential as an industrial raw resource. In the context of the Indian subcontinent, Bamboo has multiple usages and is a renewable resource in social, economic, ecological, cultural, functional, and climatic context with 1500 recorded applications in India. Bamboo is used across various industries such as food manufacturing, pulp and paper, replacement to wood, handicrafts, cottage industries, medical products, and charcoal manufacturing. Bamboo is often considered as a substitute for wood and industrial raw materials in both conventional cottage and modern industrial sectors.

Nagaland is one of the North-Eastern states with promotional and development schemes for the Bamboo industrial sector. To exploit the potential of bamboo and its advantages, the state made an announcement of its Bamboo policy on March 15th, 2004. The NDBA (Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency) was started to execute bamboo programmes and activities with an aim to facilitate ecological security and economic progress through the development and use of bamboo resources.

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The skilled and proficient team of NPCS with a well-defined plan guarantees higher gains. We offer all the important information required for the project.

Considering the strength and durability of bamboo, various bamboo-based products for manufacturing are:

ü  Bamboo Charcoal: Bamboo charcoal is conventionally used as a replacement for mineral coal or wood charcoal. It tends to serve as an absorbent, fuel, and charcoal. Activated bamboo charcoal can also be used for environmental cleansing, absorption of excess moisture, and manufacturing of medicines. The bamboo charcoal market is classified as, ‘Raw Bamboo Charcoal’ and ‘Bamboo Briquette Charcoal’.

These charcoals are prepared from culms, roots, and branches of the bamboo plant. Bamboo charcoal has a wide application in the food, textile, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industrial sectors. As per market report 2018, the demand for the bamboo charcoal market is estimated to generate massive returns in the coming seven years. Thus, setting up bamboo charcoal manufacturing units would be a lucrative small scale venture to opt for.

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ü  Bamboo Pulp & Paper: Bamboo has numerous applications in the pulp and paper industries. Upon processing bamboo, it can be used for making printing pages, cardboard, toilet tissues, coffee fillers, and cement snacks. A factory or industry producing these products from versatile bamboo can be resumed.

Because these raw materials are cost-effective and have sourcing feasibility. If one resides nearby the bamboo plantations, a lot of capital is not required to acquire them. Therefore, to maximize returns, independent bamboo plantations can be set up. All these are every day-use products, and a lot of promotional expenditure is not necessary to acquire market access.

ü  Bamboo tea: The tender bamboo leaves are generally used to manufacture tea considering its health-related attributes. The bamboo leaves can be picked, dried, and the essence is extracted into the brew. These bamboo leaves can be packaged and sold as a uniquely blended tea.

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ü  Bamboo handicrafts: The cane and bamboo are extensively grown in the forests of Nagaland. Nagas possess inherent expertise and skill to make bamboo baskets, armlets, hats, necklaces, shields, mats, and other bamboo-based products. The beautifully designed handicrafts of Nagaland depict the tradition and culture of Nagas. These bamboo handicrafts are also known for their quality and durability. A standalone shop or an online business can be started to sell these handicrafts, which could bring in good returns.

ü  Bamboo furniture: Bamboo, being one of the reliable and durable products is useful in making furniture. Bamboo furniture is quite popular as decorative furniture and being light-weight tend to be portable. The various bamboo products such as sofa-sets, tables, chairs, beds, rocking chairs, etc. are manually prepared by weaving bamboo silver.

Bamboo and cane furniture manufacturing workshops can be set up on a small-scale in the localized compound or garage, if permissible. The furniture can be crafted and sold as per demand or displayed in the shop, which can be a bit costly. Or the crafted furniture can be collectively gathered and periodic garage sales can be held. 

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ü  Bamboo toothbrushes: Bamboo toothbrushes are in trend and would soon be gaining a good hold in the market. Considering the growing plastic pollution, ways to reduce plastic consumption would offer a good market for bamboo toothbrushes. As these brushes tend to be environment-friendly, it is a thriving market. One can opt to create a standalone toothbrush store or a general bamboo store and stock up other bamboo-based dental products such as brush holders.

These bamboo toothbrushes can be marketed on various social media platforms, as well as television and radio advertisements. Thus, simply selling bamboo-based toothbrushes similar in style can be a profitable business idea. One of the advantages of using a bamboo toothbrush is that it has to be changed periodically and there would always be an existing market for the product. Thus, ensuring that the customer is continually using the toothbrush brand.

NPCS is one of the emerging brands in the corporate domain offering holistic technical consultations. Having explored the market for ‘Bamboo-based Business Ideas to start in Nagaland’, establishing the same would result in increased profits!



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