Bài Tập So That Such That Violet, So That Such That Violet

Bốn cấu trúc Too to, enough to, so that, such that xuất hiện rất thường xuyên ở chương trình học phổ thông cũng như trong các đề thi tiếng Anh. Nhưng để hiểu rõ và sử dụng chính xác từng cấu trúc thì không hề đơn giản chút nào.

Bạn đang xem: Bài tập so that such that violet

Hôm nay mình sẽ cũng các bạn đi tìm hiểu cách dùng, ý nghĩa và bài tập vận dụng chúng nhé.

Too…to để diễn tả điều gì vượt quá khả năng của ai đó, quá mức cần thiết hoặc một việc không có khả năng xảy ra. Khi đó câu sẽ mang nghĩa phủ định.

Ví dụ:

She was too tired to walk.

⟹ Cô ấy đã quá mệt đến nỗi không thể đi bộ.

It was too cold to go out.

⟹ Trời đã quá lạnh đến nỗi không thể đi ra ngoài.


It was too cold to go out.

Her behaviour was too rude for me to tolerate.

⟹ Cách hành xử của cô ta quá thô lỗ đến nỗi tôi không thể chịu được.

Một số lưu ý khi sử dụng cấu trúc Too…to

➤ Nếu trước tính từ, trạng từ có các trạng từ như too, so, very, quite, extremely… thì khi chuyển sang cấu trúc Too … to phải bỏ những trạng từ đó đi.

Ví dụ:

The coffee was very hot. I couldn’t drink it.

⟹ The coffee was too hot for me to drink.

➤ Nếu chủ ngữ 2 câu giống nhau thì lược bỏ phần for Sb.

Ví dụ:

He is so weak. He can’t run.

⟹ He is too weak to run.

➤ Nếu chủ ngữ câu đầu giống với tân ngữ câu sau thì phải bỏ tân ngữ câu sau khi chuyển sang cấu trúc Too…to

Ví dụ:

The tea was too hot. I couldn’t drink it.

⟹ The tea was too hot for me to drink. ĐÚNG

The tea was too hot for me to drink it. SAI

Một số cấu trúc viết lại câu



Cấu trúc này khi được sử dụng sẽ ở dạng phủ định và sử dụng từ trái nghĩa với Adj, Adv được sử dụng ở cấu trúc Too…to

S + be + Adj + enough + (for O) + to V

S + V + Adv + enough + (for O) + to V

Ví dụ:

The child is too short to reach the ceiling.

⟹ The child isn’t tall enough to reach the ceiling.

He drove too quickly for us to keep pace with.

⟹ He didn’t drive slowly enough for us to keep pace with.



Ở cấu trúc này, ta phải thêm tân ngữ ở mệnh đề sau “that”.

S + be + too + Adj/ V + too + Adv + that + S + can/ could not V

Ví dụ:

The house is too expensive for me to buy.

⟹ The house is too expensive that I can not buy it.

Cấu trúc Enough to (Đủ….để có thể làm gì)

Tính từ: S + be + Adj + enough + (for somebody) + to V

Trạng từ: S + V + Adv + enough + (for somebody) + to V

Danh từ: S + V/tobe + enough + N + (for somebody) + to V

Ví dụ:

She isn’t tall enough to be a ballet dancer.

⟹ Cố ấy không đủ cao để trở thành diễn viên múa ba lê.

He ran fast enough to catch the bus.

⟹ Anh ta đã chạy đủ nhanh để bắt được xe bus.


Your clothes are big enough to fit me.

Have you got enough money to buy me a drink?

⟹ Bạn có đủ tiền để mua đồ uống cho tôi không?

Chú ý: Những lưu ý khi sử dụng cấu trúc Enough to giống với cấu trúc Too…to

Cấu trúc So… that (Quá…đến nỗi)

Dùng với tính từ

Dùng với tính từ

S + be+ so + Adj + that + S + V

S + V (chỉ tri giác) + so + Adj + that + S + V

Ví dụ:

The food was so hot that we couldn’t eat it.

⟹ Thức ăn nóng quá đến nỗi chúng tôi không thể ăn được.

I felt so angry that I decided to cancel the trip.

⟹ Tôi tức giận quá đến nỗi mà tôi đã hủy ngay chuyến đi.


He ate so much food that he became ill.

Dùng với trạng từ

Dùng với trạng từ

S + V + so + Adv + that + S + V

Ví dụ:

He drove so quickly that no one could caught him up.

⟹ Anh ta lái xe nhanh đến nỗi không ai đuổi kịp anh ta.

Dùng với danh từ

Dùng với danh từ

Số nhiều đếm được: S + V+ so many/ few + Ns/ Nes + that + S + V

Không đếm được: S + V + so much/ little + N + that + S + V

Số ít đếm được: S + V + so + Adj + a + N + that + S + V

Ví dụ:

She has so many hats that she spends much time choosing the suitable one.

⟹ Cô ấy có nhiều mũ đến nỗi cố ấy mất rất nhiều thời gian để chọn lựa một chiếc thích hợp.

He had so much money that he didn’t know what to do with it.

⟹ Anh ta có quá nhiều tiền đến nỗi anh ấy không biết làm gì với nó.

It was so big a house that all of us could stay in it.

⟹ Đó là một ngôi nhà lớn đến nỗi tất cả chúng tôi đều ở được trong đó.

Chú ý: Trong cấu trúc này, “so” và “that” được viết cách nhau. Nếu “so that” viết liền nhau thì có nghĩa chỉ mục đích làm gì, giống như in order to và so as to vậy.

Cấu trúc Such…that

S + be/ V + such + (a/an) + adj + N + that + S + V

Về mặt ngữ nghĩa, cấu trúc Such… that giống với So… that và hoàn toàn có thể dùng để thay thế nhau. Nó cũng đi kèm với các từ loại giống như cấu trúc So…that.

Ví dụ:

It was such a beautiful meteor storm that we watched it all night.

⟹ Đó là một trận mưa sao băng đẹp đến nỗi chúng tôi ngắm nhìn nó cả đêm.


It was such a beautiful meteor storm that we watched it all night.

It was such an amazing sight that we’ll never forget it.

⟹ Đó là một cảnh tượng thú vị đến nỗi chúng tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên được nó.

This is such difficult homework that it took me much time to finish.

Xem thêm: Nghĩa Của Từ In That Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ In That, So That Là Gì

⟹ Bài tập về nhà khó đến nỗi tôi mất nhiều thời gian mới làm xong.

He bought such a lot of books that he didn’t know where to put them.

⟹ Anh ta mua nhiều sách đến nỗi không biết để chúng ở đâu.

Chú ý:

Hầu hết các trường hợp sử dụng cấu trúc Such…that đều đi kèm động từ tobe phía trước. Chỉ trừ trường hợp như ví dụ 4 trên đây khi sau “such” là “a lot of, lots of, a little, a few” thì sẽ đi kèm với động từ thường. Cả 2 cấu trúc So…that và Such…that đều có thể được viết lại bằng cấu trúc Too…to và Enough to.

Hầu hết các trường hợp sử dụng cấu trúc Such…that đều đi kèm động từ tobe phía trước. Chỉ trừ trường hợp như ví dụ 4 trên đây khi sau “such” là “a lot of, lots of, a little, a few” thì sẽ đi kèm với động từ thường. Cả 2 cấu trúc So…that và Such…that đều có thể được viết lại bằng cấu trúc Too…to và Enough to.

Ví dụ:

This is such a dirty place that we can’t live in.

⟹ This place is so dirty that we can’t live in.

This place is too dirty for us to live in.

This place isn’t clean enough for us to live in.

Bài tập áp dụng

I. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. It was …………………. hot that we didn’t go out.

A. so B. such C. very

2. She is ……………….. old to work.

A. very B. too C. so

3. The tea was …………………. hot.

A. too B. very C. Either could be used here

4. The milk was …………………. good that we couldn’t stop drinking it.

A. very B. too C. so

5. It’s ………………… terrible weather.

A. such B. so C. Either could be used here

6. She is looking ………………….. older.

A. so B. so much C. Either could be used here

7. It was ………………….. warm when we were in Vienna.

A. very B. so C. such

8. He spoke ………………… fast that nobody could understand.

A. so B. very C. too

9. Would you be ………………….. kind as to tell me the time?

A. so B. very C. too

10. He is a ………………….. intelligent child.

A. very B. so C. too

II. Hoàn thành câu sử dụng: so & such

The pan was__________ hot that I nearly dropped it! Jones was __________a kind man that I was sad when he moved to another town. We have __________ many pets that sometimes it’s really noisy. Alicia is __________ good at basketball that I think she could be a professional. There was __________ a lot of smoke that I couldn’t see. Tyrone ran __________fast that no one had a chance in the race. Cherie is __________popular that everyone wants to be friends with her. Would you like to have __________long hair that you can sit on it?

The pan was__________ hot that I nearly dropped it! Jones was __________a kind man that I was sad when he moved to another town. We have __________ many pets that sometimes it’s really noisy. Alicia is __________ good at basketball that I think she could be a professional. There was __________ a lot of smoke that I couldn’t see. Tyrone ran __________fast that no one had a chance in the race. Cherie is __________popular that everyone wants to be friends with her. Would you like to have __________long hair that you can sit on it?

III. Viết lại câu mà không làm thay đổi nghĩa

1. The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it.

⟹ It is ….

2. The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him.

⟹ He is ….

3. The film is so long that they can’t broadcast it on one night.

⟹ It is …..

4. The books are so interesting that we have read them many times.

⟹ They are…..

5. The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it.

⟹ It was….

6. The food was so hot that it turned my tongue.

=> It was…..

7. There is so much rain that we can’t go out.

⟹ There is such….

8. The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy.

⟹ He is ….

9. The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more.

⟹ It is ….

10. The weather was so warm that they had a walk in the garden.

⟹ It was….

11. There were so many people in the hall that we couldn’t see him.

⟹ There were such…

12. The match was so exciting that all the fans shouted loudly.

⟹ It was…

13. They drank so much coffee that they couldn’t sleep all night.

⟹ They drunk such…..

14. Alice had so many exercises to do that she couldn’t go out.

⟹ Alice had such…..

15. The woman was so poor that she needed everyone’s help.

⟹ She was …..

Đáp án


A – It was so hot that we didn’t go out. B – She is too old to work. A,B – The tea was too / very hot. (Too can be used to talk about a negative extreme. Very is also possible here.) C – The milk was so good that we couldn’t stop drinking it. A – It is such terrible weather. B – She is looking so much older. (Before a comparative form we use so much, not so.) A – It was very warm when we were in Vienna. (To simply give information, we use very.) A – He spoke so fast that nobody could understand. A – Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? A – He is a very intelligent child.

A – It was so hot that we didn’t go out. B – She is too old to work. A,B – The tea was too / very hot. (Too can be used to talk about a negative extreme. Very is also possible here.) C – The milk was so good that we couldn’t stop drinking it. A – It is such terrible weather. B – She is looking so much older. (Before a comparative form we use so much, not so.) A – It was very warm when we were in Vienna. (To simply give information, we use very.) A – He spoke so fast that nobody could understand. A – Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? A – He is a very intelligent child.


So Such So So Such So So Such

So Such So So Such So So Such


It is such a tidy room that it took us one hour to clean it. He is such a fool man that no one took any notice of him. It is such a long film that they can’t broadcast it on one night. They are such interesting books that we have read them many times. It was such bad news that she burst into tears on hearing it. It was such hot food that it turned my tongue. There is such a lot of rain that we can’t go out. He is such a fat boy that every calls him Stuffy. It is such excellent milk that all the children want some more. It was such warm weather that they had a walk in the garden There were such a lot of people in the hall that we couldn’t see him. It was such an exciting match that all the fans shouted loudly. They drunk such a lot of coffee that they couldn’t sleep all night. Alice had such a lot of exercises to do that she couldn’t go out. She was such a poor woman that she needed everyone’s

It is such a tidy room that it took us one hour to clean it. He is such a fool man that no one took any notice of him. It is such a long film that they can’t broadcast it on one night. They are such interesting books that we have read them many times. It was such bad news that she burst into tears on hearing it. It was such hot food that it turned my tongue. There is such a lot of rain that we can’t go out. He is such a fat boy that every calls him Stuffy. It is such excellent milk that all the children want some more. It was such warm weather that they had a walk in the garden There were such a lot of people in the hall that we couldn’t see him. It was such an exciting match that all the fans shouted loudly. They drunk such a lot of coffee that they couldn’t sleep all night. Alice had such a lot of exercises to do that she couldn’t go out. She was such a poor woman that she needed everyone’s

Đó là tất cả những gì bạn cần biết về bốn cấu trúc trên. Hi vọng bài viết đã giúp bạn tự tin hơn với phần kiến thức này khi áp dụng vào bài tập cũng như giao tiếp. Còn điều gì thắc mắc hãy để lại comment bên dưới để mình biết nhé và đừng quên ghé thăm website Báo Song Ngữ thường xuyên nhé.