Backlinko Review: Our Thoughts On Brian Deans SEO Course

Brett has been starting, growing, and monetizing websites since 2014. While in college, he began to learn about digital marketing. After graduating, he continued to build a diverse portfolio of websites while working a full time job. After years of building the portfolio on the side, he made the jump to run his websites full time.

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Backlinko is one of the top SEO training blogs.

The site was founded by Brian Dean in 2002 and has added tons of amazing resources over the past 16 years.

The backstory about the website is covered on the About Page.

Brian launched several failed online businesses before creating a very successful personal finance website.

He learned a lot about SEO during his career as an online entrepreneur, so he decided to start Backlinko to share his wisdom with others.

His site has been very successful, because his advice is based on tangible experience and empirical results, rather than rehashing the same cliché tips that most other sites offer.

What Brian Offers on his blog

Brian pledges to offer exclusive SEO resources that his readers won’t find anywhere else. He makes good on his promise by offering:

  • Regularly updated posts covering the best SEO practices. These resources are updated every year, because the principles of SEO are frequently changing.
  • Extensive case studies showing the results of different SEO strategies. The evidence-based findings help readers realize why they should prioritize certain strategies over others.
  • Detailed advice on building backlinks, conducting SEO audits and other approaches that are frequently overlooked by many other SEO blogs.

Brian uses content locking on some of his pillar posts. You need to subscribe to his email list to be able to access them. However, most of his posts are not locked.

The posts that are available to the general public are still filled with valuable information, but they don’t have all of the gold nuggets that you will find in the locked posts. Although you may need to join his email list to see some content, you don’t need to pay to access any of it.

Brian’s newsletter and other exclusive content

Brian‘s blog is full of quality content. However, he also shares some valuable information with newsletter subscribers that isn’t available in any of his posts.

Brian also has a detailed case study that he shares with every new subscriber. This case study provides an overview on how he was able to increase his traffic by 110% in just 14 days. The case study is merged with a step-by-step guide on boosting traffic. Brian says that this case study includes a real-life application of his Skyscraper Technique.

Again, this information doesn’t cost a penny. You simply need to join his newsletter to get his case study and other valuable content.

About Brian‘s blog

vector graphic showing a header image with Brian Dean on it

At first glance, Backlinko is just an SEO Blog with exceptional content. To the casual observer, it would be difficult to see how authoritative Brian is or how effective his strategies are. When you dig deeper, you will see that Brian is truly a genius at SEO and is recognized as a leading authority by his colleagues.

Backlinko is ranking for 35,400 keywords, according to SEMRush. SEMRush shows that his website is in the top 31,700 ranking websites in the world. This is incredibly impressive, when you consider that there are over 1 billion websites, according to NetCraft.

Some of the keywords that the Backlinko website is ranking for are extremely competitive. The site is on the front page of Google for the keywords:

  • Google search console
  • Google keyword planner
  • Search console
  • Keyword planner

The most impressive part is that he holds the 12th spot on Google for the keyword “SEO.” This one word keyword is one of the most competitive in the entire world. The fact that Brian is ranking at the top of the second page of Google for it is nothing short of spectacular.

Brian also has a very impressive social following and is cited by numerous other experts. He has published content in or been referenced in articles on Entrepreneur, Inc., Forbes and QuickSprout.

Brian also has over 72,000 Twitter followers and 166,000 YouTube subscribers. Compared to most other SEO experts, this is a remarkable number of social media followers. SEO is not a very exciting niche, so most experts don’t earn more than 1,000 followers. Brian is clearly an exception, because he is such a distinguished expert in the field.

Brian is just as committed to sharing exceptional content on Twitter and YouTube as he is on his blog. Most other experts simply tweet links to their blogs with brief titles. Brian offers more detailed content in his tweets. He lists several important points from each blog post, so readers know what to expect when they visit his article. This seems to explain why most of his tweets have around 100 retweets and nearly 200 likes.

Brian also has one of the most expensive collections of YouTube videos of any SEO professional. Over the past four years, he has posted 23 videos and is adding more over time. Most of his videos are between five and 13 minutes long. However, some of them are closer to 20 minutes.

Brian has done an excellent job at repurposing his content for YouTube. Most of his videos appear to be similar to the content that he shares on his blog. However, they are presented in a more visual and engaging format, which allows him to reach a wider audience and appeal to people that learn better from videos than written content.

Overall Opinion of the Blog

Backlinko is one of the most authoritative SEO blogs on the Internet. It has very detailed case studies and step-by-step tutorials, which will be invaluable to anybody trying to boost their rankings in Google. You can unlock even more valuable content by joining the email newsletter.

It was started by Brian Dean, one of the foremost experts on SEO. Due to the sheer depth of information, this blog stands head and shoulders over most other SEO advice websites.

Brett Helling


Brett has been starting, growing, and monetizing websites since 2014. While in college, he began to learn about digital marketing. After graduating, he continued to build a diverse portfolio of websites while working a full time job. After years of building the portfolio on the side, he made the jump to run his websites full time.
