BNI® Business Builder – The Official BNI Podcast


Today’s theme is activity vs. results, the conversation Dr. Misner has had since he started BNI 34 years ago this week.

Meaghan Chitwood, Director of Global Training for BNI explains that your activities have to change as you become busier, because you need to get more results from the same amount of time.

An example of this is conducting one-to-ones. During your first one-to-one with a member, you’ll probably have a more general discussion to get to know each other. But on subsequent one-to-ones, share the specific things you’re working on and the referrals you need.

If you’re doing something that works for everyone else and it’s not working for you, ask yourself “How can I do this differently and get a better result?”

Take a look at the tasks you’re engaging in—both within and outside of BNI—and eliminate the tasks that aren’t getting results. If you think BNI is taking too much time, talk to your director consultant about how to work your BNI program more effectively.

If there’s a skill you need to hone in BNI, search BNI® Business Builder for that topic and you’ll find tons of resources.

Introduction to BNI University. Also available as an iOS and Android app.
 [View the entire transcript of this episode]