BMW Electric Cars: Latest Info & Overview | BMW Australia

A significant external factor that influences the performance and capacity of a battery is the temperature. You may have noticed the same thing with your mobile phone battery. Very cold temperatures can limit battery performance in particular. It is similar with your electric vehicle. However, our optimised performance strategies minimise the effect that temperature can have.
And did you know that the capacity of the battery also provides information about your remaining range? In addition to temperature, the range is influenced by other factors that affect how fast energy is consumed, such as the use of air conditioning, the current load, and your driving style.

If you ever need to recharge while away from home, your BMW electric vehicle will be preconditioned for the DC charging point* at your destination, which means the high-voltage battery is brought to the optimum operating temperature by the time you get there. This increases the maximum power while charging and reduces the amount of time you need.
* Only relevant for BMW electric vehicles.