Audio Calls with Skype for Business | IT Services | Marquette University

Answer an audio call

When someone calls you, an alert pops up on your screen. Do one of the following:

  • To answer the call, click anywhere on the photo area.
  • Click Ignore to reject the call and send to voice mail.
  • Click Options to take other actions:
    • Send the call to voice mail.
    • To redirect the call click Mobile or Home.
    • Reply with IM instead of audio or video
    • Set to Do not Disturb to reject the call and
      avoid other calls.

    Click Options and make a selection

Make an audio call

You can make a Skype for Business call to your
contacts, or dial a number just like a regular phone. Or use the computer:

  • Click the contact you want to call.
  • Click the Phone icon to call the contact over Skype for Business, or click the arrow next to the Phone icon and select a number.
  • Select the Call Controls button for other actions:

    Call Controls button

  • Click




    to place the call on hold.

  • If you have a second device


    connected, you can switch to it without leaving the


    conversation. Click the


    Call Control


    icon, then click


    Devices. Select the device.

    Click the Call Controls icon > Devices

Numbers to use for campus, off-campus local and long distance calls

To dial the number, you can use the phone device to punch in an entire number (e.g., 5551212) then either lift the receiver or press the speaker phone key.

On-campus calls
If you are on campus, you dial five-digit extension numbers. Extensions beginning with an 8 denote administrative/faculty numbers. Extensions starting with 3 indicate non-direct extensions (e.g., elevator phones or phones in residence hall lobbies).

Off-campus local calls
Dial the desired number (e.g., 5551212).

Direct dial long distance calls
Dial Area Code + seven digit number (e.g., 6085551212.)

If you have a CX600 Polycom phone, functionality is limited if the phone is locked:

  • You can make and receive calls, but functionality is limited, for example it is not possible to transfer a call when the phone is locked. In order to transfer the call, you need to unlock and enter the PIN – this can be done without putting the call on hold.
  • You cannot access voice mail and calendar when the phone is locked, but you can see the time of your next meeting.

How to unlock a CX600 phone

Unlock the phone and enter your PIN

  • Log in to the computer, or
  • Unlock it manually by pressing Left Select. The PIN entry screen appears. Enter your PIN, and press Left Select or OK.

For questions about Skype for Business, please contact the IT Services Help Desk at (414) 288-7799 or [email protected].

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