Atheros QCA9377 – Wifi is working too slow

Test some different kernels as the QCA9377 uses an in-kernel driver. The linux-lts and linux-mainline kernels are likely the best places to start.

It also wouldn’t hurt to test out the linux-firmware-git package to see if there are any improvements using the newest firmware updates.

Have you tried disabling IPv6?

Have you tried a different DNS provider?

Have you tested your laptop on different networks?

Is the speed the same with your wfi when using an alternate network to connect to?

Have you tested your speed by connecting to your router directly using an ethernet cable?

Is your speed improved if you use your cell phone’s wifi via USB phone tethering?

Have you power cycled (restarted) your router?

Do you have an alternate router you could try out just in case your router is part of the issue?

Although it is likely not a network or hardware issue it never hurts to eliminate all other possibilities. Please answer all questions put to you, so we can cross off other causes than your wifi adapter itself. It is more than likely your wifi model that is the issue, as this is the most problematic Atheros wifi adapter by a long shot. However, it is still possible other issues are in play, so we need to be thorough when troubleshooting.

Try running this command:

echo -e "[connection]\nwifi.powersave = 2" | sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

After running that command reboot or restart Network Manager. If that command brings no improvement, try the alternate version below:

echo -e "[connection]\nwifi.powersave = 0" | sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Again, reboot or restart Network Manager after running this alternate command.

Hopefully something in my list will point us in the right direction, or correct your problem. Be sure to report back on every suggestion, and answer every question put to you in full.