Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

ANDE Updates and News

Announcing The SGB Evidence Fund

The Small and Growing Business (SGB) Evidence Fund is a joint effort of ANDE and the International Growth Centre (IGC) to support collaborations between researchers and practitioners to understand the most effective ways to support SGBs and the economic and social impact of SGB growth. To learn more, visit the website or read the one-pager. Practitioners who are interested in participating in the fund should complete a short questionnaire. 

Just Launched: Myanmar Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Snapshot 

How can we best support entrepreneurship in Myanmar? We’ve just released some new insights. This is part of a new data visualization tool to identify market gaps in emerging market economies. Check out our latest snapshot here. 

Register Now: London Member Meeting and Evening Reception

ANDE members will gather in London on April 8 for a one day meeting. It provides a place to network and meet other ANDE members, share reports from the field, and announce opportunities and discuss challenges. The daytime event is for ANDE members only but the meeting will be followed by an evening reception that is open to members and non-members.

ANDE members can register for the daytime meeting here and for the Public Networking Reception here. ANDE Members: please note that you must sign up separately for each event.

Uganda Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Initiative: Phase I Findings and Recommendations
ANDE, the Center for Development Alternatives, Enterprise Uganda, and Koltai & Company released the Phase I findings of ANDE’s Uganda Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Initiative on November 28, 2018. The Phase I report maps the entrepreneurial ecosystems of Kampala and Gulu—two key regions for Ugandan economic growth. It then outlines a strategic path forward for promoting entrepreneurship in these regions, recommending specific actions to overcome ecosystem constraints. Read the report now. 

Welcome to ANDE’s Newest Members!


The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) is a global membership network of organizations that propel entrepreneurship in emerging markets. ANDE members provide critical financial, educational, and business support services to small and growing businesses (SGBs) based on the conviction that SGBs will create jobs, stimulate long-term economic growth, and produce environmental and social benefits.