Artificial Neural Networks Applications and Algorithms

Artificial Neural Networks Applications and Algorithms

What is an Artificial Neural Network?

What is a Neural Network?

Parts of Neuron and their Functions

What is the Difference Between Computer and Human Brain?

Artificial Neural Networks with Biological Neural Network — Similarity

  • A neural network acquires knowledge through learning.
  • A neural network’s knowledge is stored within inter-neuron connection strengths known as synaptic weights.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) With Biological Neural Network (BNN) — Comparison

How Does Artificial Neural Network Works?

  • Binary — The output has only two values either 0 and 1. For this, the threshold value is set up. If the net weighted input is greater than 1, output is assumed as one otherwise zero.
  • Sigmoidal Hyperbolic — This function has an ‘S’ shaped curve. Here the tan hyperbolic function is used to approximate output from net input. The function is defined as — f (x) = (1/1+ exp(-????x)) where ???? — steepness parameter.

Types of Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence

Neural Network Architecture Types

Hardware Architecture for Neural Networks

  • Software simulation in conventional computer
  • A special hardware solution for decreasing execution time.

Learning Techniques in Artificial Neural Networks

Training Algorithms For Artificial Neural Networks

Learning Data Sets in Artificial Neural Networks

Five Algorithms to Train a Neural Network

  • Hebbian Learning Rule
  • Self — Organizing Kohonen Rule
  • Hopfield Network Law
  • LMS algorithm (Least Mean Square)
  • Competitive Learning

Artificial Neural Network Architecture

  • Input layer — It contains those units (Artificial Neurons) which receive input from the outside world on which the network will learn, recognize about or otherwise process.
  • Output layer — It contains units that respond to the information about how it’s learned any task.
  • Hidden layer — These units are in between input and output layers. The job of the hidden layer is to transform the input into something that the output unit can use in some way.

Learning Techniques in Neural Networks

Learning and Development in Neural Networks

  • Nine inputs from x1 — x9 along with bias b (input having weight value 1) is fed to the network for the first pattern.
  • Initially, weights are initialized to zero.
  • Then weights are updated for each neuron using the formulae: Δ wi = xi y for i = 1 to 9 (Hebb’s Rule)
  • Finally, new weights are found using the formulae:
  • wi(new) = wi(old) + Δwi
  • Wi(new) = [111–11–1 1111]
  • The second pattern is input to the network. This time, weights are not initialized to zero. The initial weights used here are the final weights obtained after presenting the first pattern. By doing so, the network
  • The steps from 1–4 are repeated for second inputs.
  • The new weights are Wi(new) = [0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 000]

4 Different Techniques of Neural Networks

Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition

  • Supervised classification — Given the input pattern is identified as the member of a predefined class.
  • Unsupervised classification — Pattern is assigned to a hitherto unknown class.

Approaches For Pattern Recognition

  • Template Matching
  • Statistical
  • Syntactic Matching
  • Artificial Neural Networks

Neural Network for Deep Learning

  • Feed-forward neural networks
  • Recurrent neural network
  • Multi-layer perceptrons (MLP)
  • Convolutional neural networks
  • Recursive neural networks
  • Deep belief networks
  • Convolutional deep belief networks
  • Self-Organizing Maps
  • Deep Boltzmann machines
  • Stacked de-noising auto-encoders

Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

  • Automotive engineering
  • Applicant screening of jobs
  • Control of crane
  • Monitoring of glaucoma

Neural Network for Machine Learning

  • Multilayer Perceptron (supervised classification)
  • Back Propagation Network (supervised classification)
  • Hopfield Network (for pattern association)
  • Deep Neural Networks (unsupervised clustering)

Applications of Neural Networks

Advantages of Neural Networks

  • A neural network can perform tasks that a linear program can not.
  • When an element of the neural network fails, it can continue without any problem by their parallel nature.
  • A neural network learns and does not need to be reprogrammed.
  • It can be implemented in any application.
  • It can be performed without any problem.

Limitations of Neural Networks

Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks

Learning Rules in Neural Network

  • Hebbian learning rule; It determines, how to customize the weights of nodes of a system.
  • Perceptron learning rule; Network starts its learning by assigning a random value to each load.
  • Delta learning rule; Modification in sympatric weight of a node is equal to the multiplication of error and the input.
  • Correlation learning rule; It is similar to supervised learning.

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