
Build an extension that adds new powers to Coda docs for a chance at $20,000 in prizes.

In my opinion Apps Script is a somewhat undervalued skill. So much of the world runs on spreadsheets, and many of those sheets are glued together using Apps Script. Well the good news is that your Apps Script skills are the perfect fit for a virtual hackathon running now: the Coda Packathon.

Coda is a new kind of doc, built for teams, sort of like a cross between Sheets, Docs, and Sites. Instead of a scripting language Coda includes Packs, a simple plugin mechanism that lets you enhance the core features of the doc. We just launched the platform, and to celebrate we’re running a six-week virtual hackathon to see who can build the best Packs.

Writing a Pack is a lot like writing an Apps Script:

  1. You can create a Pack from start to finish in your browser (use
  2. Packs are written using JavaScript (technically TypeScript, but you don’t need to use types)
  3. Packs can be used to add a custom formula, sync data into a table, update a record in an API.

You can learn more about the Packathon and register here:

Source: Coda Packathon

Eric Koleda

Developer Advocate 🥑 at @coda_hq, previously @google