Done Dirt Cheap: 9781419723681: Lemon, Sarah Nicole: Books

Done Dirt Cheap was such a wild and often heartbreaking ride filled with bikers and the complex rules that go along with motorcycle clubs. At the center are two young women just trying to find their place in this world, despite the odds stacked against them.

Virginia and Tourmaline are two very different girls from two very different backgrounds – one is the “princess”, the president of the club’s daughter, the other is a girl sold to a sleazy lawyer as payment for a legal bill. Despite their different upbringings, they have one thing in common – they are both on the outside, just trying to navigate their place in this world. The circumstances that bring them together are built on lies and deceit, but what truly makes them friends overshadows anything else. At its core, Done Dirt Cheap is a tale of friendship and girl power, adversity and obstacles.

With steamy southern Virginia as a backdrop for this story, it’s easy to see that life is a little different in these parts, particularly for women. Old societal biases aside, it also doesn’t help that the motorcycle club as a whole sees women as insignificant objects, merely put in place as a way to earn patches for their vests. As individuals, some members see things very differently, which leads to a little romance for good measure 😉 And again, club rules! Navigating a relationship that touches on the club is guaranteed to get messy and complicated, and each young woman is also navigating that hurdle along with their many others.

My only complaint is that in some instances, motivations and actions weren’t explained, just merely implied. I like to know reasoning and thought processes behind actions, and many times, Lemon left it up to the reader to try and decipher why someone would do something. Which is fine, especially when it comes to something that may have a difficult outcome, but many of these situations in question were mundane in nature and had resulting mundane results.

Overall, I loved Done Dirt Cheap. I loved the girl power, I loved the feminist aspect of the story, and I loved how two young women rose above the life-long challenges presented to them and knew from the start that they deserve to be equals among men. And I loved the happy ending because if anyone deserved one, it’s certainly both Virginia and Tourmaline.