Altaro DOJO | Hyper-V

Your “go to” destination for Microsoft Hyper-V

Hyper-V is a hypervisor developed by Microsoft that allows you to run multiple virtual machines on a piece of hardware.

If you’re beginning your journey in managing Hyper-V, we’ve got a number of in-depth guides and articles available that will teach you the basics of Hyper-V Compute, Storage, and Networking. If you’re a Hyper-V veteran, don’t worry, we have a number of advanced articles for you as well! Our authors are some of the most experienced engineers in the industry, with some holding the MVP Designation from Microsoft!

If you haven’t added Hyper-V knowledge to your toolbox, today is a great day to start!

We know that managing Hyper-V can be difficult, especially in more complex environments. As such, we’ve gathered the knowledge from our authors and put together several different resources to make your day-to-day administration of Hyper-V easier and more time effective. Whatever medium suits your learning style best, we’ve got it! Need bite sized chunks? Check out our blog posts. Need something more in-depth? We have a number of Hyper-V eBooks available. Do you do better with a video medium? Be sure to review our list of Hyper-V webinars! We do them monthly and always bring in the top talent in the industry to give you the best information and best practices.

Ultimately, IT is about community. With as fast as the industry changes, we feel mind-share is more important than anything. It is our goal to give you the knowledge to handle your day-to-day challenges with Hyper-V, to keep you apprised of all the great features the platform has to offer, and how best to use them.

We hope you enjoy your time here!