Affordable Driving School Packages – Cindy’s Driving School

How to Know If You Need a Master Instructor

Master instructor Cindy Schramm has been teaching for over 20 years. She is a certified trainer of Driving Instructors and confidently trains teens and adults that have no automobile knowledge at all.

Compare these two students during their first driving lesson:

The average teen

  • They sit in the driver’s seat and already know if their seat is too low.
  • They don’t give you the impression they are sitting behind a desk.
  • When the accessories are turned on, but the car is not started, you ask them simply “turn on your left blinker.” They know where the blinker is, and they might or might not know how to flip it up or down.
  • They already know which pedal is the gas and which is the brake.
  • When you are ready to have them drive, you say “Pull into the lane…” and though it may be awkward at first, they do it decently in the proper lane position. Their eyes are looking at the road in their own lane at about 3-4 house properties ahead.
  • They make their first right turn a little slow but somewhat close to the proper lane position.

The true beginner

  • After you show them how to adjust their seat and mirrors properly, they begin to drive down the street but struggle to know the proper lane position, and may go from the oncoming lane into the bike lane or parked car lane.
  • When you tell them to turn right, they swing into the oncoming lane of the cross street and continue to steer back into the parked car lane, and then they don’t know how to stop the car.
  • When they stop at the stop sign, they stop about 20 feet behind the limit line.
  • Ask yourself, “If I taught this person all these details for two hours, by the end of the second hour, would they be able to make a right turn off of a business area road (30mph braking to 10mph) onto a side street and do it accurately?”
  • Another sign of a true beginner is that you’re afraid to get in the car with them in the driver’s seat.

True beginners need a more experienced driving instructor to give them a steering lesson and bring them up to a point of safety where they can drive with their parents. A master instructor like Cindy can help the student achieve, in one lesson, what it would take a regular instructor two lessons to accomplish.