About this Collection | Economics Blogs Web Archive | Digital Collections | Library of Congress

The goal of the Economics Blogs Web Archive is to capture current economic research and original thought as reflected in the blogs by professors of economics, economic policy and/or research institutions and other practitioners of economic disciplines. It is important to preserve this openly available content that covers a variety of topics in economics ranging from general macro or microeconomics to specific sub-topics in finances, taxes or healthcare economics. The majority of the blogs are well established, long running blogs with verifiable credentials of the authors. The collection is not limited to the United States in scope. Notable blogs from Canada, United Kingdom, Belgium, Australia, France and other countries are included.

Collection Period: December 2018 to present (this is an ongoing archive).

Frequency of Collection: Sites in the collection were targeted for capture monthly.

Languages: Collection material in English.

Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.