About the TMTV

It seems like that’s the name they gave to the Halloween Special this year. Which means it is not exclusively for Villainous. Black Hat PRESENTS it, which is great, I hope someone uploads what he says before each show, but that’s pretty much it! He’s the ‘host’ of the Halloween section of CN. In that section they DO air Villainous, but not anything new. They air orientation videos along with some spooky episodes from other shows. 
What about the Youtube Playlist? Well we don’t really know if we’ll be seeing new content there, but for now the first video is just a Gumball short.


‘DISAPPOINTING!!’ You’re probably thinking right now. I mean, a little, but did you really expect new content SO SOON? They need to release the PILOT this year along with the next orientation video! That’s TONS of work! Don’t forget that we’re also getting Black Hat starring in Toontubers, that will happen. Besides, isn’t it amazing that BH is hosting something on CN?! That’s a HUGE step for Villainous!! Alan must be THRILLED that his character is introducing the episodes from other shows!!
They also have a little creepy event in the CN LA website! If you enter it you may see this:


Black Hat ‘hacked’ the entire CN website! THAT’S VERY COOL. This shows how much CN actually cares and likes Villainous, otherwise they wouldn’t have allowed this! SO YEAH, be patient because new content is coming, just not this! (Or maybe yes but not yet!!)