About NNM (NNM)

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Nessus Network Monitor

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This user guide describes the Tenable® Nessus Network Monitor® 6.2.x (Patent 7,761,918 B2) architecture, installation, operation, and integration with Tenable.sc and Tenable.io, and export of data to third parties. For assistance, contact Tenable Support.

Tip: If you are new to NNM, see the Workflow.

Passive vulnerability scanning is the process of monitoring network traffic at the packet layer to determine topology, clients, applications, and related security issues. NNM also profiles traffic and detects compromised systems.

NNM can:

  • Detect when systems are compromised with application intrusion detection.

  • Highlight all interactive and encrypted network sessions.

  • Detect when new hosts are added to a network.

  • Track which systems are communicating on which ports.

  • Detect which ports are served and which are browsed by each system.

  • Detect the number of hops to each monitored host.

Note: For security purposes, Tenable® does not recommend configuring NNM as internet facing software.