About Meta Business Manager | Help Center

Meta Business Manager helps advertisers integrate Facebook marketing efforts across their business and with external partners. You can use this free platform to:

  • Run and track your ads
  • Manage assets such as your Pages and ad accounts
  • Add an agency or marketing partner to help manage your business

Keep your work and personal life separate

Your Business Manager is a central space to manage your business, separate from your personal Facebook profile. You don’t have to worry about mixing your business and personal content.

Anyone can use Business Manager

Small to large businesses use Business Manager to organize their business assets and information in one place. You can use Business Manager to control your Facebook assets and make sure the right people have the correct access.

People who have access to your Pages before you transfer them to Business Manager will maintain their access. None of your ads will be interrupted.

Create a Business Manager if:

  • Your business has a marketing team: You have multiple people who work on your marketing or manage your Facebook or Instagram business presence.
  • You manage assets: You manage multiple Facebook or Instagram assets such as Facebook Pages, ad accounts or apps.
  • You use a vendor: You work with vendors to help create, run or manage your Pages or ads, but want your business to maintain ownership of all your assets.
  • You need control over access and permissions: You want complete jurisdiction over your assets without giving ownership to people who assist your business operations.
  • You want your business to grow: You want to request access to other Pages, ad accounts and apps, or share your own with other agencies.
  • You want to keep your business secure: Business Manager is gradually introducing new safeguard tools through the new Security Center to help you maintain control of your assets.

Learn how to create a Business Manager.