Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) | Trend Micro


Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) launched in 1999, as the first national indigenous broadcaster in the world. As a respected non-profit, charitable broadcaster and the only one of its kind in North America, they have created a window into the remarkably diverse mosaic of Indigenous Peoples. Sharing our stories of authenticity in English, French, and a variety of indigenous languages, to approximately 11 million Canadian television subscribers.

To support its operations, APTN’s IT environment includes Microsoft® Windows® 10, Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016, Microsoft® Exchange Server, Microsoft® Office, and Microsoft® Hyper-V® as a virtual client. With most of its IT operations on-premises, APTN uses a hybrid cloud for backup and storage.


APTN recognized its changing security challenges in 2005, when the organization had grown at such a pace that managing and protecting its increasing number of machines and software products had become difficult. In addition to protecting the company’s financial data, APTN wanted to improve security for both employee and customer data. Also, as a not-for-profit organization, APTN needed a quality product that was affordable. “We had too many different products in our data center and decided to standardize on endpoint security, which offered excellent protection and was priced right,” said Steve Ens, information technology manager at APTN.

Trend Micro’s endpoint security provided comprehensive security for APTN’s distributed IT environment, providing protection for desktops and the company’s mail server. As well, as APTN grew, they wanted to upgrade to a more robust security package that could be easily managed, and offered visibility across the threat landscape.

“With tons of features and Trend Micro’s reputation as a globally recognized security leader, the Trend Micro solution provides great value for our investment.”

Steve Ens,
Information Technology Manager, APTN

Why Trend Micro

Having had a great experience with Trend Micro, APTN looked to them when they made the decision to upgrade to a more extensive security solution. Although they considered other vendors, APTN quickly decided that they were most comfortable with Trend Micro solutions. “I’ve used products from other vendors in the past and receive phone calls promoting their new security products, but those products aren’t the right fit for us. We have a great relationship with Trend Micro and decided they provide the best security for our needs,” said Ens.


In 2016, APTN upgraded to Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Complete to strengthen its protection against cyberattacks and stay ahead of new threats. With Smart Protection Complete, APTN gained multidimensional security that consolidates the organization’s view across all layers of protection. The solution provides a connected suite of security capabilities that protect APTN’s users wherever they are. At the core of the suite is Trend Micro™ XGen™ endpoint security, which infuses machine learning into a blend of threat protection techniques to eliminate security gaps across any user activity. “The implementation, which is hosted at our data center, was very straightforward—it took only two days to get the entire solution up and running,” said Ens.

Today, APTN uses several products from the Smart Protection Complete Suite, including Trend Micro™ OfficeScan™, Trend Micro™ ScanMail™, Trend Micro™ Vulnerability Protection, and Trend Micro Control Manager™. “The solution combines multiple layers of protection with a management console that makes it easy for us to see what is happening in our environment, so we know that everything is running smoothly,” said Ens.

“There’s always something new coming down the road. Trend Micro does a good job of helping us remain vigilant.”

Steve Ens,
Information Technology Manager, APTN


With Trend Micro Smart Protection Complete, APTN gained an affordable solution that gives it the visibility, simplified management, and next-generation protection the organization needed to remain secure. The customizable dashboard gives them visibility into the organization’s threat landscape with one glance, and the option to quickly and easily dig deeper if needed. “With tons of features and Trend Micro’s reputation as a globally recognized security leader, the Trend Micro solution provides great value for our investment,” said Ens.

Smart Protection Complete reduces the number of potential threats before they impact APTN. It has also reduced the number of vendors that APTN needs to work with, so they don’t have to purchase, implement, and manage separate products for endpoints, email, and web reputation. And Trend Micro is always available to provide personal support, allowing APTN to track its cases online, quickly find patches, and more.

What’s next

Looking ahead, APTN is considering adding Trend Micro™ Mobile Security to protect its employees who use Android™ and Apple® devices. The organization has also engaged in end-user training to prevent phishing exploits.

Trend Micro’s ability to innovate and stay one step ahead of security issues is important to APTN. What’s more, APTN is beta-testing Trend Micro™ OfficeScan™ as a Service with Unified Agent, a cloud-based solution that offers endpoint detection and response (EDR) to monitor network and endpoint data and prioritize alerts using big data and artificial intelligence. “There’s always something new coming down the road. Trend Micro does a good job of helping us remain vigilant,” said Ens.