A rookie’s guide to slow travel | 4 simple steps | KILROY

Why consider slow travel?

Slow travel lets you loose yourself to a new place without any pressure. This is one of the fundamentals of traveling and has been since we started to explore this amazing planet. However, somewhere on the road many of us lost this aspect of traveling. This development is what slow travel is trying to counteract. So, what are the benefits of slow travel?

It lets you recharge
Travel fatigue, tourist burnout, call it what you want. Most of us have been there and it’s not pretty. FOMO makes us pack a trip with too many activities and stops. The result, a feeling of needing a vacation after the vacation. With slow travel this won’t happen.

Did you know that we have a new travel concept around slow travel? Our new group travel concept called KILROY re:discover have been developed to allow more time to slow down reflect, bond with new friends and learn new skills.

It connects you to the surroundings
Slow travel lets you connect more easily to nature, to yourself, and thereby to others. Take your eyes off the tourist guides and go where your curiosity takes you. The perfect way to boost the connection is to volunteer, either with animals and nature or with people in need. It’s rewarding for all involved and for sure gives you a deeper connection to a place. 

It empowers local communities
When going slow. You go local. Let yourself disconnect to global brands and connect to local ones. By doing so you’ll not only empower the local economy but also get a greater understanding of the local culture. A win-win situation.

It boosts your travel budget
When going off the beaten track and explore the world with a slow travel mindset you can get around quite cheap. How you might ask? Simply put, you avoid tourist traps and live like a local. Spend a night at a homestay, rent an apartment in a less-visited city area, go to the grocery store and cook your own dinner with locally produced ingredients.

guy with cap has joined the slow travel movement