A Schneider Electric Vietnam and Electrical Engineering Exchange at DTU – Tin tức Đại học Duy Tân


Schneider Electric Vietnam Giao luu v?i Sinh viên Khoa Ði?n - Ði?n t?

Mr. Duong Lien Gia, from Schneider Electric Vietnam, addresses Electrical Engineering students


Mr. Duong Lien Gia presented information on Schneider Electric Vietnam and the Schneider Go Green 2020 contest, which is organized annually worldwide for second-year and up, for daring and creative students to develop solutions to current energy problems, such as how to use energy more efficiently and  how to find clean and green energy sources to replace dirty fossil fuels. 


This is the 10th anniversary of the exciting annual competition and Schneider Go Green 2020 has also been working with Vietnam Social Innovation Challenge (VSIC) 2019 as their Sustainable Green Energy sponsor. The Schneider Go Green 2020 contest consists of the following stages:



First round (concluding October 19): Online registration with a basic description of ideas.



Second round (October 22 to November 25): In HCMC and Hanoi, teams submit and present business plans and the top 12 are selected to continue. 



Third round (November 26 to December 7): Teams continue honing business plans.



Regional finals (December 8): Teams present ideas and the top six nationally are chosen.


National finals (December 22) In Hanoi, the national top six compete for the championship.


Schneider Electric Vietnam Giao luu v?i Sinh viên Khoa Ði?n - Ði?n t?

Nguyen Thi Thanh, DTU alumna, shares her experiences


Contestants from Danang will take part in the North Vietnam regional section, and teams making it to round two in Sustainable Energy will have their traveling and lodging expenses sponsored by Schneider Electric Vietnam. The Vietnamese champions will be awarded an exceptional entry into the Assessment Center round, after EGP selection, and be offered Schneider Electric internships, along with the top twenty contestants of VSIC 2019 contest. They will go on to represent Vietnam at the Asia-Pacific finals and compete for a trip to Las Vegas to take part in the global Schneider Go Green 2020 contest in Sustainable Green Energy, a prize of $1,000 USD and a visit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.


Nguyen Thi Thanh, a DTU alumni and member of the team which won the prestigious Women in Business award at the finals of the Go Green in the City 2018 contest in Atlanta, gave the following advice. “One of the things you have to watch out for is that the ideas you submit meet the standards of the contest, and especially that they’re related to green energy,” she explained. “You can consult with your lecturers if you need further information. My advice is particularly helpful when honing your project and proceeding to the next round. Never be afraid of failure, because it will teach you a great many valuable lessons which bring you more success in future showdowns. I took part in the contest in 2017, and, although my team only reached the Asia-Pacific finals, I have never given up my dream of winning the contest. With the strong encouragement and support of my lecturers and Schneider Electric, my team could still reach world finals and become champions at last.”


The Schneider Electric Vietnam representative also spent time answering questions on issues related to Schneider Go Green 2020, such as special requirements, the necessary soft skills required, preparing a business plan, developing ideas and project objectives.


(Media Center)


On September 30, DTU Electrical Engineering students met with Schneider Electric Vietnam to exchange information. Schneider Electric Vietnam representatives, DTU staff, lecturers and students attended.