A Guide to Standard Business Card Sizes

Now we’re getting into the business cards that have more uncommon shapes and sizes. Just as with the other business cards size options, these will have no problem fitting into your wallet or folders. After all, a beautiful and interesting-looking business card will do you no good if people can’t easily carry it around with them. Our standard square business cards are ideal for logo or design heavy, or two-sided business cards. The shape of these will already draw attention from potential customers and clients, so it’s up to you to go from there in determining how to keep that attention. The best way, we find, is by going for a design that makes use of rich or vibrant colors. You definitely want to watch out that you don’t make these cards overly complicated or try to fit in all the same bonus information that a USA or UK size of standard business card might allow. Keep things simple, classy, and well-defined. You’ll be noticing the impressive effects of these standard square business cards in no time. Order now!