A Concise History of Neural Networks

A Concise History of Neural Networks

  • ‘Threshold Logic’ — converting continuous input to discrete output
  • ‘Hebbian Learning’ — a model of learning based on neural plasticity, proposed by Donald Hebb in his book “The Organization of Behaviour” often summarized by the phrase: “Cells that fire together, wire together.”

A McCulloch-Pitts neuron

First known implementation of a Mark I Perceptron. The machine was connected to a camera that used 20×20 cadmium sulfide photocells to produce a 400-pixel image. The main visible feature is a patchboard that allowed experimentation with different combinations of input features. To the right of that are arrays of potentiometers that implemented the adaptive weights.[wiki]

A simple visual description of the movement towards the minima of a 2d function. The step-size of jump is determined by the value of the gradient at each point.