Vietnam Business and Workplace Culture |

Vietnam Business and Workplace Culture. Vietnamese information on acceptable business etiquette, dress, business cards, gifts, Business Meeting, and Negotiations, etc. -The Vietnamese value punctuality. -Strong emphasis is placed on a hierarchy based on age and status; derived from Confucianism, which emphasizes social order. -When greeting, say “xin chao” (seen chow), a very polite hello and goodbye, then the given name with the appropriate title. -Handshakes are used upon meeting and departing. Shake with both hands and bow your head slightly to show respect. Wait for a woman to extend her hand. If she does not, bow your head slightly. -Business cards are exchanged on initial meetings, presented with both hands, and read. Translated cards are appreciated. – The initial meeting should be solely used as a “getting to know you” meeting. -Few Vietnamese speak English well, an interpreter is usually necessary. -Have your written materials translated into Vietnamese. –Interest in the culture and customs is a great way to build a relationship. -For the Vietnamese, there is no such thing as a win-win situation; there are only a winner and a loser. Pointing out Vietnamese advantages may assist in negotiating.

Vietnam Business and Workplace Etiquette

Vietnam Business Meeting AsiaVietnam Business and Workplace Etiquette. Vietnam Business Attire – Men: business suits in conservative colors like black, dark gray or navy blue, with ties and white shirts. -Women: business suits as well, in pants or skirt form, in the same color schemes. Behavior – Concept of “face” in Asian cultures is important; be aware of your words and actions as to not cause loss of face. – Pass items with both hands. – Avoid pointing, crossing your arms on your chest or pointing the bottoms of your feet at any person, it is considered very rude.

Vietnam Business and Gift Giving

Vietnam Business Gift Giving AsiaVietnam Business Gift Giving. Gift Giving -Business gift giving is fairly common at the end of a meeting. Gifts should be small, but not expensive. Wrap gifts in lucky green or red paper; never black and white. Gifts are not opened in public. Appropriate Gifts: – Something with your company logo or typical from your country. Whiskey is also popular. Gifts to Avoid: -Never present handkerchiefs or anything black as a gift, because it is considered ominous.

Vietnam Business Conversation

Conversation -Money is discussed very openly in Vietnam. -Modesty is considered a blessing; not overly promoting you or your associates’ success is often better received and can lead to smoother relations with your counterparts. – The family is central in Vietnamese culture, therefore, inquiring about your colleague’s family is encouraged. -Vietnamese will avoid using “no” in answering questions. They tend to say, “maybe”, or “that would be difficult” even if the answer is really no. Topics to Discuss: -Vietnamese culture, food, music, soccer, temples, great interest in Western poetry/ literature (Chinese contemporary and domestic) Topics to Avoid: -Vietnamese very much dislike talking about China. -Vietnam War, negativity in regard to the government and Ho Chi Minh, communism

Vietnamese Job and Work Links – Find more important information

Job and Work Asia useful links– Vietnamese Freelance Jobs and Projects
– Vietnamese English Teaching and EFL Jobs
– Vietnam and Cross-Cultural Management
– Vietnamese Work, e-Learning and Online Training
– Vietnam and Employee Training in Asia
– Vietnamese Corporate Training Directory
– Vietnamese Company Sports and Leisure Directory