90+ Health Blog Commenting Sites (2022 Updated) – SeoLinkWorld

Health blog commenting sites are increasingly convenient to make comments on blog posts. Much social media handles these different social networking sites have implemented into their websites.

If you’re looking to create backlinks and increase organic traffic for your blog, here’s a look at how the comments work and what you can do to get listed on them.

Before you begin writing your comments, think about what the blog owner would want to hear and read. For example, if you are writing about a recent blog post, write something that would interest the reader or readers of that post.

However, if you feel that you can share something interesting about the person’s life or something that would make the reader laugh, then, by all means, do so.

Health blog commenting sitesHealth blog commenting sites

Table of Contents

Social media sites: Each time you submit a blog comment or backing, it will be picked up by one of the members on your friend’s list and sent back to your profile. When you have hundreds of friends, it’s easy to get a lot of traffic through a single comment.

Blog Commenting sites: you can either submit a comment on their blog or add a link to the website at the end of your comment. And include your website links as a name as well SEO Content. This is another way to gain credibility with the bloggers and the readers.

As soon as you submit an authentic comment and add a link to your site, you will instantly earn a backlink to your website for Off-page SEO. This means that if you are trying to build a relationship with someone and leave them a link to your website, you could potentially ruin that relationship. And also help in to improve websites ranking in search engine results pages of search engine.

Getting Started: It’s effortless to build a relationship with other authors and bloggers in the health niche. Once you have built up enough trust, it’s just as easy for you to start commenting on their main articles. And even you can guest post on health guest post sites.

With over a billion blogs online, you can be sure that many bloggers have considered writing blog comments. Some do link building because they want their page to rank. To get visitors from these readers, you should write original and interesting comments.

It is easy to come up with a good comment on Health blog commenting sites. All you need is something to say. You do not even need to have an opinion because many blog owners will not mind receiving sensible and valuable comments.

However, you need to make sure that you are specific and provide accurate information about your commenting subjects.

You don’t need to post every single comment that you have written. If you do so, it will look like you are spamming the blog, and people will lose trust in you. Leaving some more opinionated comments will be more helpful.

In addition to that, do not post any comments that contain spam or vulgar language and links to other sites. Blog owners will frown upon such behavior, and it might get you banned from a blog. If you do that, you can forget blogging ever. Most blog owners do not allow comments that include threats, profanities, and other negative language.

S.NOHealth blog commenting sites ListDomain AuthorityNiche1https://www.fitnessduniya.com/12Health2https://themastercleanse.org/55Health3https://www.fitnessvsweightloss.com/31Health4https://www.100daysofrealfood.com/62Health5https://www.hivehealthmedia.com/49Health6https://www.healthresource4u.com/38Health7https://aggieskitchen.com/54Health8https://womenshealthkc.com/25Health9https://www.mercola.com/90Health10https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/84Health11https://www.health.harvard.edu/94Health12https://www.webmd.com/94Health13https://medium.com/wehearthealthliteracy84Health14https://www.marksdailyapple.com/blog/70Health15https://psychcentral.com/blog88Health16https://www.precisionnutrition.com/blog66Health17https://www.onthebuzz.in/10Health18https://thecompleteherbalguide.com/41Health19https://khn.org/78Health20http://dhmgblog.dignityhealth.org/64Health21https://www.mobihealthnews.com/79Health22https://www.credihealth.com/blog/38Health23https://ahhmazing20.com/4Health24https://experiencelife.lifetime.life/64Health25https://www.unh.edu/healthyunh/blog80Health26https://www.netmeds.com/health-library45Health27https://maharishiayurvedaindia.com/29Health28https://thehealthcareblog.com/65Health29https://www.rwjf.org/en/blog.html67Health30https://www.healthywomen.org/67Health31https://www.healthstatus.com/66Health32https://phdsc.org/34Health33https://blog.designsforhealth.com/49Health34https://www.healthit.gov/buzz-blog/66Health35https://electronichealthreporter.com/42Health36https://healthcaresuccess.com/blog48Health37https://healthbeat.spectrumhealth.org/60Health38http://www.healthcommentary.org/29Health39https://www.healthsoothe.com/65Health40https://womensmentalhealth.org/blog/56Health41https://www.findhealthtips.com/38Health42https://www.healthnewsreview.org/blog/63Health43https://soundhealthdoctor.com/32Health44https://www.youmustgethealthy.com/33Health45https://www.cookforyourlife.org/45Health46https://naturalhealthcourses.com/blog/32Health47https://www.gajahealthtips.com/11Health48https://www.ahealthblog.com/45Health49https://healthjournalism.org/59Health50https://eatprayworkout.com/31Health51https://jessicasepel.com/50Health52https://www.eatmovehack.com/29Health53https://healingoracle.ch/media/33Health54https://www.alldaygeneric.blog/17Health55https://www.trustedhealthproducts.com/33Health56https://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/43Health57https://www.naturalwellness.com/36Health58https://www.mrwatergeek.com/25Health59https://www.healthy-magazine.co.uk/42Health60https://shathayuretreat.com/14Health61https://www.fitnesshealthforever.com/27Health62https://wellnesscaptain.com/14Health63https://www.healthcare-economist.com/51Health64https://blog.naturalhealthyconcepts.com/53Health65https://www.healthpopuli.com/54Health66https://www.healthworldbt.com/8Health67https://mylifewithnodrugs.com/35Health68https://simplyrealhealth.com/37Health69https://healthoduct.com/12Health70https://www.behealthynow.co.uk/36Health71https://gafacom.website/7Health72https://www.healthcareitleaders.com/37Health73https://wholeheartedlylaura.com/49Health74https://healthsdigest.com/55Health75https://nutritionrealm.com/26Health76https://www.mhtf.org/53Health77https://www.healthcareinsides.com/22Health78https://health-access.org/50Health79https://blog.mission-health.org/48Health80https://www.nihadc.com/38Health81https://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/49Health82https://www.liversupport.com/52Health83https://holisticmeaning.com/14Health84https://healthandhealthier.com/56Health85https://fitnesscomboo.com/14Health86https://www.besthealthguidelines.com/13Health87https://www.yogaworks.com/61Health88https://www.techwalls.com/58Health89https://diabetesstrong.com/55Health90https://www.weightlosstriumph.com/29Health91https://the-fit-foodie.com/45Health92https://www.thefullhelping.com/59Health93https://fitbottomedgirls.com/60HealthHealth blog commenting websites url


The most important thing to remember is that you have to provide helpful information to the reader. Do not just spout out whatever you have to say but rather try to lead the reader towards an answer or solution to the question that he or she has.

As mentioned above, it is always a good idea to link the blog comments you post because this can only bring the blog owner more traffic. By doing so, the blog will become a valuable resource for the blog owner, and he or she will be able to earn more money from it.

When you want to engage in blog commenting, there are a few more things that you will want to know about. You want to make sure that the titles of your comments are relevant to your keywords and that the post title has an actual spelling error.

This is important because many people will look for the misspelled word to see if it’s real or not. If you misspell the word, it might be looked upon with a little bit of skepticism by the reader. Try and use the correct spelling, but it’s up to you to decide if it will hurt your credibility in the field.