9. Recurrent Neural Networks — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.0-beta0 documentation


Recurrent Neural Networks¶

Up until now, we have focused primarily on fixed-length data. When
introducing linear and logistic regression in
Section 3 and Section 4 and
multilayer perceptrons in Section 5, we were happy to
assume that each feature vector \(\mathbf{x}_i\) consisted of a
fixed number of components \(x_1, \dots, x_d\), where each numerical
feature \(x_j\) corresponded to a particular attribute. These
datasets are sometimes called tabular, because they can be arranged in
tables, where each example \(i\) gets its own row, and each
attribute gets its own column. Crucially, with tabular data, we seldom
assume any particular structure over the columns.

Subsequently, in Section 7, we moved on to image data, where
inputs consist of the raw pixel values at each coordinate in an image.
Image data hardly fit the bill of a protypical tabular dataset. There,
we needed to call upon convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to handle
the hierarchical structure and invariances. However, our data were still
of fixed length. Every Fashion-MNIST image is represented as a
\(28 \times 28\) grid of pixel values. Moreover, our goal was to
develop a model that looked at just one image and then output a single
prediction. But what should we do when faced with a sequence of images,
as in a video, or when tasked with producing a sequentially structured
prediction, as in the case of image captioning?

Countless learning tasks require dealing with sequential data. Image
captioning, speech synthesis, and music generation all require that
models produce outputs consisting of sequences. In other domains, such
as time series prediction, video analysis, and musical information
retrieval, a model must learn from inputs that are sequences. These
demands often arise simultaneously: tasks such as translating passages
of text from one natural language to another, engaging in dialogue, or
controlling a robot, demand that models both ingest and output
sequentially-structured data.

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are deep learning models that capture
the dynamics of sequences via recurrent connections, which can be
thought of as cycles in the network of nodes. This might seem
counterintuitive at first. After all, it is the feedforward nature of
neural networks that makes the order of computation unambiguous.
However, recurrent edges are defined in a precise way that ensures that
no such ambiguity can arise. Recurrent neural networks are unrolled
across time steps (or sequence steps), with the same underlying
parameters applied at each step. While the standard connections are
applied synchronously to propagate each layer’s activations to the
subsequent layer at the same time step, the recurrent connections are
dynamic, passing information across adjacent time steps. As the
unfolded view in Fig. 9.1 reveals, RNNs can be
thought of as feedforward neural networks where each layer’s parameters
(both conventional and recurrent) are shared across time steps.


Like neural networks more broadly, RNNs have a long discipline-spanning
history, originating as models of the brain popularized by cognitive
scientists and subsequently adopted as practical modeling tools employed
by the machine learning community. As with deep learning more broadly,
this book adopts the machine learning perspective, focusing on RNNs as
practical tools which rose to popularity in the 2010s owing to
breakthrough results on such diverse tasks as handwriting recognition
(Graves et al., 2008), machine translation
(Sutskever et al., 2014), and recognizing medical diagnoses
(Lipton et al., 2016). We point the reader interested in more
background material to a publicly available comprehensive review
(Lipton et al., 2015). We also note that sequentiality
is not unique to RNNs. For example, the CNNs that we already introduced
can be adapted to handle data of varying length, e.g., images of varying
resolution. Moreover, RNNs have recently ceded considerable market share
to Transformer models, which will be covered in
Section 11. However, RNNs rose to
prominence as the default models for handling complex sequential
structure in deep learning, and remain staple models for sequential
modeling to this day. The stories of RNNs and of sequence modeling are
inextricably linked, and this is as much a chapter about the ABCs of
sequence modeling problems as it is a chapter about RNNs.

One key insight paved the way for a revolution in sequence modeling.
While the inputs and targets for many fundamental tasks in machine
learning cannot easily be represented as fixed length vectors, they can
often nevertheless be represented as varying-length sequences of fixed
length vectors. For example, documents can be represented as sequences
of words. Medical records can often be represented as sequences of
events (encounters, medications, procedures, lab tests, diagnoses).
Videos can be represented as varying-length sequences of still images.

While sequence models have popped up in countless application areas,
basic research in the area has been driven predominantly by advances on
core tasks in natural language processing. Thus, throughout this
chapter, we will focus our exposition and examples on text data. If you
get the hang of these examples, then applying these models to other data
modalities should be relatively straightforward. In the next few
sections, we introduce basic notation for sequences and some evaluation
measures for assessing the quality of sequentially structured model
outputs. Next, we discuss basic concepts of a language model and use
this discussion to motivate our first RNN models. Finally, we describe
the method for calculating gradients when backpropagating through RNNs
and explore some challenges that are often encountered when training
such networks, motivating the modern RNN architectures that will follow
in Section 10.