8 Must-Write Blog Topics for Your eCommerce Business | Trellis Inc.

Making sure you have a lot of content ready to go for your eCommerce blog can be a tall order sometimes. Especially, when you can’t think of new topics to write about. Here are 8 must write blog topics that you can write about!

All About Your Products

You already have your product descriptions telling your customer what the products are about, but creating a blog post specifically for that product and going into detail about it goes one step further. Talk more about what the purpose of the product is, how you can use it, and include any fun behind-the-scenes footage that you may have from creating the product.

Highlight Multiple Products in a Single Blog Post

Continuing on with the idea of posting about your products, if you’re noticing a purchasing trend of products being purchased together, or you have a group of products meant to be sold as a unit but can be purchased separately, take advantage of your blog and showcase these items all in a single post. This idea gets the idea into their heads that they should be buying these products together, rather than just buying one single product. It’s important to post about your products and in this case, you can post about one single item or a group. For instance, if you sell camping gear, rather than just posting a backpack, think about posting a backpack along with a water bottle, some shoes, and other gear that would be best for a hiking trip.

The Famous “How-To” Posts

With the growth of how-to blog posts and videos up on social media, it’s no secret that people love them. Do you sell shoes? Create a look book of “10 Different Ways to Style These Boots”. Do you sell hiking gear? Create a video on “How to Fill Your Backpack Efficiently”. Do you have an app? Create a video on how to use it. Don’t assume that your customers know how to use the product. Creating “How-To” videos gives customers inspiration on different ways to use it through your blog content.

Company News

A simple update on what’s going on in your company is always a good blog post. People love being behind the scenes and including them on things like making new products, or even showcasing your office space and employees once in a while is great for that. HubSpot does that extremely well. When you look around HubSpot, in all of the videos and blog posts that they put out to the world makes you feel as if you’re a part of it all. That, in itself, is a huge deal to some people.

Industry Trends and News

Talking about your company is great, but talking about your industry is even better. You always want to make your customers think you are the best in your industry. There is no one better than you. What better way to prove that by talking about the industry and how much you know about it? Showing your audience that you are up-to-date on all things related to your industry shows them that you know what you’re doing/talking about. If you’re a clothing company and you know what the upcoming fashion trends are, make a post showcasing your products perfect for that season.


What you’re reading right now (a list of topics to write about in your blog) is called a list post. Creating lists is a great way to get out a quick blog post. They also make great traction because people can skim them easily. Have you every caught yourself on Buzzfeed articles that are lists of 50 Funniest Tweets About Adulting? Or a list of 10 DIY Christmas Gifts that you found through Pinterest. Things like those are quick and easy but also perfect for reaching your audience in a new way that’s still relevant to them. If you sell clothes, you could easily make a list of “10 Cheap Ways to Splurge on Your Loved Ones This Year” and list 10 of your best, but cheaper, products that people would love.

Use Your Customer Questions

Your customers will always ask you questions about your products. Take advantage of this and take a lot of the common questions that you get asked and create a blog post about them. FAQ blogs are smart because people love reading blog posts about products to do their research. If they are just browsing your site and they don’t want to have to look at your store to look for the answers, they will certainly skim over your FAQ post. Use this time to create almost like a “guide” on the product, as well. A detailed buying guide will increase sales and social shares.

Write Product Reviews

To bring that idea further, write a product review about your products. These posts will tell people about a particular product’s benefits and will help them make purchasing decisions. If you have just come out with a new product, this will assist you in getting new product views. Or, you could also create a review of one of your best-selling products. Take reviews that your customers have given them and feature them in your post. People love reading how others feel about a product before buying.
I hope these topics have sparked some ideas for your blog. What are some other blog post topics that you think are a must write? Share them in the comments below!