8 Cheap Massage in Pratunam Bangkok

Don’t leave Bangkok without having a Thai Massage or Foot Massage. It’s one of the MUST DO activities and you should do it because it’s good for your health. You can easily find massage parlours in Bangkok and that is especially so in Pratunam where most Singaporeans like to stay.

This post is focused only on Cheap Massage in Pratunam and it does not involve Spas. For cheap massages, I recommend you to go for Traditional Thai Massage or Foot Massage. I personally prefer getting Oil (Aromatherapy) Massage done in proper Spas where they are more professional.  Now, I’m not going to say which Massage Parlour is good because it really depends on your masseuse. I have tried many types of massages at various parlours and I will be frank with you that at times it’s good while at times it seems like the masseuse is to tired  that they cannot exert any more strength.  Every shop has different deco and atmosphere, hence pick the one you like.  Traditional Thai Massage and Foot Massage starts from 250 baht per hour.

There are countless massage parlours around Pratunam but the list below are those which attracted my eye because they had proper comfortable chairs, nicely decorated interiors and they open till about 12am or 1am.