70+ Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas | The Navigatio

Last Updated on October 1, 2021

No inspiration for your next article? Here are 70 travel blog post ideas to boost your views and entertain your readers! Plus some time on how to gain more traffic and find even more ideas.

Travel blogging is fantastic! Writing about your trips and helping others plan their ideal holiday is so much fun. I’ve been blogging for quite a while, and in that time I’ve been able to turn this lovely hobby into a job (crazy!).

But even though it’s a lot of fun to blog, sometimes it can get hard to think of new ideas for articles. What to write when you haven’t been on holiday recently? Or when your content calendar is running dry?

Not to worry! I usually plan out my content calendar months in advance and I love coming up with new ideas for blog posts. That’s why I’m sharing some awesome travel blog post ideas with you today. Feel free to take them and make them your own!

Let’s take a look.

*The Navigatio uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

How To Come Up With Travel Blog Post Ideas?

Before we get into my list of posts, I wanted to share with you how I come up with blog post ideas. That way, you can continue thinking of awesome articles for your website. 

I always try to sit down and write out a ton of ideas for posts at once, so I can make a content calendar. Doing so allows me to work through articles without having to stop and think about what I’ll write. It saves so much time and energy!

But how do I come up with these ideas?

There are various ways. Firstly, you have to think about your niche. Who is your perfect audience and what do they want to read? If you mainly write about solo female travel, you should focus on articles that solo female travellers will find useful or entertaining. If you focus on city breaks (like yours truly), it doesn’t make sense to write about the best waterfalls in a nature park.

Especially when you’re trying to become an authority on a destination or a type of travel, you should try to cover as many bases as possible and get super-specific. You can find tons of ideas by Googling certain topics and look at the “People also ask” section. 

Alternatively, you can look at Quora or ask your social media followers. Check the blogs of people in your niche, too. Never steal article ideas, but it can help you get inspired!

But whenever you’re planning your content calendar or your next travel blog post, you should always do keyword research. Not only can it give you a ton of additional blog post ideas, but it also helps you rank higher on search engines so you can grow your traffic!

travel blog post ideas

Want to get some more inspiration, check out the best travel bloggers and influencers.

Destination Travel Blog Post Ideas

I love writing destination travel posts because they are very specific. You know exactly what the reader is looking for, and it’s usually pretty easy to find some good keywords for them. Here are some ideas:

  1. Itineraries: You can create itineraries for specific destinations and show what you did on your trip. Best of all, you can make these type of travel blog posts for all types of destinations! Make a two-day itinerary for a city break, or a three-week itinerary for a specific country – let’s get creative!
  2. Where to eat in [city/destination]: Another destination idea is showing your favourite restaurants, bars, and cafes. This way, you can help readers pick the best places to eat on their own trip.
  3. What to eat in [destination]: Apart from sharing your favourite restaurants, you can also share what dishes are worth trying. Especially when travelling to new places, readers may not know what foods to try!
  4. What souvenirs to bring home from [destination]: We all love a good keepsake, don’t we? So why not share what types of souvenirs are perfect to bring home after visiting a country or city?
  5. Things to do in [city/country]: Instead of sharing a ready-made itinerary, you can also share a list of the best things to do in that country or city. That way, readers can put together their own itineraries with everything they’d like to see and do.
  1. Where to stay in [city]: Picking the perfect hotel may not be an issue for an experienced traveller, but many people find it very overwhelming! That’s why you can help by curating the best hotels, Airbnb, or apartments for every destination you write about.
  2. Hotel reviews: Apart from sharing a list of the best accommodation in certain cities, you can also write in-depth reviews on your hotel stays. You can write about what you liked and what you didn’t like, so readers can make an informed decision about whether they want to stay there too. 
  3. Best times to visit [destination]: Some places are better to visit at certain times of the year. You may want to avoid Japan during the humid summers, for example! To help your readers, you can write about the best months/seasons to visit certain destinations. You can also add specific dates for festivals or holidays.
  4. Is X days enough in [destination]?: When planning a trip, it’s hard to know how much time you need to see everything! That’s why you can write about how many days you think readers would need to spend in a city or a country. You can then also link to your itineraries!
  5. Landmarks in [destination]: When putting together an itinerary, you want to make sure you include any famous landmarks. You can create a list of all the best landmarks in a destination to help your readers.
  1. Best Instagram photo spots in [destination]: We all love a good Instagram post, don’t we? You can add the best photo spots of a destination in a handy guide. Don’t forget to add the best travel captions too 😉
  2. Best honeymoon destinations: Besides writing about a specific destination, you can also create round-up posts for travel inspiration. For example, you can curate the best destinations for honeymoons or trips with your friends.
  3. Packing list for [destination]: It can be tough to know what to pack if you haven’t been to a city or country before. That’s why creating a packing list can really benefit your audience – plus it’s a great way to add some affiliate links for products you love.
  4. What to wear in [destination]: Similar to a packing list, it’s also good to get some outfit inspiration. Do I need to pack hiking boots? Or can I throw some dresses in my suitcase too?
  5. X reasons to visit [destination]: While some people don’t need convincing, others could use a little push in the right direction. There are so many wonderful places that people may not know about, so you can give them some reasons to add it to their travel wishlist.
  1. Dos and donts in [destination]: Visiting new cultures can be a little overwhelming. Another travel blog post idea is to write a guide on the best dos and donts for a specific country or city.
  2. Best tours in [destination]: There are so many awesome classes and tours to pick from when travelling, which is a perfect opportunity for a travel blog post. What are the best cooking classes in Thailand? Or the best pub crawls in Budapest? There are so many options to write about!
  3. Hidden gems in [destination]: Especially if you’re visiting a place for the second time, you may want to avoid the main sights. If you’re writing a lot of articles about a specific destination, it’s also a good idea to share some lesser-known spots that can add a lot of extra value to a trip.
  4. Best day trips from [destination]: When staying in a city for a few days, you may also want to take some day trips to explore the vicinity. You can write a blog post about the best options. Think about other cities, national parks, or great hikes.
  5. Best hikes in [destination]: Especially when writing about national parks or adventure travel, you can add some of the best hikes nearby. Which ones are worth your time, and which ones can better be avoided?

travel blog ideas
travel blog posts

General Travel Blog Post Ideas

But not all posts have to be specifically about a country or a city – sometimes you just want to write about travel in general! And there is a lot to write about, including:

  1. The best travel apps: I can’t imagine travelling without my phone, and I bet that you can’t either. Share the best apps that can help your readers on their trips. Think of Google translate, maps, apps for train times, etc.
  2. How to plan a road trip: Us travel bloggers may have planned tons of road trips already, but not everybody has the same experience. Help your readers by showing them how they can easily plan their own road trip or itinerary.
  3. Tips for packing a suitcase/hand luggage: Packing your suitcase or trying to fit everything in your hand luggage can be a challenge. In posts like these, you can share handy tips for making it easier.
  4. Zero-waste tips for travellers: You can easily avoid creating tons of waste when travelling, and you can show your readers how with some easy tips.
  5. How to travel more eco-friendly: Similar to zero-waste, there are a lot of ways to avoid harming the environment when travelling. Even though flying causes a lot of CO2, there are ways to donate to offset carbon footprint, for example.
  1. Travel quotes and inspiration: When you can’t travel, it can be tough to keep the wanderlust alive. You can create travel inspiration or quote posts to fuel the travel love.
  2. Best books about travelling or a specific destination: Create a list of the best books about travelling for your readers to enjoy. These can be fiction or non-fiction. You can even make it more specific and create a list of the best books about a specific destination (for example, I wrote about the best novels about Japan). 
  3. Tips for travel photography: Taking photos on your trip is a perfect way to capture your favourite memories. But how can you take the best pictures? You can share your best photography tips in these posts – maybe add in some lightroom presets?
  4. How to plan a group trip: If you’ve ever travelled with a group, you know how hard it can be to keep everybody happy and plan an itinerary that fits all wishes. Help your readers plan the perfect group trip with some handy tips and tricks.
  5. How to battle jetlag: Jetlags are super annoying and can ruin the first few days of your trip unless you know how to deal with them.
  1. What to do when you get sick when travelling?: You can’t always avoid getting ill when travelling abroad, but it’s good to know how to deal with it.
  2. How to learn a foreign language: While not technically a travel post, showing people how to learn a second/third language can be super beneficial when travelling. Locals love it when you try to order a drink in their language, and even if you mess up, it’s a good conversation starter 😉
  3. How to travel with pets: Travelling with pets can be very difficult. If you have experience, you can help those who are planning to take their furry friends on holiday. You can get even more specific when writing about travelling with pets to a certain country, as rules differ greatly depending on where you’re going.
  4. Finding the perfect travel insurance: Travel insurance is a must! You can compare different providers to make sure your readers find the best one. It’s also a great idea to share your own experience.
  5. How to survive long flights: As much as I love travelling, long-haul flights will never be fun. What things can you do to avoid getting bored, stiff, or sick when having to deal with 10+ hour flights? You can also add some tips on what to pack in your hand luggage.

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Budget Travel Blog Ideas

While travel doesn’t have to be expensive, costs can definitely worry people. These budget travel blog post ideas can help you prepare your readers financially and help them travel on the cheap.

  1. How to save money for travelling: A little more generic, but super helpful! There are so many ways to save money or make a little extra to put into your travel fund. You can get really creative here!
  2. How expensive is [destination]?: Some places are more expensive than others. Especially if you haven’t been to a country or city yet, it can be tough to budget your trip. By sharing an honest guide on how expensive accommodation, food, and transport is, you can really help.
  3. Budget breakdown: Another way to help your readers financially prepare for their holidays is by sharing your own budget breakdown. You can explain how much you spent on accommodation, food, transport, activities, etc.
  4. How to find the cheapest hotels/flights: We all love a bargain, don’t we? And with some travel planning experience, travel bloggers sure know how to make the most of our money when it comes to booking trips.
  5. Is [travel item/pass] worth it?: There are so many passes and items you can buy for your trips (think of the JR Pass, or city passes that give you access to some sights and public transport), but are they really worth it? You can share your experience so your readers can make an informed decision, and maybe even save some money!
  1. How to save money while travelling: You can save money before your trips, but you there are tons of ways to cut spending while on the road. This way, you can put that money towards another holiday or add a few extra days to your current trip.
  2. Best budget destinations: Travel doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you know where to go. Share your favourite budget travel destinations with how much the average trip would cost to inspire your readers to book their next holiday.
  3. Travel reward programs: You’d be surprised at how many loyalty programs there are in the travel industry. From hotels to airlines, you can save some points for free stays and discounted trips. It’s up to you to share the best ones with our audience.
  4. Cheapest cameras for travel photography: You don’t have to own a bulky DSLR camera to snap some fantastic photos. There are so many budget options out there, especially with technology evolving so quickly nowadays. Curate the best budget cameras for your post, which also makes a fantastic affiliate opportunity.
  5. How to get the best currency exchanges: Travelling abroad can be a hassle when you can’t pay in your own currency. So many people overpay when exchanging money at the airport (a big no-no). You can help by sharing more budget-friendly options.

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Travel Accessories

Some of the best travel blog posts ideas to generate some income are affiliate articles. By recommending services or products that you use and love, you can earn a small commission at no extra cost to your readers. They find awesome new products, you earn some money – it’s a win-win. Writing travel accessory posts are a great way of including these links.

  1. Best travel shoes (for women/men/city trips/hiking): As you can see, there are a ton of options to write these buying guides. You can get super specific to make sure you fit the user intent perfectly. If someone’s looking for “best travel shoes for women”, you can make sure to only include women’s shoes! The better it matches the intent, the higher the chances of someone buying it through your links.
  2. Best backpacks/suitcases: Similar to shoes, there are so many options when it comes to backpacks and suitcases. You can review your favourites, and compare them so your readers can easily pick the one that’s best for them.
  3. Best camera gear for travel photography: Bloggers usually put a huge focus on visuals, so you may know a lot about the best photography gear. Sharing that information can be super helpful for those who are new to travel photography. Think of cameras, lenses, tripods, etc.
  4. Best beauty products on the road: Keeping up with skincare while travelling can be tough, so I’m sure your readers will appreciate some recommendations.
  5. Travel gift guides: Not sure what to buy the travel lover in your life? These types of posts can really help! You can make these even more specific and aim them for different people. For example, the best travel gift ideas for men, women, millennials, boyfriends, wives, etc.


  1. Where to go skiing this winter: You can share the best countries or ski resorts in a specific country. Alternatively, you can change this to other seasonal activities, like apple picking in Autumn.
  2. Best Christmas markets in Europe: With so many Christmas markets to choose from, your readers could use some guidance in picking the best ones. You can even invite other travel bloggers to submit their favourite ones.
  3. Places to see blossoms/fall foliage: These types of posts work very well for destinations that are known for their stunning scenery (like Japan). And since many people will be looking for the best spots during Spring or Autumn, 
  4. Things to do in [destination] in autumn: Most destinations have completely different things to offer depending on the season. Austria is perfect for hiking in the summer, but it’s heaven for ski-lovers during the winter, for example. Maybe there are special festivals or activities you can only do in a certain season, which makes for a great read.
  5. Best sunny/warm winter destinations: There are travellers that love the snow, and there are travellers that flee to warmer places. To help the latter out, you can create a guide with the best sunny and warm destinations in the winter.

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Personal Travel Blog Posts Ideas

While SEO is all fun and games, writing your travel blog must also be fun. And connecting with your audience is equally important as constantly trying to rank on search engines. By writing some fun and personal travel blog posts along with the SEO-heavy stuff, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

  1. Write about your favourite trips: While writing itineraries and tips are super useful, writing a more travel-journal style can help you connect with your audience much better. You can make a list with your top 10 trips, for example.
  2. The story of your first trip: Or, you can write about your very first travel experience. How old were you? Where did you go? Did it kick off the wanderlust or did it take more than one trip?
  3. Your weirdest travel experience: Every trip has a story, but some experiences deserve a full blog post!
  4. Your worst travel experience: People don’t just want perfection, they want to see the real you. By sharing stories of your not-so-nice travel experiences, you can connect much better with your audience.
  5. Reasons why you like travelling: Everybody has their own reasons to travel. Whether it’s to experience new cultures, to learn more about yourself, or to see certain landmarks. I’m sure your readers would love to know your reasons!
  1. Your experience studying/working/volunteering abroad: There are so many awesome blog posts opportunities you can write if you’ve ever moved abroad for work, school, or volunteering. You can write stories about your experience and give tips to people who want to follow in your footsteps.
  2. Why you started your blog: Some other travel blog ideas could involve your website. Write about why you started your site and what your goals are for it.
  3. Your blogging progress: Apart from telling your readers why you started, it’s a great idea to keep them in the loop of your progress. People love to follow blogging journeys, to watch your website grow into a thriving business. My friends Alex and Lisa from Career Gappers do a fantastic job at quarterly updates – I love reading them!
  4. Your travel bucket list: You’re already sharing all the places you’ve been to, so why not make a travel blog post about your travel wishlist? Where do you still want to go and why? When are you planning to go, if you have any plans?
  5. Your travel accessories/equipment: Another thing your audience may love to read is what items are essential for your trips. What camera do you use? What’s your go-to suitcase? What is in your hand luggage?
  1. List your favourite travel blogs or Instagram accounts: One thing I love about travel blogging is the community. So why not hype up some of your blogging friends and inspirations? List your favourite blogs or Instagram accounts and share the love!
  2. Things you learned from travelling: Travelling is a privilege. It teaches you so much about the world and about yourself. You can write a blog post about all the things travelling has taught you. Maybe you can even add what places inspired you most.
  3. Mistakes you made while travelling: Nobody’s perfect and sharing your vulnerable side can help you connect with your audience. It’s always good to see that you’re not the only one making mistakes. Plus, sharing your travel mistakes can help others avoid them in the future.
  4. Best/worst/weirdest things you’ve eaten on your trips: Food and travelling go hand-in-hand. Different cultures and countries offer different dishes and snacks. It’s always fun to read about awesome or weird dishes from across the globe, so it may make for a good story for your blog.
  5. Travel guides about your hometown/place you live: The best travel tips always come from the people who know the city inside-out. So if you live in an exciting place, why not make the most out of it! By writing many articles about one place, you also create an authority on it – perfect for SEO!

travel blog post ideas

When I started The Navigatio, I wish I’d known more about how to run a travel blog and SEO. But you live and you learn – plus, you gotta start somewhere! Here are some of the tools I wish I’d known about sooner:

  • Keysearch: The best investment I made in terms of SEO is getting a subscription to Keysearch. With this tool, you can find the best keywords that your site can rank for – plus, it gives you a ton of keyword ideas that you can write articles around. Keysearch normally costs $17/month, but you can get a 20% discount using the code “KSDISC“ with this link. Or ready my Keysearch review.
  • Going self-hosted with LyricalHost: When you want to grow your blog and turn it into a (side) business, you should go self-hosted. Ever since changing my host to LyricalHost, my website has been much faster! It’s one of the more affordable options and they have a fantastic support team. You can get 10% off your first year with code “NAVIGATIO10”. Check it out here. Or read my Lyrical Host review first.
  • Blogging Fast Lane course: There are a lot of things that come with creating a blogging business, so why not learn from the people who are already very successful? They definitely know how to do it! After seeing some success by doing everything on my own, I decided that I needed some more guidance from people who knew more than me. I bought the Blogging Fast Lane course and it completely transformed my blog. While I already knew some SEO, this course really taught me how to utilize affiliate marketing and email marketing. It changed the game! Make sure you read my review, or sign up for their free webinar.
  • My SEO books: Blogging kicked off my love for SEO but having worked as an SEO specialist and editor really taught me the ins and outs of how to gain organic traffic. I wrote three ebooks on how to use SEO as a blogger, as well as a free on-page checklist. You can find them here.

Conclusion: Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

I hope this article gave you some ideas on what post to write next! I’d also love to read any of your new posts, so make sure to leave a link in the comments below. Remember that your blog is yours, and you can do whatever you want with it. There is no need to focus on SEO if that’s not your jam – or if you want to only photos from your trips, that’s fine too 🙂 These are just some ideas to get you started!

Good luck and happy blogging!

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travel blog post ideas