7 Tips on how to write a good essay

I haven’t always been a good writer, but by the end of my journey as a college student, I learned how to write them and I had so much fun doing that, that I founded my startup on essay writing, and here I’d like to share with you my tips for your students.

Essays are used to determine the level of students’ critical thinking abilities and the ability to translate their thoughts into a written format. When reading an essay, the teacher should ask himself questions like:

  • Does this essay answer the task at hand?
  • Does it appear to be a strong and well-supported position?
  • Does it make use of appropriate sources?
  • Does the wording sound clear, and is it suitable?
  • Does the essay flow coherently? Are there clear introductions as well as a body and conclusion?

Here are six great strategies to help your students meet these questions.

How to write a good essay

1). Read the question properly

Essays should be written to answer a specific issue. The first step must be to analyse the question. 

Essay questions comprise three parts:

  • Content definitions: Key concepts that are unique to the task
  • The terms that define the limit: The scope that the subject is focusing on
  • Directive phrases: What you need to do for the content, e.g. discuss, analyse, define, compare, evaluate.

2). Create a content outline 

Before starting to write an essay, students should create an outline. This will ensure that the writing flows well and it is organised. It will help the students to organise their thoughts and make the argument clear and logical. This will help them save time and keep them on track.

3). Create a cohesive essay

Once they have got an outline, they can begin to write an academic piece.


The opening paragraph will contain their thesis, which outlines the purpose of their essay. It will be accompanied by compelling and striking illustrations and examples that connect to the thesis statement and draw the readers into the story. Creating a strong thesis statement is very important at this stage. This is the central idea they will discuss and explore in their paper. The thesis statement must be concise, clear, and persuasive.

Body Paragraph

Once they have completed their thesis statement, they need to begin supporting it with evidence or explanations. Essential points that support the thesis will be in the next paragraph, and the second most powerful should be placed in the final paragraph. 


In the last phrase and paragraph, they should recap their thesis, explaining what their audience has read and include any information that marks the conclusion of the essay.

4). Make sure to use an active voice

When writing for academic purposes, students should avoid passive voices, because active cases are more engaging for the reader.

5). Use clear language and simple language to write an effective essay

Ideas should be clear and understandable for the reader and use the proper registrar. Grammar should be immaculate and sentences should have a balance between the complexity of the message, versus easiness to read.

Every paragraph should contain just one main idea and flow seamlessly from one to another.

6). Get information from reliable sources

When writing essays, it is crucial to get information from reliable sources. This will ensure that the essay is accurate and well-supported. Reliable sources can also help make the argument stronger.

7). Proofread your essay before you submit it

Proofreading the work and editing it can improve the writing’s quality. To ensure the work is error-free, students should take the time to proofread it and make any necessary edits before they submit it.

Final Thoughts

Writing an essay is about communicating one’s ideas to the reader effectively. Students should try different approaches to determine what works for them. Practicing will make writing easier and an enjoyable process. I founded the company Guru at Home to provide online English classes where kids learn grammar and practise how to write essays and letters perfectly and there are a lot of useful information also for teachers. Feel free to check out my website!