7 Blog Post Templates for All Types of Posts [Free Download]

Content creators must plan out more than just blog topics to consistently publish relevant, engaging content on their blog. The different types (or formats) of blog posts are also an essential part of content planning. That’s because you need variety and the ability to track which types of posts perform the best. With large content teams, you’ll be able to execute this with the use of a blog post template.

Creating templates for each type of blog post ensures consistency and that your content meets your overall content strategy goals. To support your content marketing efforts, we’ve gathered some of the best blog post templates, including the one we call the absolute “best.”

Why Should You Use a Blog Post Template?

Leveraging blog post templates can provide many benefits for your content team. They can be a catalyst for ideation, so including them as part of your brainstorming activities is helpful. The provide a great framework for flushing out the outline of your post. They also help with maintaining messaging and formatting. Further, they can be a great resource to keep up an ideal blog publishing frequency.

Finally, they also can provide you with insights with content analytics. You’ll be able to gauge the performance of different types of blog posts. If you find some perform much better than others, add more of those to your content calendar.

What Makes a Great Blog Template?

In creating our blog post template, we wanted to design a framework that applies to almost any kind of post. Consider this template an all-purpose guide that you can use to develop more niche formats. In working on this template, we considered organization, research, structure, quality, and critical SEO elements. Further, this template should speed up the production process and improve content workflows.

The template includes sections that empower content creators in the pre-writing stage with vital questions. It also provides clarity on formatting and best practices. Finally, it ends with a post-writing checklist, including all elements necessary for the project to move to the next step (i.e., keywords, meta data, internal links, etc.).

We’ve also curated some other blog post templates that can help you with specific post types.

The List Post

List posts, or listicles, are a popular type of blog post. They typically have a number in the header—5 Ways, 7 Reasons, etc. They provide readers a list of top tips, tools, myths, strategies, or mistakes. They should be easily scannable and provide value to the audience.

Ahrefs provides a simple, easy list post template that highlights best practices for titles, the introduction, the actual list, and a conclusion. As the organization is SEO-focused, the template includes advice on how to ensure you optimize the post.

list post - blog post template

View the template here.

How-To and Step-by-Step Blog Posts

How-to posts are common as well. They typically provide step-by-step instructions on how to do something. It can be a guide on how to complete a task like painting a room, or more technical topics like how to set up goals in Google Analytics. These blogs are great for SEO and searchers looking for how to do something.

Quicksprout offers a template for how-to posts that outlines the most important aspects, including defining the problem, introducing the solution with steps, emphasizing the benefits of said solution, and a conclusion.

Get the template here.

Case Study Blog Posts

Case studies are an excellent way to show off your brand’s expertise and promote a client’s success. They are usually data-driven and require interviewing the customer. Brandpoint offers a case study blog template with lots of details to help writers before, during, and after writing. It includes good questions to ask and insights on how to structure the content.

case study blog post template

In most cases, a case study format includes some background, the challenge, goals, the solution, and the results. You should also include in your template key metric takeaways, if available, and callouts of quotes from the customer.

You can find the template here.

Comparison Blog Posts

Comparing two solutions or services is another way to deliver valuable information to buyers. You may use a template like this to compare your product to competitors’. Or, you may be comparing other tools that are important to your audience but don’t directly relate to your offerings. This kind of comparison post is more about thought leadership.

Backlinko details a comparison post (a.k.a. a Product Showdown) with a template covering titles, introductions, setting up product overviews, and conclusions.

comparison blog post template

Check it out here.

Pillar Blog Posts

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Pillar posts are critical to SEO efforts. The content marketing world calls these pillars because they are the foundation for a topic. They are deep dives into subjects that then act as an internal link whenever you use that term in other content pieces. It’s also an introduction to a solution or service for the buyer, assuming they have little expertise.

DigitalMarketer has a great pillar blog post template that they claim you can complete with only three steps. It has lots of examples and ideas along the way.

Explore the pillar post template here.

Roundup Blog Posts

A roundup post is very shareable as it’s a compilation of answers to questions or advice on an issue. It’s another way to demonstrate thought leadership and how well your brand understands its audiences.

This template from Successful Blogging shares the steps you should take to create a winning roundup post. In your company, you have experts that can answer these questions. They could be sales leaders, product managers, or customer service representatives. The template offers you ways to organize these experts and write a winning post that’s sure to get lots of attention.

Find the template here.

Blogging Is a Long Game, Stay Inspired with Templates

Blogging is a long-term game for any organization that uses content marketing for growth. It’s something you continue to do, refine, and improve. The goal is to get found organically, boost brand awareness, and show off your expertise. Each of these templates can inspire your team and keep content rolling.