7 Best Server Racks For Home Review
Even though you are not going to host a cloud storage service from your home, there are still many cases where you may want to use a server at your home. This can include options like a workstation computer, a Plex media server, a NAS storage server, and others. However, in order to use a server, you will also need to install it properly inside something like the best server racks for home that have been given later on in this list based on these points:
- Server Rack Size: In case you are familiar with servers and other similar computing hardware, then you must know that all servers have a standard size which is given as 1U, 2U, 4U, and other sizes. To ensure that you can fit all of your computer servers inside a given server rack, you should check its size as well which can include options like 6U, 12U, 15U, and even 22U server racks where larger ones are better for large-scale applications.
- Server Rack Dimensions: Apart from the standard sizes mentioned along with server racks for home, you should also check other dimension ratings like the depth and height of your server rack. Not only does it tell you about the amount of space you have to work with, but it also gives you an idea about the places where you can comfortably install your server rack for home.
- Weight Capacity: Since a server rack is supposed to securely hold all of your server equipment, it also needs to hold a fairly heavy weight especially if you are installing multiple computer servers within the same rack. Hence, you should also check the weight capacity of your server rack since a weight capacity of up to 500 lbs is much better than a weight capacity of up to 100 lbs or similar.
Unlike what you would expect from something like a server rack, there is much more than these points to consider. As a result, all of the best server racks for home given here even have their primary features and options given next to them. We have even given an extensive “Buying Guide” and the key FAQs for the best server racks for home so that you can go with the best one by the end of this list.
Best Server Racks List
Best Server Racks For Home Review
StarTech is one of the most popular brands of computer and server grade hardware and accessories which is known for offering some of the most practical and versatile options out there including server racks.
The StarTech 4POSTRACK12U server rack for homes is present in the 1st position of this list since this is a great value-for-money option for most users. For the given size, you get a decently large 12U server rack size. But more importantly, it has a lot of space inside thanks to its 22 to 40-inch depth and 25-inch height.
Another great thing about this server rack is that it supports a fairly high weight capacity of up to 1200 pounds. You even get a 2-year long warranty with this server rack which makes it a viable option for long-term usage as well.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 12U
- Rated dimensions of 22 to 40-inch depth and 25-inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 1200 pounds
- Backed by a 2 year warranty for longevity
- One of the best value for money server racks for home
- Quite a large server rack with lots of interior space to work with
- Solid build quality for a pretty high weight capacity for heavy-duty usage
- Might not be ideal for compact spaces because of its given size and dimensions
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Despite being one of the smaller brands in the server space, Echogear is still quite popular since it offers highly practical options to its users without charging a premium for the same.
Echogear’s server rack for homes is present in the 2nd position of this listicle as this is an amazing pick for all those who are on a tight budget and want something affordable. Unlike what you would expect from such an affordable option, this one comes with a server size of 15U which is definitely quite high. And while it only has a depth of 19 inches, you do get a pretty tall height of 35 inches resulting in a lot of interior space.
Another great thing about this server rack is that it supports a decently high weight capacity of up to 600 pounds so that you can mount most of your computer hardware with ease. And even at the given affordable price tag, this server rack comes with a 5 year long warranty for your peace of mind.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 15U
- Rated dimensions of 19 inch depth and 35 inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 600 pounds
- Backed by a 5 year long warranty for longevity
- Amazing entry level and budget friendly server rack for homes
- Quite a tall server rack with lots of space inside for multiple computer servers
- Long term warranty period for your peace of mind and great reliability
- Given depth dimensions is a bit short compared with other server racks for homes
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NavePoint is a brand of server racks which primarily focuses on small scale products that are ideal for using in homes and smaller offices which may not require the highest end server racks.
This NavePoint server rack for homes is present in the 3rd position of this article because it is definitely the best option for using in tight and small spaces. In order to keep this server rack small and compact, it uses a 6U server rack size which is definitely smaller than others. Similarly, it has a depth of 16 inches and a height of 14 inches which is there keeping the compact form factor of this server rack in mind.
Because this server rack for home is meant to be wall mounted to further save space, it has a weight capacity of up to 110 pounds which is to be expected. Although, what you won’t expect from a server rack like this is its 5 year long warranty which definitely makes it viable for long term usage.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 6U
- Rated dimensions of 16 inch depth and 14 inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 110 pounds
- Backed by a 5 year long warranty for longevity
- Perfect server rack for home for using in tight and small spaces
- Features a long warranty period for durability and your peace of mind
- Supports standard sized server hardware despite its compact dimensions
- Definitely not ideal for heavy duty usage and large scale applications
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Sysracks is definitely one of the more premium options out there when you are talking about server racks since most of its offerings are quite unique and practical in terms of the features that you get.
The Sysracks server rack for homes is given in this list since this is the perfect option for those who want something which can be mounted on the wall without giving up on space. Talking about space, this server rack has a rack size of 15U which is on the higher side. It even has a depth of 24 inches and a height of 30 inches which results in a decent amount of space inside.
One area where this server rack for homes falls behind is its weight capacity of just 130 pounds which is due to the reason that it is made for wall mounting. That being said, you do get a 2 year long warranty period with this server rack for homes which is always great to have.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 15U
- Rated dimensions of 24 inch depth and 30 inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 130 pounds
- Backed by a 2 year long warranty for longevity
- Highly practical server rack for homes made for wall mounting
- Lots of space inside in terms of rack sizing and internal dimensions
- Pretty solid build quality thanks to its metal construction
- Given weight capacity is a bit limited because of its wall mount design
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In comparison to most other server racks for homes given here, Riveco is a pretty new brand because of which most of its offers are quite affordable including the one talked about here.
Riveco’s server rack for homes is given in this listicle as happens to be the most affordable and budget friendly option listed here. And considering the highly affordable price tag of this server rack, you do get a decent server rack size of 12U. Not only that but it even has a fairly large depth of 21.7 inches which goes great along with its height of 28 inches.
Unlike what you would expect from such an entry level server rack for homes, it even supports a weight capacity of up to 800 pounds. That being said, because Riveco is a comparatively newer brand of server hardware, it does not include any kind of warranty with this one.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 12U
- Rated dimensions of 21.7 inch depth and 28 inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 800 pounds
- Extremely affordable and budget friendly server rack for homes
- Quite versatile and practical server rack in terms of its dimensions and internal space
- Solid build quality for a pretty high weight capacity especially at the given price
- Lacks any form of warranty period included by the manufacturer for reliability
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StarTech also offers much more premium and high end offerings when you are talking about server racks that can be a great option for those who are looking for something that is ideal for heavy duty usage.
This StarTech RK2236BKF server rack for homes is given in this article because it is hands down the best pick for large-scale and heavy-duty usage applications. For starters, this server rack for homes comes with a server rack size of 22U which is quite higher than others. In fact, you even get a depth of 5.5 to 28.7 inches along with a class leading height of 46.6 inches which results in a lot of internal space.
Apart from offering a large amount of internal space, this server rack for homes even offers an amazing weight capacity of up to 1763 pounds which is much higher than what you will ever need. And being a premium server rack made for heavy duty usage, StarTech even includes a lifetime warranty with it for excellent longevity.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 22U
- Rated dimensions of 5.5 to 28.7 inch depth and 46.6 inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 1200 pounds
- Backed by a lifetime warranty for longevity
- Hands down the best server rack made for heavy duty usage for server usage
- One of the largest server racks with a high weight capacity
- Perfect for long term usage thanks to its build quality and included warranty period
- Quite an expensive server rack for home when compared with other options
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Sysracks also offers a few unique server racks that offer more functionality than other basic server racks that don’t offer anything other than storage and mounting points for your hardware.
The Sysracks server rack for homes is the only option mentioned in this list that even offers a power strip inside for better cable management. Apart from being quite unique and versatile, it is also fairly practical thanks to its given server rack size of 12U. Not only that but it even features a depth of 24 inches and a height of 25 inches which results in decent space on the inside.
However, just like the previous Sysracks server rack, this one is also made for wall mounting which means that it only offers a weight capacity of up to 55 pounds. That being said, you do get the same 2 year long warranty as found with the previous server rack for homes.
Best Features:
- Uses a standard server rack size of 12U
- Rated dimensions of 24 inch depth and 25 inch height
- Supports a maximum weight load of up to 55 pounds
- Backed by a 2 year long warranty for longevity
- Highly unique and versatile server rack with an inbuilt power strip
- Decent space and dimensions considering its wall mount design
- Great build quality along with a decent warranty period for your peace of mind
- Quite a poor weight limit if you want a server rack made for heavy duty use
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Buying Guide For The Best Server Racks For Home
Depending on the configuration of your computer server, it can get quite heavy in weight. And since servers have a flat design, laying on the ground is not the best idea. Instead, you need something like the best server racks for home given above in this list to securely install and mount your computer server.
Since it can be a bit confusing in picking an ideal server rack for home, all of these best server racks for home also have their key aspects and factors explained with them. More importantly, you can also check out this complete buying guide for the best server racks for home to ensure that you are going with the best one:
1. Server Rack Size
Apart from using in your home, computer servers are primarily used for industrial applications in storage centers, computing centers, and other large scale computing applications. Because computer servers are so widely used, all of them have a standard size rating which tells you about the size a given computer server will take up in your server rack. This size is given as 1U, 2U, 4U, and other similar options where a higher number denotes a larger and thicker server size.
And to ensure that a given server rack can fit all of your computer servers and other networking devices, you should also check the server rack size that you are going for. Usually, you can find server rack sizes like 6U, 12U, 15U, and even 22U while looking for a server rack for home. Out of all these options, the larger server rack size of 22U is going to be the best one if you want to install multiple computer servers of large size.
2. Server Rack Dimensions
Even though server racks for homes have a standard size rating as described above, it does not tell you about the whole picture. Other than just installing a computer server inside your server rack, you also need to have space to work easily inside a rack. More importantly, you should also be able to fit your server rack in a given space with ease.
Thus, you should also check other server rack dimensions including the depth and the height of your server rack. In a lot of cases, the depth of your server rack might be adjustable so that you get more space to work. It can include depth options like 20 inch, 25 inch, and even 40 inch for a much larger server rack. As for the height of your server rack, it can include options like 15 inch, 20 inch, or 25 inch height ratings where a taller height does offer more room to work but also results in a larger server rack which is not ideal for tight spaces.
3. Weight Capacity
While it might not be true for everyone, some of you might want to use your server rack at home to install multiple computer servers and networking devices at once. If you are also planning to do the same, then you need to consider that all of these computing devices can weigh quite a lot. In fact, a given server rack is only useful if it can properly hold the weight of all of your computing hardware.
Thus, checking the weight capacity of your server rack for home is always a great idea. It can include weight capacity ratings like up to 100 pounds, up to 250 pounds, up to 500 pounds, and other options where a higher weight capacity is better for heavy duty usage.
4. Accessories
When you are working on a server rack for home, you will need quite a lot of tools and accessories. This can include shelves, screws, tools, feet, stops, straps, and much more. Thanks to the standard sizes used by server racks for home, you can always get these accessories separately. However, some server racks for homes available out there may even include such accessories in the box. And if your server rack also includes the same, then it is going to be a great value for money option for most that is also quite practical since you are able to get the most out of it right out of the box.
5. Mounting Type
Once you have mounted all of your computer servers and networking hardware inside your server rack for home, you may also want to mount or store your server rack in a specific spot. For the same, the most basic mounting type found in server racks is inbuilt feet or casters which allows you to simply place your server rack on the floor similar to a small cabinet. But if you wish to save some space inside your home, then you might want to go with a server rack which supports wall mounting. Usually, larger server racks for homes will only support being placed on the floor and it is the smaller server racks for home which support wall mounting for ease of use.
6. Warranty
As you would expect, apart from being functional and practical to use, your server rack for home also needs to be ideal for long term usage. And while there are no moving parts in a server rack, it is always a great idea to go with something durable and reliable. For the same, you should first check the build quality of your server rack for homes. Fortunately, all server racks available out there use metal or alloy construction which results in amazing build quality.
Thus, you should also check other things like the included warranty period of your server rack for homes if you need something reliable. Usually, you will find most server racks for homes to include a 2 year long or a 5 year long warranty period. But if you are looking for something more durable and reliable, then you can also find a few options with a lifetime warranty which are much better for long term usage and your peace of mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to leave space between the different computer servers installed in a rack?
Ans: Even if your large sized server rack allows you to install a large number of computer servers, you should not fill up your server rack. This is due to the reason that just like a standard computer, a server also needs proper airflow. Hence, you should always leave a space of 1U or 2U between your servers for good cooling performance. More importantly, because servers generally blow out hot air from the back, you should also make sure that there is some space between the wall and your server rack for homes.
2. What are the exact dimensions of the 1U standard size used by server racks?
Ans: By now, you must have seen that all computer servers as well as server racks use a standard sizing scheme which is given as 1U, 2U, 4U, etc. But some of you might be wondering about the exact dimensions of a 1U computer server to get a better idea. If you’re also wondering about the same, a 1U computer server has a height of exactly 1.75 inches or 4.445 centimeters.
3. What is the benefit of having a power strip inside your server rack for home?
Ans: While it is not true for all cases, some server racks for homes will also have a power strip or a power supply built inside them. Even though you can always power all of your computer servers externally, having a power strip inside your server rack results in much better cable management which is quite important when you are dealing with multiple computer servers at once.
Those of you who are familiar with computer servers must know that unlike traditional computers, you cannot place them on the floor, instead, a computer server needs to be installed and fitted inside a specific enclosure because of the design used by computer servers. For the same, we have already discussed the best server racks for home up above in this list. With all of these server racks for home, we have also explained their significant specifications and features. And if that is not enough, you can also find a detailed buying guide and the major FAQs for the best server racks for home. After considering all of these details and information, here are our personal recommendations for the best server racks for home:
- Because not everyone has the space or the need for a large sized server rack for home, the NavePoint Server Racks For Home can be a great option for most beginners. Since this server rack is made for basic usage, it comes with a 6U size. More importantly, this server rack has a depth of 16 inches and a height of 14 inches which makes it perfect for tight spaces in your home. Thankfully, you do get a sturdy build quality which can support up to 110 pounds of weight. It even includes a 5 year long warranty for your peace of mind.
- But if space or budget is not an issue for you and you want a server rack built for heavy duty usage, then the StarTech 22U Server Racks For Home is the perfect pick for you. When compared with other server racks for homes, this one has a much larger size of 22U. More importantly, you also get an adjustable depth of 5.5 to 28.7 inch which goes great along with its height of 46.6 inches. Since this server rack is built for heavy duty usage, it even supports a maximum weight of up to 1768 pounds which is much higher than others. And the best part about this server rack is that you get a lifetime warranty with it which makes it excellent for long-term usage as well.
- Since not everyone can afford a high-end server rack for homes, the RIVECO Server Racks For Home can be a great option as well since it is the cheapest option given above. Considering the given price tag of this server rack, it offers a decent rack size of 12U. Not only that, but it even has a decent depth of 21.7 inches and a height of 28 inches which makes it fairly practical. While you do not get any warranty with this entry-level server rack for home, it does offer a weight capacity of up to 800 pounds which does speak for its build quality.