7 Best Business Analyst Resume Templates for 2023

The need for business analysts is growing in recent times. As businesses are growing and expanding rapidly, business analysts play an important role in ensuring the optimum success of the business. Business analysts help businesses become more productive through the efficient use of data. They optimize the procedures, processes, and systems of the business and solve potential problems. The analysts also operational effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the business.  

With the growing demand for business analysts, the competition is also becoming tough. In order to stand out, building a well-structured business analyst resume is important. Creating a resume that allows the recruiter to get an overview of your strengths and talents is not easy. In this guide, you will get to know about all the components that make resumes recruiter-friendly. Let’s dive in! 

Business Analyst Resume Sample

More and more businesses are hiring business analysts as the global market becomes more data-driven to outperform rivals and increase revenue. Your business analyst resume should highlight your relevant experience and talents if you apply for jobs in this industry. Uncertain about what to add? See what qualities a successful resume should have by looking at our collection of business analyst resume samples.

business analyst resume samplebusiness analyst resume sample

In a nutshell, It’s important to ensure your resume effectively conveys your business analyst talents and the value you’d offer a firm since it’s probably one of the hiring manager’s first interactions with you. Whether you’re a senior business analyst seeking your first position or a junior business analyst who has just completed their Business Management classes, the goal of your resume should always be to convince the hiring manager that you will have a significant impact on their company. 

Take a look at the business analyst resume examples below to gain a competitive advantage. 

1. Entry-Level Business Analyst Resume Example

entry level business analyst resume exampleentry level business analyst resume example

If you want your entry-level business analyst resume to reach the intended goals and achieve substantial growth in your career, you need to follow strategic measures while building your resume. When working on it, put yourself in recruiters’ shoes, analyzing the performance and calculating the ROI they would gain by hiring you vs. your competitor.  

Structure Your Resume 

As a potential candidate, your capacity lies in how you are structuring your business analyst skills in your resume. From education to extra sections, ensure the section can be read out quickly so that the recruiters will better understand your qualification. 

Provide Contact Information 

Now, at the beginning of the business analyst resume sample for freshers, add your contact information, including your primary mobile number and email address. It will allow the employees to access your contact and communicate to create new opportunities.  

Start With A Summary 

Writing a business analyst resume summary at the entry-level will give a brief overview of your relevant education, experience, skills, and career objectives. This will allow the employer to understand your interest, abilities, and values. 

Enter Your Education 

In the business analyst resume for freshers, it is extremely important to convey your educational background, including the area of study and university name. This will help the recruiters to know your proficiency in the field despite having no experience. If you don’t have any experience, you can check out KnowledgeHut Business Management classes to grow your knowledge and enhance your skills. 

Demonstrate Your Skills 

The business analyst resume at entry-level has to be designed with a final section where you can add the relevant skills, a minimum of six. It will show your technical knowledge, ethics, and soft skills and prove your credibility as a competitive candidate.  

2. Senior Business Analyst Resume Example

senior business analyst resume examplesenior business analyst resume example

A senior business analyst’s resume template has the responsibility to serve as the basis for some significant decisions. Hence adding your previous relevant business analyst roles and responsibilities to your resume is important since it will allow the recruiters to have confidence in your skills. 

Choose The Best Format.  

When it comes to the experienced business analyst resume, the reverse chronological format will make a big difference, making them one of the trusted professionals with positive outcomes. It is because the resume primarily focuses on the section, discussing the skills and accomplishments throughout the experience. 

Sustainable Summary 

Besides the business analyst resume objective, your perspectives act as the key as a senior professional. Hence you need to add a summary for your business analyst resume, highlighting your biggest achievements and attributes where you have contributed to effective solutions and enhancements of business. Ensure to customize the part for the role you are applying for. 

Harness The Employment History 

Having the business analyst job description in your resume is extremely important as it will enable the hiring managers to learn that you are qualified for the vacancy. Make sure to use powerful action verbs and mention your accomplishments to prove you are worthy of the position. For instance, you add the job title, employer name, employment period, and location in bullet points. 

3. Agile Business Analyst Resume Sample

agile business analyst resume sampleagile business analyst resume sample

An agile business analyst is responsible for making the workflow more efficient and producing better products for potential consumers. If you are interested in applying to this position, you need to create a positive impact on the minds of recruiters through the best agile IT business analyst resume. 

Focus On Bullet Points 

In the agile business system analyst resume, instead of writing the resume in the para format, make it in compelling bullet points, which will tempt the recruiters to notice your skills. For instance, rather than mentioning your roles and responsibilities alone, be sure to add the positive results you have achieved through the decision. 

Showcase Your Technical Skills 

You also need to add agile business analyst skills to your resume, showing your proficiency in various software programs and systems to promote your chances of getting hired. You can also add your experience with relevant project management tools, such as wireframing tools, programming languages like Java and Python, and database systems like MySQL.

Remember The Basics  

As you add the skills for a business analyst resume, draft it simply, keeping in mind a few basic guidelines. Using left alignment, standard font type, and size will make it easy for recruiters to read your resume. Moreover, being concise will allow them to focus on relevant experiences and skills. Overall, while trimming the resume, format them distinctly and concisely.

Consider Adding Summary 

While creating business analyst resume samples for experienced, it is inevitable to add a summary statement that acts as a great way to impart your experience and future career goals in context. When prepared in a well-defined way, it will give you a fuller picture of what you can do for the organization.  

4. Business Operations Analyst Resume

business operations analyst resumebusiness operations analyst resume

The role of a business operation analyst is to coordinate, manage and resolve various aspects for the smooth performance of the business. They should find and fix the internal problems and develop and implement effective strategies to achieve the goals.

Opt For Objectives 

If you have noticed a business analyst sample resume, you might have realized the importance of adding an objective that will make you look like an excellent candidate in the eyes of the hiring manager. Make sure to highlight your traits and skills, allowing them to analyze how you can be a valuable asset to the organization.

Proofread To Look Professional 

Whether you are fresher or experienced, resumes for business analysts must be checked thoroughly to make them error-free. From grammar checks to spelling and punctuation marks, proofread every word. Furthermore, beware of using complex or confusing words to ensure consistency.  

Retain The Relevant Keywords 

The business analyst resume in India tends to undergo the scanning process of the Applicant Tracking System, which will rank the resume based on the density of keywords. Hence make sure to include enough keywords in your resume to make it more appealing to ATS and recruiters. 

5. Business Systems Analyst Resume

business systems analyst resumebusiness systems analyst resume

A business system analyst is responsible for identifying the areas in the organization that must be improved to improve the efficiency and strength of the process. For such a professional role, the purpose of a business analyst resume should be designed well so that you can land the position. 

Be It Summary Or Objective – Not Both.  

Objectives are excellent things that need to be mentioned at the beginning of the resume. It will give the recruiters an idea about your expertise and the position you are seeking. While on the other hand, a resume summary for the business analyst is for a specific position you are applying for, where you can list your technical skills with powerful language and right to the point. 

List Your Education 

Be it four or three years, list all your educational qualifications in the resume. Moreover, adding business analyst technical skills to a resume will help the manager to understand how you stand out from the rest and why you deserve to be in place in the organization. 

Keep It Concise 

A resume for an IT business analyst doesn’t have to be five or six pages. Communicate with the recruiters through your resume in a structured and concise way. Remember, the purpose of the resume is to convey your skills and expertise and how you are a good fit for them. 

6. Business Intelligence Analyst Resume

business intelligence analyst resumebusiness intelligence analyst resume

A business intelligence analyst is responsible for guiding businesses to harness the data and find every opportunity for improvement, identify trends and detect potential issues, providing customized solutions. 

List Out In Chronological Order 

Most of the interviewers prefer the technical business analyst resume in chronological order, which Makes it easy for them to glance at your work and education within a glance. Hence make sure to arrange it properly, with the details of your professional experience. 

Take The Time To Build The Best 

To create the best IT business analyst resume sample, take your time to include all the relevant information in a structured way. Demonstrating your achievements in a definite and objective way will make your resume stand out, and the recruiters will remember you. 

No Experience Is Insignificant 

In the resume for a business analyst, no experience is too small to list. Your resume is a tool to convey information about you and everything you have to do your best for the role. Hence don’t show yourself short. From internships to volunteering, make sure to include all your past work history to enhance your hiring chances. 

7. Business Analyst Resume Template PDF

  • Intermediate Business Analyst Resume Template – 

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  • Senior Business Analyst Resume Template – 

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How to Format a Business Analyst Resume

In order to create an appealing business analyst CV, the first thing you need to focus on is the formatting. A resume that is not formatted well may not look professional and may even create a negative impression in the mind of your employer. It may show that you are not serious about the job. Therefore, formatting your business analyst resume is important. A well-formatted resume ensures that the important points are highlighted properly, and your talents are easily seen by recruiters. 

To prepare a professional resume, here are the things you need to consider. 

  • Margins – Make sure to leave margins of one inch on all sides. 
  • Line Spacing – An ideal line spacing for resumes is 1.0 to 1.15.  
  • Font Style – Try choosing a unique font style. However, ensure that it offers a professional look to the resume. 
  • Font Style – Using a font size of 14pt for the headers and 12pt for normal text is ideal. 

In terms of the resume format, there are different formats you can use. One of the most preferred options is the reverse chronological format. This format places your latest work experience at the top and works backward. When you have plenty of work experience in the business analyst field, this resume format is a great option for you. 

However, apart from these two formats, there are two other significant formats that you can use for your business analyst resume. A functional resume format is ideal for professionals who have stronger skills in comparison to their work history. On the other hand, another option is the combination resume. It combines the reverse chronological format and the functional format. If you have both relevant experience and skills, this format is just the perfect option for you.  

In terms of the length of the resume, an ideal length is a one-page resume. However, you can also create a two-page resume if you have more points to add.

What to Include in a Business Analyst Resume

What to include and what not to in a senior level or entry level business analyst resume can be quite confusing. Many people just stuff unnecessary information in order to increase the length of the resume. However, it is not the wise thing to do. The recruiters have hundreds of resumes to go through. So, they look for short resumes that clearly highlight the potential, talents, and skills of the candidate. It is important to ensure that you include just the required and essential sections or information in the resume. 

Your business analyst resume should include the following main sections: 

  • Work experience 
  • Skills 
  • Education 
  • Contact information 

If you want to add more details, you can include the below sections. However, these are completely optional. 

  • Certification and awards 
  • Interests and hobbies 
  • Languages known 

Under each of these sections, make sure to add relevant information. Try to be very precise and write everything to the point.

Contact information is one of the important sections of a resume. Without valid or correct contact information, the recruiter will not be able to reach out to you if you are selected for the position. This, in turn, results in a missed opportunity. In order to avoid such a situation, make sure to display the correct contact details clearly.  

Here is all you need to include under the contact information section. 

  • Full name 
  • Title of the job 
  • Correct phone number 
  • Valid email address 
  • Location  

How to Write a Business Analyst Resume Summary or Objective

Writing a brief business analyst resume objective or summary is important. The recruiters have very less time to go through each of the individuals resumes in detail. So, they would like to get an idea of the main points by giving a glance at the resume. A summary helps in highlighting the key points and main potentials of the candidate, thereby enabling the recruiters to make their decisions easily.  

Make sure to write a short and catchy summary or objective for your resume. A captivating overview of your skills and experience as a business analyst is the key to attracting the attention of the recruiters. If you feel, you lack the essential skills, you can join the Business Management classes, enhance your skills, and make the summary more appealing.  

How to Make Your Business Analyst Work Experience Stand Out

The importance of correctly mentioning your work experience in your resume cannot be overlooked. However, just mentioning them is not enough. You need to make sure that they are mentioned clearly and in an impressive manner. It must reflect all your achievements in the past and how well you can use your skills to contribute towards achieving the goals of the business in the future.  

Here is an ideal structure that you can use in order to mention your work experiences. 

  • Name of the job position 
  • Company name 
  • Dates 
  • Responsibilities and significant achievements

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Not everyone applying for the business analyst job have prior experience in the field. Some may be freshers. You may be a business graduate who wants to get the position of a business analyst. Getting your first business analyst job may seem to be a bit challenging. It is due to the fact that recruiters give more preference to experienced professionals in comparison to the freshers. However, do not be disheartened, there are still options for you.  

In order to add value to your resume and convince the recruiter that you are capable of the job position, you can include your other experiences. For instance, you do not have relevant business analyst experience but have previously worked in the finance domain. So, you can mention that and show how you can leverage those skills and experience to significantly contribute as a business analyst. It can help in making the recruiter believe in your capabilities and offer you the job opportunity.  

Even if you haven’t worked anywhere but have completed some certification courses, show that in your resume. To strengthen your resume, you can consider joining KnowledgeHut’s Business Management classes. It can increase your chances of getting selected for the role.  

How to Correctly List your Education

Mentioning your education history is a must in your business analyst resume. If you are wondering how to structure this section, here is the format you can use. 

  • Name of the degree and major subjects 
  • Name of the university 
  • Years studied 

Top 17 Skills for a Business Analyst Resume

When preparing your business analyst skills resume, it is important to have an idea of the skills valued by the employers. List the most prominent skills that can enhance your chances of getting hired.  

Here is a list of the most relevant skills to add to your business analyst resume.  

Soft Skills

  1. Communication 
  2. Time management 
  3. Analytical thinking 
  4. Creative thinking 
  5. Research 
  6. Attention to detail 
  7. Organization 
  8. Public speaking 

Hard Skills

  1. Gap analysis 
  2. Benchmarking 
  3. As-in analysis 
  4. Wireframe 
  5. SWOT analysis 
  6. Financial analysis 
  7. Defining scope 
  8. Risk analysis 
  9. Analytical software

Business Analyst Resume Sample

In order to gain a better idea about the formatting and structure of a professional resume, the business analyst resume examples can help. Here is a business analyst resume sample for a deeper understanding.


By now, you must have a complete idea about writing an excellent resume for the position of business analyst. Make sure to format your resume well. Add an appealing objective in order to grasp the attention of the employers. Highlight your skills, experiences, and potential to convince the recruiter that you are the perfect candidate for the role. A well-written cover letter can further increase your chances of getting a business analyst job. 

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