6 Storytelling Blogs That Are Awesome

Everyone has a story. Yes, ma’am. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Learning from the best and the most accomplished storytellers is not only something we’d love to do for improving our skills, but also to be inspired. Here are a few storytelling blogs that I particularly always refer to when I am thinking about how to improve a story. Like I’ve said before, inspiration can come from anywhere.

Before I start, here’s a story from our founder Upasna, which I want to share, especially for those that may think that they’re not storytellers.

I was at an art class recently and we were discussing the golden ratios. The art teacher proceed to tell us that she often meets adults who say that they can’t draw. The real time phase from a child moves from stick figures to drawing from observation is between 8 to 12 years. And it’s not always natural. We have to unlearn how we observe and realize that it’s difficult for everyone. Once we cross that hurdle mentally, we know that we’re there. And we can do it. I feel stories are the same way. Sometimes what we believe to be our most uninteresting bits actually inspire emotion. We have to believe that we can. (shared by Upasna)

Isn’t that just beautiful to inspire yourself at the beginning of the week? Let’s get learning from some more experts on this topic!

6 Storytelling Blogs That Are Awesome


6 Storytelling Blogs That Are Awesome

1. Jonathan Gohttschall is a teacher of literature. He has spent an amazing amount of time and effort in storytelling and shared great ideas especially through his much appreciated book, “The Storytelling Animal”. He has penned a range of articles and op-eds over the years discussing various aspects of storytelling and also about the psychological aspects of human beings that make them receptive of stories. Definitely good to understand the psychological and literary aspects behind storytelling.

2. Robert McKee is the guru of screenwriting who can count Peter Jackson as one of his admirers. His former students include a huge number of academy award winners and you can be sure that all these people know how to tell a good story. He discusses not one but every aspect of the story including its structure, style and content. His blog is surely a must read for everyone trying to enhance their storytelling skills, especially garnered towards transmedia storytelling

3. Mediastorm is a production company but their focus is on humane emotions. They have drawn attention because of their ability to demystify raw statistics and facts and connect them at a human level with the audience. The essence of storytelling is in the basic emotional connect and that is where they excel at. Have a look at the range of work they’ve done for a doze of inspiration for your own brand stories.

4. The TED Blog is also a good source for inspirational storytelling. Everybody loves TED Talks but have you ever wondered why they work? This is because they know how to take the struggles and successes of a person and present them as a very interesting and inspirational story. They really do work the narrative arc. The topics are varied but we’re convinced you’ll find a connect.

5. Go Into the Story is run by Scott Myers, who is another screenwriting guru. He has many helpful “How To”guides targeted mainly at screenwriters but you can take clues from these too. He often breaks down scripts into scenes and discusses every aspect of them in the minutest detail possible.

6. Viewmagazine by the award winning video journalist David Dunkley Gyimah is something that can prepare you for the present as well as the future. He discusses various platforms and mediums that are emerging and explores how the boundaries between them are being blurred. Follow this site to educate yourself about the possibilities of new formats for your storytelling.

What are some of your go-to resources for inspirational storytelling? Do share them with us!

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