5G Network Architecture | STL Blog

5G Network Architecture | STL Blog

networking has evolved through many generations, and the next one is
the fifth. You may have heard or read about 5G, or fifth-generation
cellular technology. But you may be wondering what is different. In
this article, you can read about the 5G wireless
network architecture

5G Network Architecture – A Beginner’s Guide

every decade, the International Telecommunication Union defines a new
generation of cellular technology. The current one is the fourth
generation cellular technology, or 4G. Each generation differs from
the last in its architecture. So the fifth generation cellular
technology, or 5G, will have a different architecture than 4G.

difference in architecture depends on the type of equipment used and
how they interact with each other. The architecture
of 5G technology
of an enormous cell-dense network. It improves upon the previous
generations and performs better.


  • Multi-Gigabits/s
    data transmission rates
  • Supports
    a large number of devices in the network
  • Has
    ultra-low latency

5G Core Attributes

third generation partnership project, or 3GPP, is a group of
institutes that set standards for telecommunication. According to it,
the 5G core attributes are:

  1. Service
  2. Modular
  3. Reusable
  4. Self

the architecture
of 5G wireless technology

will have the following features that set it apart from the previous

  • It
    has a wide frequency range: from about 300 MHz to 300 GHz. High
    frequencies are suitable for densely populated areas, while low ones
    are best for long-range communication.

  • Multi-Access
    Edge Computing (MEC) brings data closer to the end user from
    centralized data centers.

  • Virtualized
    network components, separating hardware from software, create a more
    open architecture, including RAN.

  • 5G
    will use eCPRI, or an enhanced Common Public Radio Interface that
    will reduce the latency of the network.

  • Network
    Slicing: multiple logical networks on a shared physical grid.
  • Beamforming:
    delivering data to each user using the most efficient path.

5G Network Slicing | STL Blog

Network Slicing

5G Core Network Architecture

designed the 5G
core architecture
scratch, with network functions separated depending on the service
type. So it also has the name 5G core Service-Based architecture
(SBA). The characteristics of the 5G core
network architecture

are as follows.

  • 5G
    smartphones or cellular devices (User Equipment or UE) connect to
    over 5G New Radio (NR). And then to data networks, or DN (for
    example, the internet).
  • There
    is only one entry point for UEs: Access and Mobility Management
    Function (AMF).
  • UE
    requests the AMF for a particular service. Depending on the service,
    it selects a Session Management Function (SMF) for managing the user
  • The
    task of the User Plane Function (UPF) is to transport IP traffic to
    and from the UE and the external network.
  • AMF
    authenticates the UE using the Authentication Server Function (AUSF)
    to access 5G core services.

  • Rest
    all the services provide a policy control framework that governs the
    network behavior.

5G Network Architecture | STL Blog

5G Network Architecture

evolution of the 5G network from its predecessors

generation of cellular technology matures approximately a decade
apart. It happens because the operators want to use the frequency
spectrum more efficiently or use the unused frequency spectrum. This
enhanced spectral efficiency in each generation makes it possible to
communicate large volumes of data more quickly.

first generation launched in the 1980s used analog technology. Then
came GSM; it used digital technology. 2G allowed data communication,
but it was slow. After that came the 3G, offering speeds up to 1
Mbps; 3G started commercializing in 2000. Currently, we use 4G; its
commercialization started in 2010.

2020, 5G
network architecture

started to commercialize. It will have lower latency, faster speeds,
and a network that supports a vast number of devices.

5G worth it?

day, the number of devices connecting to the internet is increasing.
Now, more and more people prefer to work from home. And some of these
professions require a faster internet connection and low latency.
Therefore, 5G technology may be able to fill the technology gap.

of the applications of a fast 5G network include:

  1. Doctors
    performing remote surgeries with ultra-low latency network
  2. Self-driving
    cars can communicate with each other in real-time to avoid
  3. Robotic
    workforce working in unison in industries to provide cheaper goods
  4. Seamless
    integration of meta-platforms where you can interact with your loved
    ones more intimately

even though it would be challenging to set up a stand-alone 5G
network, the benefits will outweigh the struggle.

insights/Case studies

Grid 5G Network Slicing

2017, a collaboration between State-Grid-Corporation-of-China (SGCC)
and Huawei initiated a power-slicing innovation project. It concluded
that power slicing reduces the total cost of ownership, increasing
ROI. Additionally, it is best for differentiated service scenarios
where you control network traffic by class.


gaming is the practice of playing video games over the cloud. It
eliminates the need for high-end devices for consumers. The game runs
on a cloud, and the rendered images are transferred to the consumer
in real-time. China Mobile, Tencent cloud games, and ZTE tested cloud
gaming over its Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) network. Players on
this network can play video games in 4k with 60 fps without
downloading. The measured latency is 10-20 ms. This case provides an
example of the high performance of a 5G MEC.


is the 5G architecture?

of the 5G network
to the devices used and how they communicate. It is a
service-oriented, modular, reusable, and self-contained architecture
that can provide a high-speed, ultra-low latency network. This
architecture also uses a wide range of frequencies, enabling it to
have a network with numerous devices. Its other features are
Multi-access Edge Computing, enhanced Common Public Radio Interface,
and beamforming.

is the 5G architecture different from the 4G?

notable differences in the
5G architecture

are its virtualization and software-hardware disaggregation. Many
components that were physical in 4G can become virtualized. That
means 5G uses emulated hardware instead of having dedicated physical
hardware. Further, this virtualization makes it possible for the
software to be independent of the hardware. Thus, it makes resource
sharing easier.

is the core of the 5G network?

core network

provides mobility management, routing, security, policy control,
charging, and subscriber management. However, unlike 4G, these use a
cloud-native technology. Additionally, there are some functions
exclusive to the 5G stand-alone core. These include slice management,
network data analysis, function, and 5G core signaling.

are 5G networks built?

great feature of 5G technology is that you can build your own 5G
networks. To create one, you need to have a spectrum. You can buy
these from governments, mobile network operators, or third-party
spectrum vendors. You also require 5G equipment like base stations
and mini-towers. There are network infrastructure vendors from whom
you can buy the equipment.

are the five layers of 5G architecture?

five layers of the 5G
network architecture


  1. Service
    Data Adaptation Protocol (SDAP) controls QoS Flow.
  2. Packet
    Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) compresses the IP header to
    increase efficiency.
  3. Radio
    Link Control (RLC) has several functions to ensure data is authentic
    and transferred efficiently.
  4. Medium
    Access Control (MAC) provides the access mechanism for nodes.

  5. Physical
    Layer (PHY) refers to the equipment used.