5 reasons to choose a Diploma of Business Administration over an MBA | College for Adult Learning

5 reasons to choose a Diploma of Business Administration over an MBA

Making the decision to gain a qualification and return to study is an important life milestone. You want to make sure that you are choosing the right qualification for your needs.

At first, an MBA (Masters of Business Administration) sounds like an impressive acronym, and it is the qualification that you have probably heard about the most. Yet, undertaking an MBA does have a few downsides. A Diploma of Business Administration (BSB50415) is a nationally accredited qualification in Australia, that is also highly respected in Asia Pacific and worldwide.

Diploma or MBA?

A Diploma of Business Administration will provide you with a thorough understanding of a particular aspect or area, in this case, business administration. It is based on practical and immediately applicable skills. An MBA builds upon existing qualifications and senior management work experience, but with a broader theoretical focus across many areas of management.

Completing a Diploma is quicker, and better for your bank account

An MBA can be a daunting undertaking in time and financial resources. The average cost of an MBA is around the $60,000 to $120,000 mark. In 2020, the cost of an MBA actually rose by 7.82% compared to 2019. In comparison, a Diploma of Business Administration exists under the $5,000 mark. The Diploma of Business Administration (BSB50415) at College for Adult Learning is offered at an extremely affordable price of $2,995.

Most MBA courses are two years full-time, or four years minimum part-time. On the other hand, a Diploma in Business Administration studied online can be completed in as little as 12 months. You could be hanging your Diploma qualification on the wall in a year, and enjoying the increase in salary. CAL offers a team of expert learning coaches to help you to work through the program. You can book in coaching calls to fit around your lifestyle, and receive practical, pragmatic advice on how to improve.

A Diploma of Business Administration gives you a better pathway

Your diploma will provide a direct pathway into your business management career, and give you the knowledge to flourish in any administration role. CAL graduates find that once they secure the role they want, they advance faster than others in similar roles, even those who are locked into studying the longer MBA program. An MBA may even over-qualify you for the roles you want and leave you stranded between being over-qualified and under-experienced.

What’s even better is the Double Diploma program that CAL offers, allowing you to pair your Business Administration diploma with another useful diploma like the Diploma of Leadership & Management (BSB50420).

Employers value current real world knowledge and practical skills over theoretical knowledge

CAL’s Diploma of Business Administration contains tutorials and case studies that have actual real world scenarios for the most current and relevant learning. CAL sources a deep knowledge base from industry leaders across multiple disciplines, so you will find yourself being able to ‘walk the walk, and talk the talk,’ with confidence and clarity.

Get an edge to afford an MBA in the future

The salary increase you receive from having a Diploma can allow you to save and plan for doing an MBA in the future if you need to. Your Diploma will also open doors into roles that give you the work experience you need to complete your MBA faster, saving you more money in the long run. Our students often find that the Diploma unlocks latent ambitions and hidden leadership qualities that are highly valued in the workplace.

A Diploma has a perfect blend of core and elective tutorials

An MBA is a longer course than a Diploma because you are required to study areas that may not interest you, like economics and accounting. With a CAL Diploma, your core tutorials are guaranteed to contain new and developing theory and practice, specific to everything needed for your career in business administration.  You can mix and match elective tutorials to your interests rather than being locked down into areas you already know, or areas that are not relevant to your ideal career. Having a wider choice and control over your learning empowers you to stay engaged with your study and retain information better.

Overall, an MBA is an aspirational qualification that requires a heavy commitment of resources for a delayed return. A Diploma of Business Administration is a respected way to gain a practical and valued qualification that opens doors and accelerates your business career. Choose wisely and start today.

The entire BSB training package has undergone a review and overhaul from PWC and AISC. In October 2020, the new Diploma of Business (Operations) (BSB50120) course was announced, superseding and expanding on the older Diploma of Business Administration (BSB50415). The Diploma of Business (Operations) (BSB50120) focuses on the operations of a business, particularly key transferable skills in business administration, finance and communication, to create a more holistic and future-focused business qualification. Learn more about the Diploma of Business (Operations) (BSB50120) here.