5 examples to help you craft a slogan for business campaigns

Key takeaways

  • Unlike brand


    slogans are often specific to a marketing campaign or individual product or service

  • Use slogans to communicate the value of your products or services, while staying true to the tone of your brand

  • The best slogans are brief and memorable and may even become synonymous with your brand outside of a marketing campaign 

Great slogans stick in your head. The moment you hear the phrase “finger lickin’ good,” you’re transported back to the last time you enjoyed KFC chicken or saw a KFC ad. The best advertising slogans don’t just make a great first impression—they also keep customers connected to brands, products, and services for years to come.

For many businesses, slogans are an irreplaceable advertising tool, as well as a core part of small business branding. If you want to make your business stand out, a catchy slogan can be one of your greatest assets. So what is the best kind of slogan for business campaigns, and how do you create one? Here’s everything you need to know to find one that sticks.

What is a slogan?

A slogan is a memorable phrase that represents your product or service and your brand. The short phrase should communicate the value of what you’re selling while also capturing the spirit of your business. Businesses often use slogans in marketing campaigns to set their messaging apart from the competition.

Slogans vs. taglines

Slogans are distinct from taglines. Though both are catchphrases that differentiate your brand, taglines tend to be broader and more reflective of your company as a whole. 

Taglines are used as a permanent part of your brand identity—the public image that helps your target audience connect with your company—so they are often displayed on website headers and next to company logos.

Examples of taglines include:

  • Just do it

    ” from


  • I’m lovin’ it

    ” from


  • “Because you’re

    worth it

    ” from

    L’Oréal Paris

  • Think different

    ” from


  • “Got milk?”


    California Milk Processor Board

  • America runs on Dunkin

    ’” from Dunkin’

While similar to taglines, slogans are usually designed for specific ad campaigns or to promote a specific product or service. A slogan acts as a value proposition, or a summary of why shoppers should purchase from you. Companies often rotate between business slogans or change their slogans over time.

An example of an effective slogan for business campaigns comes from M&M: “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.”

Slogans and taglines can overlap, as is the case with brands like KFC, but slogans rarely have the same staying power that taglines do.

Why are company slogans important?

Each time you invest in ads, you compete with thousands of businesses for your target market’s attention. Ad agencies predict that ad spending will reach an all-time high in 2022, exceeding hitting an estimated $320 billion in the U.S. alone. 

A unique company name by itself won’t be the deciding factor in winning business. More than ever, companies need to become distinct and memorable—and a good slogan can help do just that.

Slogans help your audience recognize what you’re selling while keeping your brand and its solutions top-of-mind. When attached to marketing campaigns, slogans also help consumers differentiate among your collection of products or services. 

Take Coca-Cola’s products, for instance. While slogans for the classic Coke product often focus on its refreshing qualities—for example, “catch the wave” and “the cold, crisp taste of Coke”—its newer products have unique value. Coca-Cola with Coffee is marketed with the slogan “sips like a Coke, finishes like a coffee,” while Coca-Cola Starlight urges: “Try a taste from a new world.”


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How to craft a slogan for business campaigns

The best slogans are brief and memorable. Feel free to get creative when drafting an advertising slogan, but keep these tips in mind to make it as effective as possible.

  • Identify your unique value:

    Great slogans

    tell consumers why they need a product or service from your brand over all others

  • Reach your target audience:

    Tailor your slogan to your

    target audience’s needs

    to ensure they connect with a campaign’s messaging 

  • Align with your brand:

    Write a slogan that stays true to your

    brand personality

    (the human characteristics of your brand) and your company as a whole

  • Keep it concise:

    Prioritize catchiness and uniqueness to grab your audience’s attention—and expand your messaging in the rest of your campaign

5 popular slogan examples

To help you brainstorm creative slogan ideas for your business, here are five effective examples for inspiration.

1. De Beers

A diamond is forever.”

Considered one of the best slogans of all time, this iconic short phrase was transformational for the diamond industry. Debuted in a 1947 ad campaign, De Beers effectively communicated the value of an engagement ring as a symbol of commitment and permanence.

De Beers’ is an example of how a slogan created for a specific product can become a tagline synonymous with your brand.

2. Ruffles

“Ruffles have ridges.”

In this slogan, Ruffles offers a clear, succinct image of what makes its chips different—but that’s not all it does well. This statement is an example of how a product slogan can align with a broader brand. The slogan uses the same blunt yet playful tone that Frito-Lay, which owns Ruffles, embraces in its catchy tagline: “Food for the fun of it.”

3. BMW

“The ultimate driving machine.”

If you want to create a slogan for business campaigns that’s not focused on a specific product or service, this is an example of how to do so. BMW’s brand slogan was actually part of a long-term campaign that proudly proclaimed:

“We don’t make sports cars. We don’t make SUVs. We don’t make hybrids. We don’t make luxury sedans. We only make one thing. The ultimate driving machine.”

While BMW has since let go of this phrase, it has remained memorable for many decades.

4. Mastercard

“There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Mastercard.”

Slogans don’t always have to be short. Unlike taglines, slogans don’t have to fit within a website title or be legible within a logo graphic. Slogans are often placed within longer-form content like TV commercials, social media captions, and video ads.

This Mastercard slogan shows how you can artfully write a two-sentence slogan without sacrificing catchiness.

5. Bounty

“The quicker picker upper.”

Bounty goes outside the box with its slogan, which has proven to be a memorable way to market its paper towels as better at absorbing than any other brand. It’s a playful, short phrase that’s highly versatile across campaigns. 

This slogan also helps Bounty distinguish itself from other brands like Brawny, which focuses on the strength of its products with the slogan “paper towels for truly tough messes.”

Create a memorable slogan

So what is a slogan? A slogan is a memorable phrase that communicates the value of your products or services while providing a peek into your larger brand store. Much like a jingle, a great slogan can make your products and services as recognizable as your brand name. 

Once you use these tips to craft a slogan for business campaigns, learn how to incorporate brand storytelling that drives sales.