5 Top Shopify Blog Examples to Learn How to Master Sales & Conversions – Wishpond Blog

5 Top Shopify Blog Examples to Learn How to Master Sales & Conversions

Running a Shopify store isn’t an easy task, especially if you’re a new eCommerce brand. Boosting conversions and growing traffic can be one of the biggest challenges to any Shopify store.

Next to marketing, there’s another way you can attract new customers and increase conversions by using a Shopify blog for SEO. If done right, SEO can drive a 14.6% conversion rate.

In cooperating SEO with your content marketing strategy, it helps to boost your Shopify store’s exposure and sales. It also helps to build credibility and, with the help of your Shopify blog, proves you care about informing your customers.

Starting a Shopify blog is also cost-effective (with the help of a dedicated writer). Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about three times as many leads. Not to mention, around 82% of marketers who blog see positive ROI from their inbound marketing.

Today I’m going to show you the best Shopify blog examples from real-life brands and how you can learn how to master sales and conversions with your own Shopify blog.

Press is a brand that sells cold-pressed juice cleanses that prides itself on healthy living and fitness. Content marketing is a big part of their online strategy. Instead of creating a run of the mill blog, they took it a step further and created a hybrid online magazine and blog called Squeeze Magazine.

After all, most business owners and marketers view content as a business asset because 84% of people expect brands to produce content that entertains, provides solutions and produces experiences and events.

Educate Your Audience About Your Product & Niche

Press’s Squeeze Magazine is focused on healthy living, not just highlighting their juices but fitness and a healthy lifestyle from all aspects. The magazine offers workout routines, diets, the best healthy places to eat from when traveling, along with healthy food suggestions as well.

This type of content marketing allows customers to stay or return for more content from the Squeeze magazine, and it’s not directly selling products but educating and attracting its ideal customers that fit directly into their niche.

With health-based content, their most likely to attract a customer who might want to purchase their juices to maintain or start their healthy lifestyle. Press will also be seen as a credible source by its customers as they provide consistently, update, and reliable information on their blog.

They don’t make wild claims out of anywhere or run sensational headlines, and instead take the time to find credible sources and list them in relevant blog posts for readers to see. Building trust between the brand and its readers, that very trust shines on the brand’s products and product value.

ThirdLove sells one thing: bras. All sizes, shapes, colors, and materials. But their main focus is bras. Unlike Press Squeeze Magazine, which talks about all sorts of health and lifestyle topics, ThirdLove’s Shopify blog is focused on only one thing…bras.

This type of hyper-focus on such a topic, when done right, allows your brand not only to be niched but become a dominant brand within that nice. Because of their focus, they know their target market really well—hooks, cups, and all.

Use Blogs to Highlight Your Product Smartly

ThirdLove’s treats its blog more as a fitting room than a blog itself, it’s informative, relatable, and ultimately helps the customer to buy with confidence.

Each blog always has a link back to a product or FAQ solely based as a solution to the reader’s problems, so it feels more like a solution rather than a sales pitch. This again allows you to highlight your products in your blog (not as often but) smartly to boost conversions on your site.

People are consistently bombarded by ads every day. They hate it. Take it from a content marketer, and people want to be eased into the processed not forced to take out their credit card. Become an asset to their shopping experience, and you’ll see conversions on your Shopify blog increase.

MVMT is one of the top Shopify stores and luxury “on-trend” brands that sells watches, sunglasses, and accessories to Millenials who are driven by style and success.

What makes MVMT’s blog so unique is that instead of articles, they show off routines and looks from their most well-known customers and influencers.

Their blog is also original; rather than writing articles like everyone else, they show the looks and routines of their most well-known customers. You can buy an influencer’s exact apparel right from the articles!

Incorporate Influencer Marketing in Your Blog

Influencer marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry that has the best implications. Social media isn’t the only place you can collaborate with influencers. Use your Shopify blog to highlight influencers and the products they love from your store.

Partnering with an influencer, especially a blogger, allows you to tap into their followers and readers to drive traffic to your blog.

When MVMT started its blog, Matt Komo is the first in the #HowWeDoTime series, and this involved learning about what the influencer did for 24 hours. This was to help focus their best selling product, watches.

On Matt Komo’s social media page, he also posted lifestyle pictures of him in his favorite MVMT products along with a special discount code. They followed this strategy with other influencers, which has contributed to their online success.

As a bonus, they created a video to capture all of Matt’s activities, using YouTube to drive viewership and to promote the blog.

Here are some influencer marketing guides to help you along the way:

Au Lit Fine Linens sells everything to help you get a good, relaxing night’s sleep: luxury sheets, bath linens, pillows, and more. Their blog follows this same trend, offering helpful articles that discuss how their readers can improve their sleep quality. This content is directly relevant to both their target audience and their products, which is an immediate plus because it means that users who click through and read are already somewhat qualified to buy.

This blog also uses a technique that almost all other eCommerce companies could borrow from. They write content that appeals to Google searches that potential customers are likely to make, like “what duvet size is right for my bed.” This is an exact phrase that users may be searching for, and they have a post all about it.

Have a Keyword Strategy for Your Shopify Blog

SEO plays a significant role in your Shopify blog success. Don’t just write for the sake of writing. A good keyword strategy allows you to rank for the top spot on Google (which is SEO royalty).

You don’t have to be an SEO expert to get started in fact here are a few tips you can start implementing right now to get your keyword strategy started:

  • Find long-tail or short-tail keywords that your customers are most likely to search for when looking for specific topics or solutions to their problems.
  • Add keywords as alt text to your images to help rank for image search on Google. This expands your reach online, and if you’re unable to rank for regular search, then image search comes second.
  • Start backlinking your product pages to your blog to help increase clicks. You can also partner with influencers or bloggers who can add your blog and product links to increase ranking as well.

You can also take things a step further and use this amazing Ecommerce SEO Checklist: 20 Essential Tactics.

BioLite is an eCommerce store selling outdoor energy gear like solar panels and camp stoves. Their blog does an excellent job, both quietly promoting their products and offering value to their readers.

Their blog is highly are in-depth and acts more like the Reddit or Quora of outdoor energy gear than anything else, answering in-depth Q&A current or potential customers might have before making a purchase. While the blog offers significant value, there’s another thing that it does very well that we need to discuss. It utilizes a distinct brand voice and storytelling in order to build its brand and encourage more people to join in on the outdoor fun.

It’s built a reputation as not only an approachable brand but a community of people who will willingly promote and advocate for their products on and off their blog.

Encourage Discussion & Build Community

Your blog should become a community that builds trust and safety for readers before or after they make a purchase. It may sound silly but your Shopify blog positions you as the source for your products, rather than leaving the customer to wander around online looking for someone else to help them.

And who knows what other people have to say about your brand or influencer negativity about your brand. Let them get all their information from you first.

Plus, any brand that’s willing to put in the time for a blog is also willing to put in the time for their customers because it shows you care about what happens to customers after a purchase.

Six Shopify Blogging Do’s and Don’ts

When you’re creating a Shopify blog, there are general rules that you should follow if you want to keep your readers hooked, exciting, and SEO effective:

  • Always Add Value: Your blog should be tailored to what your target audience wants to read, not what you want to read. Create content that not only add values but entertaining.
  • Have Clear Blogging Goals: You should always have a clear goal as to why you’re blogging. You should be focused on building rapport with your readers and driving sales. But you should also create goals like brand awareness, product clicks, or repurchases.
  • Be Consistent with Publishing Posting consistently allows you to get clear cut results. Your readers can also subscribe and look out for your next post, helping you to grow your readership.
  • Make It Mobile Friendly: By 2021, mobile is predicted to dominate online sales, driving 54% in sales. More people are reading blogs from the comfort of their phones, so ensure that your Shopify blog layout is optimized for mobile.
  • Don’t Oversell: People are reading your site to learn more about the topic. You can place product links in your blog, but don’t focus on selling your product heavily for it will turn away readers.
  • Add Images to Your Post: People love visuals, be sure to add images to your blog post, and not just your product images. Add diversity, colors, and illustrations that add color and tell a story.


Having a Shopify store is a long game that pays off with massive success and online notoriety. It’s worth the investment in time and money if done right. Here’s a quick recap of the tips we learned from the six best Shopify blogs to help you master sales and increase customers:

  1. Educate Your Audience About Your Product & Niche
  2. Use Blogs to Highlight Your Product Smartly
  3. Incorporate Influencer Marketing in Your Blog
  4. Have a Keyword Strategy for Your Shopify Blog
  5. Encourage Discussion & Build Community

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