5 Teams Every Organization Needs
For some time now, the concept of teamwork has clung to the edge of obscurity, in danger of becoming a discarded cliché. Yes, you agree with the notion that “together, everyone accomplishes more.” And yes, you see motivational value in addressing your employees as “Team” in person and in emails. But you’re not exactly lacing up your running shoes to dash to the store to have “Go Team!” T-shirts printed for your employees, either. As a practical, no-nonsense small-business owner, you’re more interested in adding real value to your business by learning more about the five types of teams every business needs at some point in its lifespan.
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Delineate Teams From Committees
It’s easy to blur the line between a team and a committee. And they do share one commonality: the members meet for a purpose. But the entities differ in some key ways. To delineate the two in your mind, it may help to consider their differences:
- Teams share leadership; committees usually appoint a leader. Team members share responsibility and are equally accountable; committees stress individual responsibility and accountability. Teams encourage free-flowing discussion and active problem solving; teams follow a meeting agenda.* Team members discuss, decide and work together; committee members discuss, decide and delegate.
- Teams measure their performance by the collective result of their work; committees measure their effectiveness indirectly, through their influence on others.
Committees certainly have their place in a business, especially large ones. In fact, you may have heard of companies that encourage employees to join at least one employee committee, such as an activities, benefits or morale committee. Involvement gives employee a voice – or at least the appearance of one – while providing management with key insights about what employees are thinking.
Teams Can Provide Value to a Small-Business Owner
Like committees, teams are accountable to management. But the real benefit of teams in your workplace is that once you identify the most suitable members, they can last in perpetuity, at least informally. Teams never really have to disband. As long as the members work for your company, they can be a member of two teams: the larger “company team” and a smaller work team. This is one reason why teams can be so valuable to a small-business owner.
Teams can provide value to your business in other ways, too, especially by:
- Energizing and motivating your employees by providing another vehicle for their contributions.
- Giving employees ownership in important management decisions.* Empowering employees to find solutions on their own and/or turn to their colleagues for help when they need it.
- Sending an important message – and in a subtle way. Since teams share leadership and tasks, the message is: “The boss trusts you enough to work together, without micromanaging your efforts.”
- Revealing new approaches, solutions and tactics. That cliché about “teams accomplishing more” may be tired, but it still holds true.
Some research also suggests that employees who serve on different types of work groups report greater job satisfaction and are less likely to quit – an important insight for a small-business owner, especially in a tight labor market. However, it’s difficult to determine whether these employees credit the team environment or more altruistic measures, such as “feeling connected to a greater purpose” and “feeling valued and respected for making contributions.”
Embrace Five Types of Teams
Either way, there is little doubt that five types of teams could help advance the interests of your small business, whether you need them now or at some point in the future:
- A working team consists of the same members of a department, such as a sales team, a marketing team and a finance team. Also known as a functional work team, this type of team is fundamental to any growing business. Members inherently understand each other’s roles and functions in a company. Team members usually work closely together for a shared purpose, meeting every day or several times a week. Or they may be assigned a special project or task within their area of expertise, such as designing a new sales, marketing or finance initiative. The leader is usually assigned by default; the person with the highest level of authority also leads a working team. Of all the types of teams, this one is often the most cohesive.
- A self-directed team consists of volunteers who meet over a shared goal. Unlike a working team, a self-managed team does not have a leader; team members share responsibility, though it may not be equal. If you’re having difficulty imagining what would spawn a self-directed team to form, think of a band, whose members are drawn together by a shared love of music. Self-directed workplace teams often convene over a shared interest or passion, too, such as mastering a new computer program. You might assume that a lack of structure could lead to clashes and infighting. And while this is possible, self-directed team members are usually drawn together because they like and respect each other and know better than to let petty differences jeopardize their bigger goal.
- A management team consists of department leaders. Lower-level employees may refer to them as “the big guns,” but not necessarily in a pejorative manner. Presumably, these are the people you count on most. And presumably, they can rise to the occasion by bringing their different and valuable perspectives to a vexing workplace problem or dilemma.
- A project team consists of members of multiple company departments. Also known as a special purpose or task force team, this type of team has a “charter”; they are called together to plan an event, such as the annual holiday party, or solve a looming workplace issue, such as the rising cost of health care benefits. Project teams are usually temporary in nature; once they accomplish their objective, team members disband, although they can reprise their role at a later date if and when the need arises. Since a project team is interdisciplinary, the challenge for the small-business owner is to appoint the “right” representatives who will make worthy contributions without ruffling the feathers of the rest of the flock.
- A multi-functional team consists of members from different departments or areas of a company, too. But unlike a project team, the mission of the members tends to be more long-term in nature. This “standing team” may be charged with ongoing issues such as sustainability, technology or governmental relations. Their involvement and contributions can be crucial to a small-business owner, who has so many other issues to contend with while running a business. A diligent and dynamic multi-functional team can infuse a small business with creative and innovative ideas.
Weigh in on Positive Team Dynamics
While most of these teams may operate on “automatic pilot,” this doesn’t mean you should forget that they’re still accountable to you. The level of your involvement will probably be driven by how much time you have and how much the teams want or need your help. You may occasionally drop in on meetings, acting more as an observer, or be called upon to roll up your sleeves and mediate a dispute. For any circumstance, it may help to remind them that teams function best when its members:
- Demonstrate respect. Communicate easily and freely. Listen more than they talk. Offer constructive comments and criticism. Pitch in when other members need help.
- Identify not only problems but also solutions.* Show gratitude and appreciation, whether or not this means printing the occasional “team spirit” T-shirt.