5 IT & Technology Blog Topics to Boost Website Traffic | Markitors


As a technology or IT company, your online presence is more important than it is for most businesses. After all, if you can’t create a quality website, why should anyone trust you with their IT support needs or believe in your tech products?

Creating a quality website is about professionalism and brand reputation, plus it’s a great way to increase revenue.

So, if you’re looking to boost your brand awareness and improve your online presence, try blogging. Blogging not only increases web traffic but also helps educate current clients or customers to improve retention rates.

However, you have to target the right blog topics if you want to create resources that are capable of capturing relevant organic traffic. That’s why we put together this article on IT and technology blog topics to help you out.

Why is blogging important for IT and technology companies?

Building quality content on your website is the foundation of a strong online presence. Without it, most businesses struggle to generate organic web traffic.

In fact, according to data from HubSpot, businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. From multinational tech giants to local IT support companies, blogs are marketing 101 in the tech space.

Oracle, one of the largest database software, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software companies in the world, believes in blogs so much that they run several and even boast a blog directory for top industry blogs as well.

oracle blogs

It’s not a surprise Oracles uses blogging to boost website traffic; it’s a pillar of any effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. SEO works to increase your website’s visibility in search engines—and that means more organic web traffic and more inbound leads.

It all starts with targeting topics that your audience is looking for with premium content and then optimizing that content for search engines.

5 blog topics for IT and technology companies

Before you start blogging you’ll want to do some keyword and industry research for optimal results. Plus, a competitor analysis can help you find strong points in the competition’s content strategy to attack with your own.

Even after all this research, sometimes finding the right blog topics can be a challenge when you first start a blog.

All your blog topics should be beneficial for your goals, your audience, and be something you can write about at an expert level. That’s easier said than done, so we put together a few technology blog ideas to get you started.

Tech Trends

Tech Trends blogs capitalize on keywords with strong momentum. Plus, the technology industry changes so rapidly that people are always looking to stay informed.

One of the best examples of tech trends blogs we’ve seen is from Tulip, the Internet of Things (IoT) developer for industrial manufacturers.

The startup raised $40 million in funding back in 2017 and not long after created one of the best tech blogs around. It’s been attracting steady organic traffic ever since.

Below is an example of one of the company’s recent tech trends articles discussing “What’s Next for Manufacturing.”

whats next tulip

Tutorials and Guides

Tutorials and guides are the bread and butter of tech blogs and information technology blogs alike.

They are the perfect informative content for current customers or clients and also attract organic website traffic.

For example, Salesforce’s “A Beginner’s Guide to CRM Systems” on their blog attracts over 10,000 organic site visitors per month, according to the SEO tool, Ahrefs.

sales force crm

Even smaller IT companies use tutorials and guides to attract customers and create a professional online presence, or to inform their audience about complex processes like data backup.

For example, The IT Support Guys wrote a guide on how to use Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance to protect customers. This is a common area of confusion for their clients.

pci compliance

By elaborating on a solution to this common client obstacle in a blog, the IT Support Guys are not only gaining website traffic but also helping their current clients.

Security Tips

In the technology and information technology industries, everyone is always looking for security tips.

Why? Because in 2020, companies around the world are set to spend over $173 billion on cybersecurity. Not to mention, there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds on someone’s personal computer or phone.

Understandably, companies and individuals are worried about cybersecurity now more than ever.

That’s why so many technology and IT companies feature articles on cybersecurity in their blogs. These blogs position your business as a cybersecurity expert, and help you rank in search engines for important cybersecurity-related keywords.

Here’s one example of what we mean from an article on Android malware. It was written by an IT support company that specializes in medical support services called BCS Medical IT Support to help their clients avoid common hacker entry points.

bcs medical IT support


The complexity of the tech industry leads to a lot of unanswered questions and confused customers. So why not answer some of the most commonly asked questions in full-length blog posts? It could save you some time emailing back and forth with clients. Plus, FAQs are great for web traffic.

Once again, we will look to Oracle’s blog for proof of concept here. Oracle commonly creates educational blogs.

Below is an example titled ‘What is a Converged Database.’ Technical questions like this one that involve a little more in-depth explanation are the perfect choice to bring out of your FAQ page and put into a blog post.

oracle database insider

Highlighting Reviews

Finally, if your business is in a crowded, competitive space in the tech industry, it might pay to write blogs that highlight positive reviews.

This is a tactic that Jiobit, a manufacturer of comfortable health sensors for kids, uses regularly.

They have an article highlighting their PCMag Editors’ Choice Award win in 2018 and several others. Even if your business doesn’t have awards to its name, just by putting the spotlight on positive articles or reviews you can attract more customers.

For example, Jiobit published this article in 2019 which discusses a positive review from Wired magazine.

Brainstorming tip: Finding IT and technology blog topics using Google Trends

In the beginning, writing blogs is fun and easy. Then it hits—writer’s block. You’ve run out of technology blog topics.

Don’t worry. We have a few tools that can help you brainstorm original tech & IT blog topics using real data from Google.

First, there’s Google Trends. The free tool from Google allows users to compare search data of common queries and topics and so much more.

For example, if you are a software developer that sells both database software and CRM software, you might be interested in which term is searched more often in Google.

google trendsThe data from Google Trends shows both are common searches, but CRM slight edges database software.

That brings us to another cool feature of Google Trends. You can see the popularity of terms based on geography. This can spawn all sorts of ideas for regionally optimized blogs.

compared breakdown subregion

Finally, the main draw of Google Trends for brainstorming is the related queries and topics feature.

It shows related topics and queries, plus their popularity increase as a percentage over the past month. That means if you’re looking to target tech trends, this is the tool for you.

Brainstorming tip: Finding IT and technology blog topics using Google Suggest and People Also Ask

Google provides a few more free tools you should know about for finding IT and technology blog ideas. First, there’s Google Suggest.

Also known as the autocomplete feature in a regular search on Google, Google Suggest may not impress you at first, but then it will give you great blog idea after great blog idea—trust us.

Here’s an example for IT companies out there. If you input “My database” and nothing more into Google, the autocomplete function will show you all the most common searches that complete that sentence.

In a moment, all the most common issues customers are having with databases are displayed—these are the perfect blog topics!

google my databaseIf Google Suggest isn’t working for you, there’s always the People Also Ask (PAA) section of Google’s search results.

The PAA section provides commonly searched questions related to your query that make perfect FAQ blog topics.

For example, we typed in ‘my database is stuck in restoring state,’ and the PAA section offered four related questions that all could be their own FAQ blog.

database google restoring

Best practices for using IT and technology blogs as a marketing tool

Now that you have all the technology blog ideas you could need, we want to leave you with some best practices to ensure you’re getting results.

  • Remember your goals. Before you start your blog, it’s a good idea to determine some goals. Do you just want to increase website traffic? Or are you looking to improve client retention rates for your IT services? Blog topics should be tailored to your goals. For example, using more informative blogs about current products and FAQs is better for client retention, while tech trends blogs or in-depth guides may help you improve organic traffic more.
  • Use keyword research. After you’ve selected a few goals for your blog, you’ll need to do some in-depth keyword research, industry research, and competitor analysis to discover the ideal topics for you. Finding top keywords that your blogs can rank for in search engines is the best way to improve organic web traffic. And there are so many free tools to help.
  • Create a blogging schedule for post consistency. If you want your blog to develop a following and rank in search engines, try creating a blogging schedule for post consistency. It will help you avoid repeating topics and improve your web traffic.
  • Optimize images for IT and tech SEO. One of the things inexperienced bloggers often forget is to optimize images for SEO. Images should be optimized with the correct format (PNG or JPEG), proper compression, custom titles, and SEO-friendly ALT text for the best results.
  • Internal and external linking. Internal links help Google crawl and index your site. So if you want more web traffic, remember to link to different landing pages and blogs on your site. External links help Google determine the authority of your site. Including a few more relevant external links to sites that Google sees as an authority can help to boost your site up search engine results pages (SERPs).

Next steps to market your IT and technology business

Growing an IT or technology blog isn’t easy, and it’s also just the beginning of any effective IT marketing strategy.

Digital marketing requires a consistent, well-rounded approach to see results. From search engine optimization, social media, content marketing—the list of strategies goes on and on.

If it all sounds a little daunting, don’t worry. Feel free to contact us for some help. We’d love to help get you started on your digital marketing journey. Or check out the next article in our IT and tech series focused on IT industry directories.

Markitors is an internet marketing agency with a focus on SEO. We help small businesses rank higher on Google to draw more leads to websites and increase revenue. Explore what’s in our SEO toolbox: audits and keyword research, digital PR, technical SEO, and local SEO.
