5 Best Cheap 3D Printers in 2023

A 3D printer is a machine that produces a physical version of a digital 3D model by building it up bit by bit. This is normally done by stacking many two-dimensional “slices” of the computer model atop one another until they form the full 3D object. Because 3D printing starts with nothing and adds material to create the part (rather than subtracting from a larger piece of raw material), it is known as additive manufacturing. Each object to be printed must first be built digitally in a CAD program, run through slicing software, and sent to the printer’s computer.

What to Look for in a Low-Cost 3D Printer? 

The following items should be considered when looking for a low-cost 3D printer:

  1. Printing image quality
  2. Materials to use (for example, if ABS filaments will be used, find a 3D printer whose bed can be heated enough that ABS will adhere to it).
  3. Layer resolution
  4. Printing speed
  5. Print volume
  6. Price 

Why Purchase a Low-Cost 3D Printer?

Listed below are some reasons to opt for a low-cost 3D printer:

  • It is more practical, especially for starters, hobbyists, and home users.
  • You’re creating parts using cheap materials (for example ABS filaments).
  • You only need to produce small parts that will fit within the machine’s print volume.

Where to Buy Cheap 3D Printers?

Cheap 3D printers can be purchased from reliable e-commerce websites such as: Amazon, BestBuy, and Alibaba.

How Much Should I Spend on a 3D Printer?

3D printers run the gamut from a few hundred dollars to a few hundred thousand. Those with price tags of between $250 and $500 are considered cheap 3D printers. What you decide to spend on a printer depends heavily on your budget, your needs, and the parts you intend to produce. 

Is It Less Expensive to Buy or Build a 3D Printer?

Purely in terms of materials, it is cheaper to create your own 3D printer. And if you intend to print as a hobby, the construction and testing of a homebuilt printer can be a hobby project in and of itself. However, the process is time-consuming and non-trivial. If instead, you intend to print as a business venture, premade printers or kits will be cheaper once work hours are factored in. 

What Are the Differences Between Low-Cost and High-Cost 3D Printers?

Many differences between low-cost and high-cost 3D printers are easy to predict. Expensive printers generally print higher-resolution, higher quality, and more functional parts. However, the machines are often larger and more expensive not only to buy but to maintain and operate. Additionally, some print materials are far more pricey than the simple offerings like ABS and PETG that even the best cheap 3D printers are limited to.