41 Thank You for Shopping Small Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring) – Inspired Year

Small businesses need to thrive and succeed. One of the main reasons behind this is their loyal customers who keep coming back, again and again, to help them grow in business!

As a small business owner, you can thank your regular customers for their support by sending thank you for shopping small messages. Here is a list of sample thank you for shopping small messages that can help you express your appreciation towards your customers.


#1 Thank you for supporting small businesses like mine. Without customers like you, we wouldn’t exist! I wish you nothing but the best and hope to serve you again soon!

#2 Thanks again for being here through everything with me. I love you for it! Please come again soon, and get what you like at any time with no rush. Love you!

#3 Thank you so much for your patronage. Without people like you, my business would not exist. I hope to see you soon so we can chat about all the latest things.

#4 Thanks for shopping small with me – it really does make a difference! Your support has meant everything to me and it’s an honor to serve you. It is always great to see familiar faces come through my door.

#5 If anyone deserves the best, it’s someone who supports local businesses like mine everyday! Thank you so much for your support – I could not do this without all of our loyal customers like yourself!

#6 Thank you for taking a chance on me! I know that there are big businesses out there, but supporting small business owners like myself is what makes our community strong. I hope to see your return soon.

#7 It means so much to me knowing that my hard work and determination has helped bring in new customers like yourself! Thank you for believing in the little guy. I do my best to provide quality products and services, so it’s wonderful to know they have gone noticed!

#8 Thank you so much for shopping with us! Without smaller companies like ours, the local economy would suffer greatly. We truly appreciate all of our wonderful customers, just as we hope you appreciate all of our efforts.

#9 Thank you for supporting small businesses like mine! It’s tough out there today but because of people like you, our business is still going strong after 10 years! Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

#10 I can’t say thank you enough for your support! Without customers like you, our business would not exist. Thank you very much! I hope to see you again soon!

#11 Thanks so much for your patronage. We don’t get many customers these days but when we do, it really makes our day! Thanks again and I do hope to see you in the store again soon!

#12 We are so fortunate that people like you still believe in small business like ours. Thank you for shopping local, and supporting small businesses everywhere. You are appreciated more than words could ever express.

#13 You make me feel like my work isn’t in vain and makes every single day worth working hard at my job; knowing that there are people out there who appreciate what I do. So thank you for being a part of the community.

#14 The world becomes a brighter place when there are people who care enough to shop from us, and it continues to be a brighter place with customers like you! I hope that you enjoy your purchase and remember, we’re here for you if anything goes wrong.

#15 We have so many wonderful conversations over the counter – about food or family or even just life in general…it’s my absolute favorite part of this job. Thank you for spending time with me as well as shopping with me.

#16 Thank you for being a loyal customer! It is only because of people like you that small businesses can keep going. Thank you so much for your continued support and I hope to see you again soon!

#17 When I think back on all the customers that have walked into my shop, it’s people like you who make my business possible; we couldn’t do what we do without shoppers like you. You are appreciated and valued by us here at [SHOP], and we hope to continue serving you in the future.

#18 Thank you for shopping at my store! I hope that you enjoyed your experience with me and my staff. Come back soon so we can see what else there is to put on display!

#19 Thanks for checking out my shop, even if it was just for a quick browse. There are plenty more items where those came from, so come by again soon!

#20 I’m really grateful that you decided to buy something today. It means the world to me that you like what I have created enough to want one of them in your own home. Thank you so much!

#21 Thank you for stopping by my store today! I hope all was well; please come again soon, as there are always new products coming in.

#22 Thank you so much for your support! I love the fact that you chose to shop at a locally owned business, and it’s my mission to offer you service that will keep you coming back.

#23 It is so inspiring to me that you chose this store over all of the other options in town. Your loyalty means everything! You are always welcome here, enjoy your shopping experience today!

#24 Thank you for supporting small businesses like ours! We are thankful for our community because without our customers, we wouldn’t exist. Come by soon!

#25 We hope you enjoyed your shopping experience! Thank you for choosing us over big box retailers. We appreciate everything that you do for our family-owned business. Please come again soon!

#26 Thank you for supporting small businesses like mine. We wouldn’t be here without customers like you! It was so great to see you again, come back soon!

#27 Your support of local businesses is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for shopping with us today, we hope to see you again soon!

#28 Thank you for coming out and supporting our store! Thank you so much. Your support means the world to us, thank you again for your visit.

#29 Thank you for shopping at my store today. I am excited that yet another customer has found something special in my shop. To show my gratitude I would like to offer 10% off their next purchase!

#30 Thank you again for shopping here at [Store Name]. This store wouldn’t exist without customers like you! I hope everything works out great for you. Please, come again soon.

#31 It’s so nice to have customers like you who still believe in the power of small businesses and take the time to support them! It means a lot to us here at [Store Name]. Thanks, and we hope to see you again soon!

#32 Thank you for shopping local and supporting our little store here! My family and I appreciate your patronage and we wish nothing but the best for you. Please stop by again sometime.

#33 I had a great time getting to know each of the regulars and first-time shoppers that came today. I hope to have you all back soon! Thank you for shopping small!

#34 Thank you so much for coming to my little shop today. It was a pleasure serving you and getting to know each of our regulars a little better. Today was a great day, and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings. We have really appreciated your business!

#35 Thank you for choosing to shop small with us. We had such a wonderful time meeting everyone, and it is customers like you that allow us the opportunity to be open in the first place. Let’s make our future together even better than these last few months!

#36 Thank you for supporting my little business. I know that the economy is tough, but I hope you’ll keep shopping small! Only by shopping local can we keep these businesses alive.

#37 Thanks so much to everyone who shopped at our boutique this holiday season! We are so grateful to have customers like you who love and support small businesses just as much as we do! Thank you again for your generous patronage!

#38 You were fantastic customers, and I really enjoyed having all of you come in. I wish that everyone was as good at shopping as y’all are! You’re always welcome here, so stop by anytime.

#39 It is truly my pleasure to be able to do what I love every day. There is no greater feeling than knowing that it is people like you who allow me to do so. Thank you for shopping small this holiday season and throughout the year!

#40 I’m proud of how hard my team and I have worked this year in order to provide our customers with quality products. It has been a joyous journey so far, and we are only just beginning. Thank you for your support throughout this process – without people like yourself, my business would not succeed.

#41 Thank you for supporting small businesses like mine! I’m very grateful that we have customers like you who keep us afloat. I hope to serve you again soon and wish you nothing but the best in the future!

Warp Up

Supporting a local, independent business is important to the community where you live. When someone shops small, it means they’re supporting the local economy in their neighborhood. To thank people for doing that you can use sample thank-you messages like these ones from this article.