40 Examples of Digital Business

Digital business is the creation and capture of value through electronic channels. Currently, this mostly refers to services provided over the internet including elements such as ecommerce, mobile apps and business services. In many cases, the digital business value chain has physical elements such as an online retailer that ships physical products to customers. The following are illustrative examples of digital business.

is the creation and capture of value through electronic channels. Currently, this mostly refers to services provided over the internet including elements such as ecommerce, mobile apps and business services. In many cases, the digital business value chain has physical elements such as an online retailer that ships physical products to customers. The following are illustrative examples of digital business.

Bricks & Clicks

Business-to-Business Ecommerce

Cloud Services

Communication Services

Content Subscriptions

Creative Services


Digital Advertising

Digital Banking

Digital Business Services

Digital Design Services

Digital Goods

Digital Magazines

Digital Marketing

Digital Markets

Digital Media

Digital Payments

Digital Sales



Ecommerce Reselling

Gig Economy

Infrastructure as a Service

Mass Customization

Mobile Apps

Online Auctions

Online Communities

Online Consulting

Online Event Bookings / Tickets

Online Retailer

Online Travel Bookings

Product Customization

Recommerce / Used Goods

Service Subscriptions

Social Media Content

Software as a Service

Streaming Media

Subscription Boxes

Video Games

Virtual Reality / Immersive Experience