4. Fully Connected Deep Networks – TensorFlow for Deep Learning [Book]


Dropout is a form of regularization that randomly drops some proportion of the nodes that feed into a fully connected layer (Figure 4-8). Here, dropping a node means that its contribution to the corresponding activation function is set to 0. Since there is no activation contribution, the gradients for dropped nodes drop to zero as well.


Figure 4-8.

Dropout randomly drops neurons from a network while training. Empirically, this technique often provides powerful regularization for network training.

The nodes to be dropped are chosen at random during each step of gradient descent. The underlying design principle is that the network will be forced to avoid “co-adaptation.” Briefly, we will explain what co-adaptation is and how it arises in non-regularized deep architectures. Suppose that one neuron in a deep network has learned a useful representation. Then other neurons deeper in the network will rapidly learn to depend on that particular neuron for information. This process will render the network brittle since the network will depend excessively on the features learned by that neuron, which might represent a quirk of the dataset, instead of learning a general rule.

Dropout prevents this type of co-adaptation because it will no longer be possible to depend on the presence of single powerful neurons (since that neuron might drop randomly during training). As a result, other neurons will be forced to “pick up the slack” and learn useful representations as well. The theoretical argument follows that this process should result in stronger learned models.

In practice, dropout has a pair of empirical effects. First, it prevents the network from memorizing the training data; with dropout, training loss will no longer tend rapidly toward 0, even for very large deep networks. Next, dropout tends to slightly boost the predictive power of the model on new data. This effect often holds for a wide range of datasets, part of the reason that dropout is recognized as a powerful invention, and not just a simple statistical hack.

You should note that dropout should be turned off when making predictions. Forgetting to turn off dropout can cause predictions to be much noisier and less useful than they would be otherwise. We discuss how to handle dropout for training and predictions correctly later in the chapter.

How Can Big Networks Not Overfit?

One of the most jarring points for classically trained statisticians is that deep networks may routinely have more internal degrees of freedom than are present in the training data. In classical statistics, the presence of these extra degrees of freedom would render the model useless, since there will no longer exist a guarantee that the model learned is “real” in the classical sense.

How then can a deep network with millions of parameters learn meaningful results on datasets with only thousands of exemplars? Dropout can make a big difference here and prevent brute memorization. But, there’s also a deeper unexplained mystery in that deep networks will tend to learn useful facts even in the absence of dropout. This tendency might be due to some quirk of backpropagation or fully connected network structure that we don’t yet understand.