3.1. Troubleshooting overlay networks · Orchestration de conteneurs

Troubleshooting overlay networks

Troubleshooting overlay networks

  • We want to run tools like ab or httping on the internal network
  • Ah, if only we had created our overlay network with the --attachable flag …
  • Oh well, let’s use this as an excuse to introduce New Ways To Do Things

Breaking into an overlay network

  • We will create a dummy placeholder service on our network

  • Then we will use docker exec to run more processes in this container

  • Start a “do nothing” container using our favorite Swiss-Army distro:
      docker service create --network dockercoins_default --name debug \
             --constraint node.hostname==


    alpine sleep 1000000000

The constraint makes sure that the container will be created on the local node.

Entering the debug container

  • Once our container is started (which should be really fast because the alpine image is small), we can enter it (from any node)
  • Locate the container:

    docker ps
  • Enter it:



    -ti containerID sh


  • We can also be fancy and find the ID of the container automatically

  • SwarmKit places labels on containers

  • Get the ID of the container:

    CID=$(docker ps -q --filter label=com.docker.swarm.service.name=debug)
  • And enter the container:





  • Ideally, you would author your own image, with all your favorite tools, and use it instead of the base alpine image

  • But we can also dynamically install whatever we need

  • Install a few tools:
    apk add --update curl apache2-utils drill

Investigating the rng service

  • First, let’s check what rng resolves to
  • Use drill or nslookup to resolve rng:
    drill rng

This give us one IP address. It is not the IP address of a container.
It is a virtual IP address (VIP) for the rng service.

Investigating the VIP

  • Try to ping the VIP:
    ping -c 3 rng

It should ping. (But this might change in the future.)

With Engine 1.12: VIPs respond to ping if a
backend is available on the same machine.

With Engine 1.13: VIPs respond to ping if a
backend is available anywhere.

(Again: this might change in the future.)

What if I don’t like VIPs?

  • Services can be published using two modes: VIP and DNSRR.

  • With VIP, you get a virtual IP for the service, and a load balancer
    based on IPVS

    (By the way, IPVS is totally awesome and if you want to learn more about it in the context of containers,
    I highly recommend this talk by @kobolog at DC15EU!)

  • With DNSRR, you get the former behavior (from Engine 1.11), where
    resolving the service yields the IP addresses of all the containers for
    this service

  • You change this with docker service create --endpoint-mode [VIP|DNSRR]

Looking up VIP backends

  • You can also resolve a special name: tasks.<name>

  • It will give you the IP addresses of the containers for a given service

  • Obtain the IP addresses of the containers for the rng service:
    drill tasks.rng

This should list 5 IP addresses.

Testing and benchmarking our service

  • We will check that the service is up with rng, then
    benchmark it with ab
  • Make a test request to the service:

    curl rng
  • Open another window, and stop the workers, to test in isolation:

    docker service update dockercoins_worker --replicas 0

Wait until the workers are stopped (check with docker service ls)
before continuing.

Benchmarking rng

We will send 50 requests, but with various levels of concurrency.

  • Send 50 requests, with a single sequential client:

    ab -c 1 -n 50 http://rng/10
  • Send 50 requests, with fifty parallel clients:

    ab -c 50 -n 50 http://rng/10

Benchmark results for rng

  • When serving requests sequentially, they each take 100ms

  • In the parallel scenario, the latency increased dramatically:

  • What about hasher?

Benchmarking hasher

We will do the same tests for hasher.

The command is slightly more complex, since we need to post random data.

First, we need to put the POST payload in a temporary file.

  • Generate 10 bytes of random data:
    curl http://rng/10 >/tmp/random

Benchmarking hasher

Once again, we will send 50 requests, with different levels of concurrency.

  • Send 50 requests with a sequential client:

      ab -c 1 -n 50 -T application/octet-stream -p /tmp/random http://hasher/
  • Send 50 requests with 50 parallel clients:

      ab -c 50 -n 50 -T application/octet-stream -p /tmp/random http://hasher/

Benchmark results for hasher

  • The sequential benchmarks takes ~5 seconds to complete

  • The parallel benchmark takes less than 1 second to complete

  • In both cases, each request takes a bit more than 100ms to complete

  • Requests are a bit slower in the parallel benchmark

  • It looks like hasher is better equipped to deal with concurrency than rng


Why does everything take (at least) 100ms?

rng code:

RNG code screenshotFigure 89 : RNG code screenshot

hasher code:

HASHER code screenshotFigure 90 : HASHER code screenshot

But …


Why did we sprinkle the code with sleeps?

  • Deterministic performance

    (regardless of instance speed, CPUs, I/O…)

  • Actual code sleeps all the time anyway

  • When your code makes a remote API call:

    • it sends a request;

    • it sleeps until it gets the response;

    • it processes the response.

Why do rng and hasher behave differently?

Equations on a blackboardFigure 91 : Equations on a blackboard

(Synchronous vs. asynchronous event processing)

Global scheduling → global debugging

  • Traditional approach:

    • log into a node
    • install our Swiss Army Knife (if necessary)
    • troubleshoot things
  • Proposed alternative:

    • put our Swiss Army Knife in a container (e.g. nicolaka/netshoot)
    • run tests from multiple locations at the same time

(This becomes very practical with the docker service log command, available since 17.05.)

More about overlay networks

.blackbelt[DC17US: Deep Dive in Docker Overlay Networks (video)]

.blackbelt[DC17EU: Deeper Dive in Docker Overlay Networks (video)]