30 Healthy Fast Food Options To Order At Taco Bell And More

Whether you’re on a road trip or just craving a burger like no other, sometimes you just need to eat fast food. Yes, even nutritionists turn to McDonald’s now and then. (What, you thought they literally meal-prepped all their food? Nah.) And, luckily, more and more healthy fast food restaurants pop up every day.

Of course, not all fast food is created equal. “It definitely comes down to what you order,” says dietitian Keri Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet. “There are the healthier choices and then there are the not-so-great ones.”

Still, “with everybody’s hectic schedules these days, it is definitely okay to eat fast food sometimes,” Gans says. “No one should feel guilty about it.”

Plus, if you’re really craving a burger but force yourself to stick to something you don’t truly enjoy, “you’ll likely end up eating more than you would have had you just stopped to get the fast food you wanted,” says Alissa Rumsey, RD, a NYC-based dietitian and owner of Alissa Rumsey Nutrition and Wellness. “One meal will not make you unhealthy, just like one meal will not make you healthy.”

If you find yourself at a chain food joint and want to stay on the healthier side of things, though, there are a few things to keep in mind.

“Ordering as simple as possible, like grilled chicken or a single hamburger, is always a safe bet,” Gans says. “Pass on extra toppings, such as bacon or special sauces and opt for more veggies and whole grains, if possible.”

Rumsey recommends considering the following: “I like to think about what the meal is providing and how it will make me feel. Will the meal sustain me? Am I getting adequate protein, carbs, fat and fiber? Will it make me feel tired and sluggish or energetic?”

Since a lot of places let you custom order these days, if you see something that sounds delicious but want to tweak it to make it healthier, you usually can, Rumsey adds.

Not sure where to start? Here are the healthy fast food restaurant orders nutritionists turn to in a pinch.