30 Best Marketing Blogs to Follow in 2022 (Expert Picks)

In the ever fast-paced and constantly-changing marketing industry, you can be snowed under staying up to date with the latest trends while running your campaigns and operations every day.

If you’re one of these marketers and small business owners struggling to keep up with the marketing world, education is your best action. And we don’t mean you have to pour over reading a book.

All you need is to set aside a fraction of your time reading marketing blogs with the articles relevant to your needs like digital marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, SEO, among others.

We’ve brought together the best marketing blogs to read and subscribe to. Here’s a list of top-notch marketing blogs to follow:

Table of Contents

  • Best Marketing Blogs for Content Marketing
  • Best Marketing Blogs for Digital Marketing
  • Best Marketing Blogs for Social Media
  • Best Marketing Blogs for Email
  • Best Marketing Blogs for SEO
  • Best Marketing Blogs for General Marketing

30 Best Marketing Blogs to Follow

Best Marketing Blogs for Digital Marketing

Established in 1999, Econsultancy has been one of the leading independent organizations providing essential resources for thought leadership and digital transformation.

They’ve also created the best marketing blog posts about digital marketing, outbound, and inbound marketing like industry statistics, case studies, business forecasts, key opinion leaders’ interviews, and marketing automation tips. 

Articles to start reading now:

  • Hivestack’s CMO on the benefits of digital out-of-home
  • How automation helps Uswitch succeed amid ‘cut-throat’ competition

Digiday connects with its vast audience across the web by creating blog posts, research materials, special podcasts, and email newsletters. It covers a wide array of digital marketing topics such as programmatic advertising, online marketing, video marketing, and more blog post topics.

Articles to start reading now:

  • How God-is Rivera helped put Black Twitter in front of marketers
  • ‘The beginning of a trend’: Performance metrics begin creeping into different parts of publishers’ ad deals

Another go-to industry favorite blog among digital marketers and CMOs, eMarketer mainly tackles independent analyses regarding internet marketing, digital marketing, ecommerce, and online business, in general. Every single day they publish posts like forecasts and reports about the changing online consumer behaviors.

Articles to start reading now:

  • Platforms’ increasing focus on brand suitability lets advertisers claw back a bit of control
  • The new era of data-driven marketing requires collaboration and trust

Neil Patel Blog

Considered one of the United Nations’ 100 top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35, Neil Patel is also a prolific blogger. His blog earns more than 2.3 million visitors monthly discussing a variety of blog topics like how to optimize landing pages and execute conversion optimization. The blog of Neil Patel is straightforward and relates to both newbie and seasoned marketers.

Articles to start reading now:

  • How to Write a 2,000-Word Article in 2 Hours
  • How to Capitalize on Misspellings and Typos in Social Listening

HubSpot Blog

Brian Halligan, the founder of Hubspot, is best known for coining the phrase inbound marketing in 2005. Today, Hubspot is one of the best digital marketing blogs that specializes in customer relationship management and marketing automation.

You’ll also read blog posts on landing pages personalization, video marketing, inbound sales, and content marketing. Hubspot also creates posts on integrations for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

Articles to start reading now:

  • How the HubSpot Blog Generates Leads [+ How Yours Can, Too]
  • How to Revive an Old Blog Article for SEO

Best Marketing Blogs for Content Marketing

The Content Marketing Institute, formerly known as Junta42, aims to advance the practice of content marketing. With the aim of advancing the practice of content marketing, the Content Marketing Institute helps businesses navigate how to get started or improve their content marketing efforts, through blog posts, original research, stats, and case studies.

This blog has content marketing resources on original research, statistics, case studies, how-to articles, and more content creation blog posts.

Articles to start reading now:

  • How To Make Content a More Effective Part of Your Sales Funnel
  • The What, Why, and How of Video’s Next Revolution in Content Marketing

Rock Content Blog

With more than 8 million monthly website visits around the world, Rock Content is part of ScribbleLive, a North American technology company, has a blog that helps you write relevant and timely content for your target audience.

From blog posts regarding customer acquisition, conversion rate optimization, and up to customer retention strategies, this blog is right up the alley of any content marketer.

Articles to start reading now:

  • Learn How to Create Interactive Blog Posts that will Boost your Engagement Rate
  • SEO vs Social Media: Which one Should you Devote more Attention to?

Contently, another industry-leading content marketing platform, has a flagship blog called The Content Strategist. Marketers, small business owners, and big brands can learn strategic insights about content storytelling, copywriting, and overall content management. This blog also shares posts on overall digital transformation, marketing research, and brand content marketing.

Post to start reading now:

  • Your 3 Biggest Content Strategy Questions, Answered

Copyblogger comes with an arsenal of posts useful to any seasoned marketers or budding content creators. It teaches valuable information about smart copywriting, effective blogging, and even real-world tips on how to overcome writer’s block.

Post to start reading now:

  • How to Write a Killer “How To” Article That Gets Attention

Curata, one of the best content marketing software companies, empowers any content marketer to scale with its data-driven company blog.

This blog is recommended for any marketer who also wants to learn more about budgeting time, manpower, and money for content projects. Curata shares best practice posts across all facets of content marketing—strategy, execution, promotion, distribution, and analytics.

Post to start reading now:

  • How to Be a Better Content Marketing Writer, Taylor Swift Style

Best Marketing Blogs for Social Media

An online community and resource for marketing professionals and marketers, Social Media Today has thought-provoking and well-thought-out blog content. This blog delivers a new article of top stories, innovative best practices, and a list of the latest trends in the industry.

Post to start reading now:

  • Twitter Provides New Checklist for Small Business Saturday Promotions

One of the best blogs with the largest social media marketing resources today, Social Media Examiner creates posts, original research, how-to advice, and top experts articles. Social Media Examiner blog helps marketers navigate how to generate buzz, connect with their target customers, and execute conversion rate optimization.

Articles to start reading now:

  • Upgrade Your Facebook Marketing Strategy for 2022
  • Boost Your Social Content With This User-Generated Content Strategy

Buffer is a best-in-class social media management platform that also has a dedicated social media marketing blog—curating authentic ways to reach and connect more people on social.

The blog covers a wide range of quality content about marketing trends, digital marketing strategies, content creation, and analytics from some of the most engaging brands.

Post to start reading now:

  • 4 Tips for Consistently Generating High-Quality Social Media Content for Your Small Business

A well-known social media platform, Socialbakers provides marketing tips and marketing trends for its thousands of enterprise brands and small & medium-sized businesses. From this blog, you’ll discover in-depth content about social listening, influencer marketing, customer analytics, and more.

Post to start reading now:

  • 7 Proven Tactics to Boost Your Customer Engagement on Social Media

Socialnomics Blog

Socialnomics is a blog that spawned from Erik Qualman’s #1 best-selling book of the same title. The blog focuses on how businesses can drive meaningful engagements, activities, and results from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and more.

Articles to start reading now:

  • Why High-Quality Content Matters
  • How Social Media is Changing eCommerce

Best Marketing Blogs for Email

Even with its edgy name, Email on Acid is one of the best business agencies in email preparation. It offers helpful and quality content about email marketing, email development, email subscription, spam testing, and email analytics to help developers, marketers, and businesses achieve email efficiencies and improve marketing profitability.

Articles to start reading now:

  • How to Use Interactivity and Dynamic Content in Holiday Emails
  • 6 Grammar and Style Mistakes That Affect Email Conversion Rates

Mailchimp Blog

Mailchimp, an email marketing software and marketing automation service, has a proprietary blog that helps business owners and marketers engage with their customers.

The blog covers email best practices, step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and a list of case studies in the email marketing industry.

Post to start reading now:

  • How to Develop a Strong Digital Brand for Your Business

Sender Blog

Sender is a specialized email marketing platform catering to small and medium businesses. To help their clients, they created one of the best-in-class blogs that provide strategies on email content creation, online marketing, and lead generation. They also give tips on digital marketing and SMS marketing best for any marketer.

Post to start reading now:

  • Email Sequence Examples with 8 Real Cases

Campaign Monitor Blog

Trusted by more than 250,000 customers worldwide, Campaign Monitor is also another leading email marketing software company.

To educate their clients, they created one of the most well-known digital and email marketing blogs for free resources on email automation and digital marketing topics. They also have an email subscription feature to get the latest marketing tips, tactics, and news.

Articles to start reading now:

  • Why Email Campaign Reporting Is Important (And How to Do It)
  • Email Subject Line Tips and Best Practices for 2022 (with Examples!)

Email Uplers Blog

Previously known as EmailMonks, Email Uplers is a full-service email marketing agency for all email design and coding requirements as well as end-to-end email campaign management. Their email marketing blog covers best practices for effective email marketing, design trends, and email inspirations.

Articles to start reading now:

  • 6 Email Design Trends For 2022
  • Email Retargeting – A Quick Guide To Get Started

Best Marketing Blogs for SEO

Backlinko is one of the well-known SEO blogs and training companies founded by Brian Dean, called an “SEO genius” by Entrepreneur.com. This blog provides actionable posts like search engine optimization tips, case studies, and link-building strategies.

Post to start reading now:

  • We Analyzed 3.6 Billion Articles. Here’s What We Learned About Evergreen Content

Rand Fishkin and co-founder Gillian Muessig established Moz, previously called SEOmoz, in 2004. They consequently started The Moz Blog with the goal to create an online community where some of the world’s SEO experts can share their research and ideas about search engine optimization.

Articles to start reading now:

  • How to Measure the Quality of Your SEO Traffic Using Google Analytics
  • Why SEOs Need to Invest More in Long-Form Content (and How to Do It)

Search Engine Journal is another community-based SEO blog to help educate and empower SEO practitioners and marketers. This blog covers posts on the latest best practices, best-in-industry SEO guides, and actionable tips from independent and in-house digital marketing experts.

Post to start reading now:

  • 5 Essential Enterprise SEO Trends To Watch In 2022

CognitiveSEO is best known as an SEO tool but also has an equally popular blog that provides straightforward and easy-to-digest SEO techniques. This blog consists of posts on keyword tracking, competitor link analysis, link building, landing pages personalization, and more.

Articles to start reading now:

  • 13 Things We Learned from 10 Years of Writing SEO Friendly Blog Posts
  • How a Digital Marketer Ranked in Google Featured Snippet in Less Than 48 Hours

Another must-read blog for marketers, Search Engine Land discusses a wide-range list of search engine optimization posts. The blog offers daily coverage posts of SEO industry trends, breaking news, practical tips, and even digital marketing disciplines.

Articles to start reading now:

  • 5 ways to improve organic SEO with customer reviews
  • SEO community feels blindsided by November core update as Google defends timing

Best Marketing Blogs for General Marketing

A marketing agency focusing on small and medium businesses, the Duct Tape Marketing blog is an excellent resource for simple yet effective marketing strategies.

This blog teaches an all-encompassing view of marketing—customer journey, mobile marketing, CRM, video marketing, email marketing, SEO, paid search, social media, advertising, content marketing, and some traditional marketing posts.

Articles to start reading now:

  • The Secret To Making The Hard Sell Easy
  • How To Live Your Ideal Entrepreneurial Life

With more than 10 million readers reached every month, Business.com is a resource destination for business owners looking for guides and posts about marketing, advertising, and business, in general. From this blog, you’ll read posts and articles like brand-building strategies, content management, pay-per-click campaigns, lead generation, and inbound marketing.

Articles to start reading now:

  • 14 Ways to Improve Your Local Marketing Strategy
  • Back to Basics: 10 Offline Marketing Tactics That Still Work in Today’s Digital World

Seth Godin, an American best-selling author, businessman, and marketer shares his insights and advice on his daily marketing blog, Seth’s Blog.

His posts in the blog are distinctive, motivational with a unique character—discussing his experiences and real-life take on effective marketing strategy, SEO, online marketing, and overall business operations.

Articles to start reading now: 

The MarTech blog is a community of marketing technologists and most renowned marketers who contribute content and share their experiences. It has since become one of the most popular blogs with posts on how technology enables every aspect of marketing.

MarTech’s content is organized into six topics in the blog post: transformation, data, operations, experience, performance, and business management.

Articles to start reading now:

  • Creating value when content and experience are data-driven
  • How brands can build digital resilience

Marketing Insider Group Blog

Marketing Insider Group blog was founded by Michael Brenner, one of Forbes’ Top CMO Influencers of 2017. The blog provides quality content articles like SEO ideas, lead generation strategies, conversion optimization, content curation, social media marketing, branding, and data analytics. It also gives focus on overall marketing from a B2B point of view in this blog.

Articles to start reading now:

  • 21 Marketing Trends You Need to Know For 2022
  • How To Reach Your Target Audience Through Text Message Marketing


What are the most popular marketing blogs?

Some of the world’s marketing blogs that get huge amounts of traffic are Hubspot, Neil Patel’s blog, Business.com, Search Engine Journal, Buffer, The Moz Blog, and CopyBlogger.

What do the top marketing blogs do well?

Aside from well-written content and articles, the top marketing blogs share the similarity of knowing who they’re writing for—their readers are the center of all of their blog posts.

Every single day, these blogs try to understand what type of content resonates with their audience. From there, they make sure that every article has a list of actionable tips to follow.

What are the lessons from 30 Best Marketing Blogs?

Our list of best marketing blogs gives importance to publishing unique, relevant, and useful content, above anything else. They also give emphasis on how authentic interaction with your target audience is essential to keep the conversations alive and build lasting customer loyalty.

Setting marketing goals with simple and straightforward objectives can also help any marketer and business owner to refine the strategy may it be for content creation, social media post, or any campaign.