29 New Costumes From The Cheap Cosplay Guy That Are Hilariously On Point

Fandango may not have been prepared for the “Avengers: Endgame” fans, the latest film from Disney’s Marvel Studios, but no doubt hardcore fans will be prepared for the film – especially cosplayers. Cosplay costumes can get pricey with all the wigs and make-up, so why not take some tips from Thai cosplay enthusiast Anucha “Cha” Saengchart, the creator behind “Lowcost Cosplay,” who is back at it again with some funny costumes.

From a budget-friendly Thanos make-up to a blonde, pastry-haired Goku, Saengchart is sure to inspire you with his creative creations. You can check out more from this brilliant cosplayer in our previous posts here and here and don’t forget to upvote your favorite low budget cosplays!